Quinnipiac University

Planning, Advising and Placement Guides for Course Registration

Last updated January 23, 2024

Academic Support | Academic Advising and Registration

Academic Advisers are Here for You

Every student at Quinnipiac is assigned an academic adviser to work with them to plan out a course of study that fulfills the requirements of their program. 

Students may view who their assigned adviser is on Self-Service. Students will see their adviser when looking at their profile at the top of their Course Plan.

  • Please note: New undergraduate students will be assigned an adviser in the late summer before they begin at Quinnipiac. Students will receive planning guidance and registration information during their Orientation sessions. If you have questions, you may contact the dean of your school.

If a student does not have a declared major, they are still assigned an adviser who works with them on the process of exploring and eventually declaring a major. Learn more about being undeclared

In addition, program directors and school leadership are here to help mentor and guide students. We encourage students to contact them throughout their academic journey. Visit the Academic Catalog website for contact information

Plan for Your Degree and Register for Your Classes

Stellic and Self-Service

The university offers two systems for degree planning and course registration.

  • Stellic is used to plan your degree path
  • Self-Service is used to register for courses

Work with your faculty advisor to plan your degree path within Stellic

Log into Stellic

For a short overview of how to use Stellic, refer to the Stellic user guide

Students can find their academic adviser information by logging in to Self-Service. Advisers assist students with reviewing their course requirements for their program of study, and with questions and planning for opportunities like study abroad.


Use Self-Service to register for courses

Log into Self-Service

  • In Self-Service, navigate to “Plan your Degree & Register for Classes”

    • This page is located under Academics > Student Planning > Plan & Schedule

  • During your registration period, use the “Register Now” button on the Schedule screen to quickly add your class selections.

If you are not returning to Quinnipiac, please either complete a leave of absence or withdrawal form.

What’s Happening Now

Summer and Fall 2025 course registration

Learn more about registering for academic courses

Course Listings

You may use our online course catalog to search for available courses and course sections.

Course Search

Course Level and Placement Guides

Incoming Students

Placement Exams

All incoming students will take placement exams during the summer to help determine which level of courses in which they should enroll. The links to these placement exams are available in Q-Start, Quinnipiac's new-student onboarding portal.

Advanced Standing/Placement Guide (AP and IB credits)

Advanced standing or placement will be considered for entering first-year students who have successfully completed college-level credit courses (with a grade of C or better on an official transcript) through a regionally accredited college or university, or who have achieved an acceptable score on an appropriate examination.

Review the advanced placement guide

Math Placement Guide

The following is to a guide to which mathematics course(s) you need to take to fulfill not only the University Core, but the requirements of your major.

Current and new students should consult with their adviser or department chair for help with this process or requests for making changes to their courses. The link to the math placement exam for incoming students is available in Q-Start, Quinnipiac's new-student onboarding portal.

If you wish to know more about math courses and math placement, please contact Lisa Hollman.

Math placement guide (PDF)

Contact Your School

The offices are available to students as a resource for questions such as requesting permission to add a course, or general inquiries about programs.

School or Course Type Course Code(s) Contact
College of Arts & Sciences courses AN, AR, BIO, CAR, CAS, CHE, CJ, DR, DS, EC, EN, ENV, FS, GDD, GP, GPH, GT, HS, IDS, IRST, JS, LE, MA, MCI, MU, PHY, PL, PO, PS, SCI, SO, SPS, WGS, Languages CASDeans@qu.edu
For a retake or closed course please use retake a class or add to closed course form
Business courses AC, BAN, BBA, BLW, CIS, ENT, FIN, HM, IB, MBA, MG, MK, OL, PMBA, SB, STR SBdeans@qu.edu
For a closed course please use the Closed Course form
Computing and Engineering courses CER, CSC, CYB, ENR, IER, MER, SER Engineering@qu.edu
Communications courses ADPR, COM, FTM, GID, ICM, JRN, MSS, PRR, SPCM SchoolofCommunications@qu.edu
Education courses ED, EDL, IDN, SEL, SPED Marion.Sparago@qu.edu
Health Science courses AMI, AT, BMS, DMS, FLW, HSC, PY, OT, OTD, OTM, PA, PR, PT, RA, RS, SHS, SW SHSDeans@qu.edu
Nursing courses NUR SNURDeans@qu.edu
First-Year Seminar courses FYS FYS@qu.edu
Transfer credit questions   TransferAdmissions@qu.edu


Office of the Registrar
Email: registrar@qu.edu
Phone: 203-582-8695
Fax: 203-582-8749