Quinnipiac University

Diversity and Inclusion

Three students walking and smiling on campus

Diversity and Inclusion

At Quinnipiac, our mission is to create a diverse and inclusive community where every member is acknowledged, respected and has the necessary resources to thrive, both individually and together. We incorporate inclusive excellence in everything we do to create a globally engaged, culturally rich and highly collaborative campus.

Upcoming Events

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion

A group of students smiling while attending the Multicultural Carnival on Mount Carmel Campus

We view inclusive excellence as an essential value that defines who we are and where we are headed as the University of the Future. Our policies and programs celebrate differences as sources of strength and empower everyone to embrace who they are and share their experiences, customs and beliefs. Our goal is to foster conversation, exposure and engagement with all people, thoughts and ideas — from all corners of the world.

Inclusivity and diversity help our students develop empathy, compassion and appreciation for the differences that make the world a fuller place. They prepare students for life after graduation and for success in a highly competitive, creative and global workforce. Moreover, they develop informed and engaged citizens ready to do their part in creating a more just and equitable world.

By the Numbers

21% Diversity

Percentage of the current first-year class who self-identify as students of color.

20% Generation Now

Percentage of the Class of 2021 who self-identify as first-generation students.

Our Journey to Inclusive Excellence

In Spring 2021, we introduced the university’s first Equity and Inclusion Report. It tracks a variety of key initiatives that are building a culture of inclusive excellence, reports on the progress we are making, and spotlights the students, faculty and staff who are bringing this important work to life. 

Download the reports:

Fall 2024 report (PDF)

Fall 2023 report (PDF)

Spring 2022 report (PDF)

Spring 2021 report (PDF)

Be Involved

A group pf students greet each other on campus

College is a time to grow socially, develop a global mindset and meet people with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives.

At Quinnipiac, there are many ways to experience different cultures and customs while being exposed to new ideas and to expand your view of the world. Our cultural, identity and faith-based organizations all create a welcoming environment that invites students of all races, ethnicities, genders and religions to celebrate their beliefs and cultural interests, w hile providing ways to share them with the campus community.

Off campus, there are numerous civic engagement and international travel programs for students. These enable students to experience diverse cultures and traditions while working in solidarity alongside members of local communities, other global citizens and our academic partners around the world.

We support 18 cultural and identity-based student organizations that are committed to diversity, enhancing student experience at QU and building inclusive spaces for underrepresented populations. Each organization meets regularly and provides opportunities for engagement through programming and other club activities.

  • African & Caribbean Student Union (ACSU)
  • Asian Student Alliance (ASA)
  • Black Student Union (BSU)
  • Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
  • Indigenous Student Union (ISU)
  • International Student Association (ISA)
  • Italian Cultural Society (ICS)
  • Latino Cultural Society (LCS)
  • Minority Association for Pre-Medical Students (MAPS)
  • Multicultural Student Leadership Council
  • Muslim Student Association (MSA)
  • NaturallyMe (NM)
  • Quinnipiac University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (QUCSSA)
  • Quinnipiac University Irish Club (QUIC)
  • South Asian Society (SAS)
  • Turkish Student Association (TSA)
  • Women Empowered (WE)
  • Women in Support of Humanity

The Office of Inclusive Excellence

The Office of Inclusive Excellence promotes and sustains multicultural and global education by mentoring and advising students, facilitating transformative cultural experiences, preparing students to be responsible global citizens and enhancing creative and critical thinking through local and global academic engagement. We help define, enable and foster an inclusive campus culture that embraces the diversity of identities, ideas and values.

Global Education

Part of our mission is to develop responsible, empathetic citizens who are invested in global issues and cultures, as well as opportunities in the international community. 

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Multicultural Education

Our goal is to create an environment that reflects, supports and encourages students to celebrate their cultural heritage together.

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We are committed to ensuring that all students, faculty and staff are supported and enabled to access the technology, information, programs, services and facilities they need to succeed both in and out of the classroom. 

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Age-Friendly University

Quinnipiac is proud to be a member of the Age-Friendly University (AFU) Global Network, which consists of 51 institutions of higher education around the world. Each of these institutions has embraced the principles of age-friendliness and is committed to upholding equity and inclusion across their programs and policies.

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LGBTQ+ Support & Services

Quinnipiac is a place where people of any sex or gender have a right to live, work and go to school in a community that is free of discrimination and harassment. 

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The Inclusive Excellence Teaching Lab

The Lab is intended to provide and cultivate an intellectual environment for scholars from across the university who have demonstrated their commitment to, and interest in, issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion within their curricular and co-curricular approaches.

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Title IX

We are committed to providing an environment free from gender-based discrimination and harassment. Consistent with its commitment to addressing gender-based misconduct, the university complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. 

Learn more

Additional Resources