Before we can cure the most challenging diseases of our time, we need to understand their root causes at the molecular and cellular levels. This accelerated dual-degree (3+1) BS/MS program allows current undergraduates in a science major to complete an undergraduate and graduate degree in four years. You’ll gain the specialized skills and knowledge you’ll need to join the fight against HIV, Parkinson’s and cancer, and you’ll be ready to join the next generation of leaders in growing industries such as biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals.
You’ll build a basic foundation in biology, chemistry, biochemistry and physics during the undergraduate portion of the program, preparing you for the more advanced graduate-level work of your fourth year. Connecticut is also home to a number of prominent biotech and biomedical firms, which can provide experiential learning opportunities throughout your time at Quinnipiac.
In our cutting-edge labs and facilities, you’ll learn to analyze genes using modern instrumentation such as thermal cyclers, and examine biological and chemical material with a variety of sophisticated microscopes and other lab technology. Our faculty members come from a diverse range of professional backgrounds and offer a blend of traditional lectures and hands-on lab courses. You also will benefit from an array of guest lectures by local scientists from pharmaceutical and biomedical firms as well as medical schools.