Quinnipiac University

College of Arts and Sciences Student Advisory Council

The College of Arts and Sciences Student Advisory Council (CASSAC) is a diverse group of student leaders pursuing a wide range of undergraduate majors and minors across the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). Members of CASSAC collaborate with the Dean and the College of Arts and Sciences Leadership Team to represent the interests of students and to work toward the betterment of the College.

Why serve on the student advisory council?

Members of the student advisory council are an integral part of the College of Arts and Sciences experience by sharing their insights with prospective students and advocating for their interests now and in the future. Involvement with CASSAC offers a chance to make a meaningful impact on the community and enhance the college experience for both current and future students within the College of Arts and Sciences.

Member responsibilities include attending bi-weekly meetings during the fall and spring semesters, fostering connections with the dean and the leadership team through social networking hours and representing the input of students. Additionally, members serve as brand ambassadors for the college, including during Welcome Weekend, Open Houses, Academic Exploration Days and alumni networking events.

Members also help select the commencement speaker and recruit potential CASSAC members. Council members serve one-year terms with possible one-year reappointments.


  • Must be a full-time student with a major in the College of Arts and Sciences

  • Should have completed at least one year at Quinnipiac

  • Must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.00 or higher

  • Must be in good conduct standing

  • Must demonstrate extra or co-curricular involvement(s)

Meet the Student Advisory Council

Headshot of Matthew Gothers

Matthew Gothers ’25, MS ’26

Major: Biology
Hometown: Somers, CT/McKinney, TX
Matt is a biology major in the 3+1 Molecular and Cellular Biology program with a double minor in chemistry and gerontology, who was born in CT but finished his highschool career in TX. Outside of CASSAC, Matt is a member of the Honors Program and serves on the Honors Leadership Board as a representative of the Cultural Involvement Pillar, and he also worked as an Orientation Leader. In the future, Matt wishes to attend medical school where he plans to specialize in clinical psychiatry.

Headshot of Ryan Hagerman

Ryan Hagerman ’25

Major: Political Science
 Novato, CA
Ryan is a political science major with history and sociology minors. He represents the QU Political Science community in multiple ways, serving on CAS Council and as President of the Quinnipiac Political Science Association. Using his years of service and leadership experience at the school, municipal and regional levels, Ryan plans to build a career fighting for nationwide public education reform as a lobbyist and nonprofit leader.

Headshot of Hannah Jack

Hannah Jack ’24

Major: Behavioral Neuroscience
Hometown: Watertown, CT
Hannah is a behavioral neuroscience major minoring in chemistry and biology. She serves as a resident assistant in the Live Well LLC, a peer fellow in biochemistry for the Learning Commons and as a QU Advancing Diversity in Science (QUADS) mentor. She is involved in research for the Betz lab in the Department of Psychology, is a member of the Nu Rho Psi Behavioral Neuroscience honor society, is a student representative for the Academic Integrity board and is a music director for the Legends a Cappella group. After graduation, Hannah will be working as a Certified Nursing Assistant while she applies to medical school.

Headshot of Alise Kayser

Alise Kayser ’25

Major: Sociology
Hometown: Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Alise is a sociology major and a criminal justice minor. During her time at Quinnipiac, she worked as a resident assistant and currently serves as the president of the Sociology Club. Alise’s future goals are to continue her studies in graduate school for a master’s degree in social work as she strives to pursue a career that serves others.

Headshot of Thomas Kwashnak

Thomas Kwashnak ’24

Majors: Data Science and Computer Science
Hometown: Middlebury, CT
Thomas is a data science and computer science double major with a minor in economics. He enjoys open source technology, and is currently studying the in-depth algorithms of reinforcement learning, a vital element of modern AI. He is employed on campus as a technology specialist assistant supervisor in the Technology Center. After graduation, he will be working at Travelers Insurance Company in the Business Intelligence and Analytics Leadership Development program.

Headshot of Isabelle Levine

Isabelle Levine ’24

Major: Sociology
Hometown: White Plains, NY
Isabelle is a sociology major with minors in anthropology and criminal justice. She is an active leader on the College of Arts and Sciences Student Advisory Council, and she plays viola in the QU Symphony Orchestra. She previously interned at the Quinnipiac Dawnland Museum and now volunteers there as a docent. After graduation, Isabelle plans to pursue a master's degree in anthropology.

