MS in Informatics Curriculum
Our curriculum builds industry-specific knowledge and skills while giving you the flexibility to customize your schedule based on your needs. Below are the course requirements for the MS in Informatics program.
Master of Science in Informatics Program of Study
The MS in Informatics curriculum consists of 30 credits.
Core Courses: 18 Credits
Computing Core (9 Credits)
Emphasis Area Core (9 Credits)
Electives: 12 Credits
- Non-Thesis/Capstone Option (12 Elective Credits)
- Thesis/Capstone Option (6 Thesis/Capstone Credits, 6 Electives Credits)
Total: 30 Credits
Course Listing*
Computing Core for all tracks
Intro to Programming (Python)
Database Systems
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Health Informatics Track
Core courses:
Introduction to Health Informatics
Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care
Controlled Medical Terminology
Electives available:
Foundations of Epidemiology and Public Health
Healthcare Organization and Delivery
Health Information Standards & Interoperability
The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Systems
Disease Processes & Systems
Data Informatics Track
Core courses:
Big Data Management
Data Mining
Machine Learning
Electives available:
Data Visualization for Managers
Project Management
Applied Time Series Analysis
Data-Driven Decision Making
Probability & Data Analysis
Generative AI for Informatics
Legal Informatics Track
Core courses:
Introduction to Legal Informatics & Ethics and Legal Research
Cybersecurity Law
Law Practice Management
Electives available:
Law, Science, and Tech
Understanding AI: Promises and Pitfalls in the Legal Profession
Information e-discovery and digital evidence
Information Privacy Law
Litigation and Courtroom Technologies
Legal Analytics
Health Information Privacy and Security
*The core courses listed are required for each track; however, this is not an exhaustive list of available electives.
Contact Admissions
Our graduate admissions representatives are here to answer any questions you may have and help you navigate the application process.