Quinnipiac University

Emergency Preparedness and Response

We make sure our community stays connected at all times in the event of an emergency. In cases where there is a crisis or event that threatens the safety or well-being of any facet of the university, a campus alert will be issued, with communications broadcast via the website, our text alert system, and social media channels.
Sign up for emergency alerts

In Case of Immediate Emergency Assistance

911 For Life-Threatening Emergencies

Call or text 911

988 For Mental Health Emergencies

Call or text 988

  1. Remain calm

  2. Call 911

  3. Specify your location (building, floor, room, etc.)

  4. Give as much information as you can

  5. If you cannot speak, the dispatcher still knows you need help

  6. Stay on the line until the dispatcher tells you to hang up

  7. Call QU Public Safety at 203-582-6200

  8. The dispatcher sends officers to you for immediate assistance

Immediate danger to person or property


A crime in progress

Someone needs urgent medical attention for:

  • alcohol poisoning

  • anaphylaxis reaction

  • bleeding that will not stop

  • change of mental status (unusual behavior, confusion)

  • chest pain

  • choking

  • coughing up blood

  • difficulty breathing, shortness or breath

  • drug overdose

  • fainting or loss of consciousness

  • seizure

Mental health services are needed

  • You may also call 988 for a mental health crisis

Smell of gas (potential gas leak)

For Non-Life-Threatening Emergencies

Safety and Emergency Status Updates

No emergency at this time

How to Respond in an Emergency

Access critical information and resources to help you respond to emergencies on campus in the sections below. 

  • Inform the dispatcher of the individual's symptoms.

  • If needed, provide first aid. First-aid guide

  • If they are not breathing or have no pulse, begin CPR. How to perform CPR

    • If available, utilize an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).

  • Do not move the individual unless there is immediate danger

  • If safe to do so, send someone outside to guide emergency responders to the individual


  • Follow instructions from authorities.

  • Evaluate options (Run, Hide, Fight).

  • If possible, lock doors, turn off lights and barricade the door.

  • Report any suspicious activity, sounds or smells via the Rave Guardian App or by calling the numbers above.

  • Remain in your location until authorities declare "All Clear"

View American Red Cross resources for first-aid

  • Shelter indoors; follow authority instructions.

  • Stay away from windows.

  • Remain in location until authorities declare "All Clear"

View the severe weather checklist

  • Activate the fire alarm and alert others if applicable.

  • Evacuate the building in an orderly manner.

  • Once outside, remain as far away from buildings as possible.

  • Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants and walkways clear for responders.

Learn more about what to do if a fire starts 

Definition of ‘Shelter in Place’

As part of our ongoing commitment to safety, public safety reminds all students, faculty and staff of the definition and importance of the "Shelter in Place" directive, which you may receive in the event of an emergency or drill.

"Shelter in Place" is a protective action taken to remain indoors to avoid external hazards, such as severe weather (like a tornado) or a hazardous-material release. If sheltering in place is necessary, university officials will notify you through our emergency notification system with specific instructions, including:

Get Inside, Stay Inside

  • Get inside. Bring your loved ones, your emergency supplies, and when possible, your pets

  • Find a safe spot in this location. The exact spot will depend on the type of emergency

  • Stay put in this location until officials say that it is safe to leave

Staying Put in Your Vehicle

  • In some emergencies it is safer to pull over and stay in your car than to keep driving. If you as are very close to home, your workplace, or a public building, go there immediately and go inside.

  • Follow the “shelter-in-place” recommendations for that location. If you can’t get indoors quickly and safely:

    • It may be safer to pull your car over and stay put than to keep driving. Listen to local officials to know what to do.

    • Pull over to the side of the road.

    • Stop your vehicle in the safest place possible and turn off the engine.

    • Stay where you are until officials say it is safe to get back on the road.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with this term and be prepared to respond should the need arise.

Your safety is our priority, and we appreciate your attention to this important matter.

Are you receiving the Quinnipiac emergency alerts? If you are not receiving the alerts and wish to do so, please have your student log into Self-Service and add emergency contacts on the bottom. Parents can’t log into this site, only the students. Please be advised that you will receive all alerts from Quinnipiac (bear sighting, road closures, weather alerts, emergency situations, etc). You will receive the alerts (as texts, phone calls and emails) in real time. 

  • Familiarize yourself with Quinnipiac’s Emergency Preparedness Procedures

  • In an emergency, always call 911 first.

  • Register for approved Quinnipiac University emergency communications and other important information via text message and email. You may also register for Guardian and transform your mobile phone into a personal alarm beacon. In the event of an emergency, critical information you elect to share will be provided to Quinnipiac University to help them more quickly respond and help you. This service is provided to you free of charge by Quinnipiac University. Learn more about Rave

  • Quinnipiac Public Safety is available 24/7 for a safety escort. Public Safety officers will drive or walk you to/from your vehicle or classroom at any time and for any reason.

Responding to an Armed Intruder / Active Shooter

  • Don’t let others impede your escape; however, offer to help others if possible. 
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Warn/prevent others from entering the area.
  • Call 911 when you are safe. 

  • Lock and/or block the door behind you. 
  • Silence your cellphone. 
  • Hide behind large objects. 
  • Remain quiet and stay out of view. 

  • Attempt to incapacitate the intruder. 
  • Act with physical aggression.
  • Improvise weapons.
  • Commit to your actions.

Active Shooter Training video

Active Shooter Training

Quinnipiac provides all employees with training in emergency situations.


Make Sure You Receive Emergency Alerts


The Rave Guardian app transforms student, faculty and staff cell phones into personal alarm beacons. Users can use it to create a virtual escort service as they walk across campus, as well as send tips to Public Safety.

Download Guardian Opens in a new tab or window.