Headshot of Ganine Marotollo

Ganine Marottolo ’24, MSW ’26

Major: Psychology
Hometown: Stratford, CT
Ganine is a psychology major with a minor in sociology and she is in the 3+2 Master of Social Work program. She is an active member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority and holds multiple chair positions within the organization. After graduation, she will continue her education in pursuit of a master of social work degree where she will explore social work through the lens of collegiate institutions. Ganine is also interested in the possibility of earning a PhD in order to become a clinical psychologist.

Headshot of Christopher McAlley

Christopher McAlley ’24, MAT ’25

Major: Mathematics
Hometown: Poughquag, NY
Chris is a mathematics major in the 4+1 Master of Arts in Teaching program. He is currently working with Professor Louis Deaett to research mathematical properties of zero-nonzero pattern matrices triangle numbers, and working in the learning commons as a peer tutor. Chris’s goal is to become a well-rounded math educator working in middle or high schools.

Headshot of Victoria McKenzie

Victoria McKenzie ’24, MAT ’25

Major: English
Hometown: Mahopac, NY
Victoria is an English major in the 4+1 Master of Arts in Teaching program and has plans to work as a high school English teacher after graduation. In addition to her field study placement at New Haven Academy, she is part of the English Honor Society on campus. This is her second year with the College of Arts and Sciences Student Advisory Council and she is very excited to be working alongside her peers in CAS.

Headshot of Katherine Newsome

Katherine Newsome ’25

Majors: Psychology and Philosophy
Hometown: Wall Township, NJ
Katherine is a psychology and philosophy double major. She is a member of the Students of Philosophical Hypothesis in Academia and the Gender Sexuality Alliance, and has served as a captain for QU’s Esports Program. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a job in social assistance to serve others in her community.

Headshot of Amari O'Connor

Amari O'Connor ’24

Majors: Theater and Game Design and Development
Hometown: Springfield, MA
Amari is a theater and game design and development double major with a minor in women’s and gender studies. While at Quinnipiac, they have served as a director in the theater’s New Play Lab and as a panelist for the LGBTQ+ Teach-In. They also participate in the annual LGBTQ+ and the Student of Color Leadership retreats. Amari has been elected public relations chair of the Gender and Sexuality Alliance, and they were appointed assistant director of the musical “Bulgaria! Revolt!”. After graduation, Amari plans to work on building their professional resume while pursuing directing, playwriting, and game design, specifically in narrative or art design. Through their work, Amari hopes to explore the representation of minoritized communities and social justice issues through a creative lens.

Headshot of Kathryn Skidmore

Kathryn Skidmore ’26

Major: Sustainability and Environmental Policy
Hometown: Mount Laurel, NJ
Kathryn is majoring in sustainability and environmental policy and minoring in anthropology. She serves as a member of the Honors Program and Alpha Phi Omega, and works in the Quinnipiac University Poll office. This fall, she is starting an internship at Ideal Fish, a sustainable Bronzino fish farm in Waterbury, CT. After graduation, Kathryn hopes to work with major corporations to lower their carbon footprint and decrease their environmental impact.

Headshot of Sofia Suarez

Sofia Suarez ’25

Majors: Criminal Justice and Sociology
Hometown: Danbury, CT
Sofia is a criminal justice and sociology double major. She is currently the treasurer of the Sociology Club and the G-board representative of the Latino Cultural Society. She is working on her own research project where she is investigating the extent to which undocumented immigrants underreport crime. She has also worked alongside Professor Catherine Solomon in her research in looking at the work/life balance of fathers who have children with disabilities. Proudly, she was chosen to be a part of the Sawhney Leadership Program at Quinnipiac. After graduating she plans on going to law school to become an immigration lawyer.

Headshot of Jennifer Zirkel

Jennifer Zirkel ’25, MAT ’26

Major: Interdisciplinary Studies
Hometown: Massapequa, NY
Jen is an interdisciplinary studies major in the 4+1 Elementary Education Master of Arts in Teaching program. She is a member of the Honors Program and she is also an Honors First-Year Seminar Peer Catalyst through the Learning Commons, guiding first-year students through their adjustment to Quinnipiac. Additionally, she is an active member of Alpha Delta Pi and serves as the chapter's sisterhood programming chair. In this position, she uses her creativity to plan chapter-wide events for girls to meet one another and participate in fun bonding activities. Jen is looking forward to earning her bachelor's degree as well as her master's degree and becoming an influential teacher. She also aspires to work toward an additional degree in school administration to make a greater impact on the school districts she touches.

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