U.S. News & World Report
Recognized among the best online graduate education programs in the country, Quinnipiac also earned the highest rankings in Connecticut.
As of Fall 2024, the School of Education enrolled 312 students across all programs and courses, including the dual-degree MAT program.
Dual-degree MAT students complete 80 hours of work in public school settings in their junior and senior years.
Graduate MAT students gain practical experience as interns or school employees during the fall and spring, and are eligible to be hired as teachers of record following the second summer semester.
Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership students complete a minimum of 216 hours of practical leadership experience.
Beacon Falls
Fair Haven
New Haven
North Branford
In addition to the numerous long-standing partnerships we have with area school districts, we have special professional development relationships with Side by Side Charter School in Norwalk and the Metropolitan Business Academy and Fair Haven School in New Haven.
These partnerships enhance new teacher preparation, strengthen faculty development opportunities, facilitate inquiry directed at the improvement of practice and enhance student achievement. The partnerships offer candidates the opportunity to experience the complexity and challenges of urban school settings.
The Quinnipiac Future Teachers Organization (QFTO) is a student-run club that organizes events in public schools throughout Connecticut, including after-school tutoring, school beautification and programs that blend academics, nutrition and fitness.
QFTO provides an opportunity for dual-degree MAT students to immerse themselves in school-based activities as early as their first year.
Dual-degree MAT students may travel or study abroad in their sophomore or junior years. Students who go overseas in their junior year take coursework online and have the opportunity to complete fieldwork in a foreign country. Faculty-led credit courses that include study abroad also are available.
Percentage of students who passed the state licensure exams by August 31 of their graduating year (based on 2018 graduating class).
Evidence of our outcomes are found in 8 measures on our Annual Measures page:
The following programs in the School of Education are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) from 2021-2028:
MAT in Elementary Education
MAT in Secondary Education: Biology
MAT in Secondary Education: English
MAT in Secondary Education: Mathematics
MAT in Secondary Education: Social Studies / History
MAT in Secondary Education: Spanish
Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership
The following are new programs which were approved by the CSDE and will be submitted for accreditation in the next cycle as per the requirements of CAEP:
MAT in Secondary Education: Chemistry (approved in 2024)
MAT in Special Education - Initial Certification (approved in 2022)
School of Education graduates earn exceptionally high scores on licensure examinations required for certification both within and outside the state of Connecticut, including the Praxis II tests for special educators and elementary and secondary teacher candidates; the Foundations of Reading Test; Spanish ACTFL Test; and the Connecticut Administrator Test (CAT), taken by the candidates in the Sixth-Year Diploma in Educational Leadership program.
Quinnipiac follows NACE First-Destination Survey Standards and Protocols for the collection and dissemination of undergraduate student initial career outcome information six months after graduation. Learn more about the standards for statistics and reporting used by Quinnipiac.
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