Find your calling in the field of social work

The BA or BS/Master of Social Work program enables incoming students who are entering the College of Arts & Sciences to earn their bachelor’s and MSW degrees in 5 years. This accelerated program is open to students majoring in criminal justice, gerontology, health, medicine and society, justice and community engagementpsychology and sociology, allowing them to tailor their degree to focus on the social issues and problems of greatest importance to them. It also emphasizes interprofessional education and a team-based healthcare approach.

By building an undergraduate foundation in a discipline such as sociology, criminal justice, gerontology or psychology, students create inroads to a range of careers, from mental health and substance abuse counseling to social service administration and city-wide policy planning. This degree prepares students to work in a variety of settings, from schools to hospitals, and to become a major voice and resource for many populations, including at-risk children, veterans, inmates and advanced-age individuals.

Accelerated dual-degree (3+) program students complete their undergraduate work in 3 years. They begin taking graduate-level coursework in their third year before matriculating into the School of Health Sciences for the remaining 2 years, where they complete their MSW and prepare for licensure. All students work closely with a faculty adviser throughout the program to carefully plan their course of study, ensuring timely completion of both degrees.