Quinnipiac University

MHS in Physician Assistant Accreditation and Policies

Review information about the accreditation, mission, policies and certifying exam scores for the MHS in Physician Assistant program below.

Accreditation and Policies

Accreditation Overview

At its September 2023 meeting, the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, Inc. (ARC-PA) placed the Quinnipiac University Physician Assistant Program sponsored by Quinnipiac University on Accreditation-Probation status until its next review in September 2025.

Probation accreditation is a temporary accreditation status initially of not less than two years. However, that period may be extended by the ARC-PA for up to an additional two years if the ARC-PA finds that the program is making substantial progress toward meeting all applicable standards but requires additional time to come into full compliance. Probation accreditation status is granted, at the sole discretion of the ARC-PA, when a program holding an accreditation status of Accreditation - Provisional or Accreditation - Continued does not, in the judgment of the ARC-PA, meet the Standards or when the capability of the program to provide an acceptable educational experience for its students is threatened.

Once placed on probation, a program that fails to comply with accreditation requirements in a timely manner, as specified by the ARC-PA, may be scheduled for a focused site visit and is subject to having its accreditation withdrawn.

Specific questions regarding the Program and its plans should be directed to the Program Director and/or the appropriate institutional official(s).

The program’s accreditation history can be viewed on the ARC-PA website at https://www.arc-pa.org/accreditation-history-quinnipiac-university/.

Additional Accreditation Policies

The PA program faculty are responsible for setting up all clinical rotation sites and recruiting preceptors. Students have an opportunity to suggest a clinical rotation site, if they wish, however, the program will set up the clinical rotation site if it is found to be a high-quality opportunity and can fulfill the goals, objectives, and learning outcomes of the Program. As a policy of the program, in compliance with ARC-PA accreditation standards, students are not required to provide or solicit clinical sites or preceptors.

  1. Matriculate and retain qualified applicants from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. 

  2. Engage all students in community, professional or experiential learning opportunities.  

  3. Graduate physician assistants who have the knowledge and skills for entry-level practice.  

  4. Promote student and graduate involvement in activities that enrich the PA profession.

Download the A3.12b Evidence in Effectiveness in Meeting Goals (PDF)

The National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants is the only certifying organization for physician assistants in the United States. 

Class graduation year Number of first-time takers Program first-time taker pass rate National first-time taker pass rate for the class graduation year
2024 46 98% 92%
2023 51 96% 92%
2022 52 94% 92%
2021 50 92% 93%
2020 49 96% 95%

Five-year, first-time taker average pass rate for program: 95%

Five-year, national first-time taker average: 93%

Download A3.12c: Current Annual NCCPA PANCE Exam Performance Summary Report Last 5 Years (PDF)

Work Policy

Due to the labor and time intensive nature of the Quinnipiac University Physician Assistant Program, students are strongly discouraged from working while enrolled in the program. Any student considering working while enrolled in the PA program must meet with the Department Chair/Program Director to discuss the issue prior to taking on a job. After meeting with the student to gather information about the proposed job, the Department Chair/Program Director will make a recommendation with respect to working while in the program, such as whether the job’s schedule is compatible with the PA program schedule. A letter is then placed in the student’s file. This includes all military obligations. 

Those students who choose to work (with or without program sanction) while in school are expected to attend scheduled classes and fulfill all stated criteria of the program. Performance and attendance policies are to be upheld as stated in this handbook. A student who chooses to work may not miss, be tardy or reschedule classes, labs, exams, special assignments, community service work or clinical rotations. The student may not switch classes, labs, special assignments, community service work or clinical rotations.  

Academic standards must be upheld, and no make-up classes, labs or exams will be offered. If the student’s academic or clinical performance deteriorates or falls below the program standard (minimum semester and overall GPA of 3.00), the Department Chair/Program Director may make the recommendation to discontinue working at any time during the student’s didactic or clinical phase of training. A letter from the Department Chair/Program Director stating the need for the student to discontinue working will be placed in the student’s file. Failure to abide by this policy is grounds for referral to the APR Committee and may lead to dismissal from the program. [ARC-PA Standards, Fifth Edition A3.15e]

The university has a limited number of graduate assistantships available to qualified graduate students. Assistantships are awarded to both full-time and part-time graduate students and provide a monetary award that can be used to offset tuition costs or be taken as a cash stipend. In return for their award, graduate assistants aid or professional service (i.e., library, computer lab, study hall monitor, and clerical positions) in various departments within the university. It should be noted that graduate assistants are not considered employees of the university and therefore they are not eligible for employee benefits or Worker’s Compensation. The number of graduate assistantships varies each year with the needs of the university and the number of qualified applicants. Specific information on graduate assistantships is available from the Office of Graduate Admissions. Physician assistant students may apply for graduate assistantships; however, they are not permitted to serve as a graduate assistant in the Physician Assistant Studies Department. Any student considering applying for a graduate assistantship must meet with the Department Chair/Program Director as outlined in the policy above.  

Physician assistant students may not work within the QU Physician Assistant graduate program (or any of its clinical affiliates) and will not be substituted for regular staff or principal faculty. While enrolled in the university, no student may serve as an instructor or tutor (other than a classmate peer tutor) to other enrolled PA students. [ARC-PA Standards, Fifth Edition A3.04 and A3.05] 

The Quinnipiac University Physician Assistant Program is a one-campus program located on the Quinnipiac University North Haven campus. There are no additional distant campuses for the PA Program. However, Quinnipiac University has 3 campuses which are approximately 15 minutes driving distance of each other. 

Quinnipiac University offers a variety of resources to its students including but not limited to career development fairs, counseling services, student health services, and technical assistance. Certain services are physically located on one campus vs. another. However, student services and resources are available to all students currently enrolled at Quinnipiac University. Please visit the Quinnipiac University catalog for more information on student resources and services.

  Class of 2022 Class of 2023 Class of 2024
Maximum entering class size (as approved by ARC-PA) 54 54 54
Entering class size 54 54 54
Graduates 52 51 46
*Attrition rate 3.7% 5.6% 14.8%
**Graduation rate 96.3% 94.4% 85.2%

Comments: Starting with the Class of 2024, the QU PA Program implemented a new deceleration policy to promote long-term retention. Students have a one-time deceleration option to move to the next cohort. This policy promotes student wellness and success by allowing those who were struggling to reset with time to reflect, change study habits, gather foundational knowledge, and promote mental and physical wellness without the pressure of a fast-paced and rigorous curriculum. In addition, the program has implemented more personalized advising and success coaching for students that may need extra support.

The above table reflects attrition secondary to dismissal, withdrawal, and deceleration. For further information, please access the QU PA Program website “Program Goals”; Goal 1 provides further information regarding attrition.

*Attrition rate calculation: Number of students who attritted from cohort (decelerated + withdrawals + dismissals) divided by the (entering class size + number joining class cohort).

**Graduation rate calculation: Number of cohort graduates divided by the (entering class size + number joining class cohort). 

Download the A3.12i Student Attrition Information (PDF)

Technical Standards

Physician assistant students must be able to meet the requirements and worker attributes of a physician assistant as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration’s Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Handbook. 

Download the A3.13e Technical Standards (PDF)

For additional information, please visit the Quinnipiac University Academic 2023–24 Catalog.