Quinnipiac University

Inclusive Excellence Summer Assembly

2023 IESA Speakers

Inclusive Excellence Summer Assembly

The Inclusive Excellence Summer Assembly is a two-day convening designed to affirm the role of community members as collective stewards of institutional change and development. The annual assembly is designed to include traditional discussions, such as panels, roundtables and workshops and provide un-conferencing sessions around tool building and resource sharing.

The Fourth Inclusive Excellence Summer Assembly will take place May 13 - 14, 2024

(Re) Defining Transformational Learning

May 13 - 14, 2024

Learning theorist Jack Mezirow defines transformative learning as a process by which learners encounter new information, evaluate their worldviews based on the new information and reflect on changes in belief, thought or knowledge. While helpful, Mezirow's theory privileges the individual learner's transformation.

From an ecological perspective, every individual is in a relationship with other individuals, meaning transformation ripples through fluid social networks.  What and how individuals learn have important consequences for society, reminding educators of their enormous responsibility.

Transformational learning must also intersect with transformative justice, a framework for transforming unjust social systems into ones that emphasize diversity and equity.

Attendees will seek answers to complex and critical questions:

  • How do we encourage transformational learning?

  • What reflective practices have helped students reflect on new experiences?

  • What assignments or activities have resulted in students adapting their worldview in some small way?

  • How do we promote transformative justice?

  • What opportunities exist for students to connect with communities in meaningful ways?

  • How might students become more active in using what they are learning to promote important social causes?

In response to such questions, we encourage proposals that model practices or provide guided exploration into new possibilities. Of course, these questions are not definitive. We highly encourage proposals that interpret any of the above in a variety of ways.

Schedule of Events for the 2024 IESA

View the schedule of events for the first day of the conference below.

Time Event Location (York Hill Campus) Participants
9 a.m. Restoration Circle RTSC 303  
11 a.m. Building the Inclusive Excellence Educational Resource Repository (IEERR) RTSC 303 Dwayne Boucaud, Anna-leila Williams, Jennifer Dauphinais
11:30 a.m. Lunch On the Rocks  
11:30 a.m. Poster Session: Actualizing Professional Identity Through Transformative Learning On the Rocks Roseanna Tufano, Janelle Mathew, Angelina Neto, Paige Velie, Kathryn Zito
1 p.m. Making meaning through book-club style close reading RTSC 303 Martha Zornow, Sebastian Mueller
1 p.m. Cultural sensitivity when working with the transgender and gender diverse population RTSC 310 Jillian Celentano, LMSW
1 p.m. Inclusive Listening-Centred Pedagogy RTSC 311 Katie Place
  Transforming Health and Wellness for First Year College Students   Tracy Van Oss, Morgan Miller, Molly Sawyer, Migdalia Wood, Nickole Biedrzycki, Jessica Van Oss
2 p.m. Strategies to Support Student Mental Health RTSC 303 Moderator: Clorinda Vélez; Panelists: Penny Leisring, Gina Abbott, Katie Place
2 p.m. QUADS Mentor Experience Roundtable RTSC 311 Cindy Kern
  Using art to aid in transformational learning   Meg Abernathy
2 p.m. How to find support for a career dedicated to transformational justice. One possibility: Fulbright! RTSC 310 Mohammad Elahee, Fodei Batty, Rachida Park, Maureen McCarthy, Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox

Presented by the Inclusive Excellence Teaching Lab

Our Growing Community of Inclusive Educators

The Inclusive Excellence Teaching Lab and the Inclusive Excellence Summer Assembly are championed by a growing community of educators who share the same commitment and dedication to developing inclusive learning environments at Quinnipiac and beyond. Fellows and Co-Chairs are appointed to one-year terms aligned with the academic calendar.

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