Quinnipiac University

QCard Terms and Conditions

1. The Card

You must present your own QCard in order to purchase products or services. The QCard can be used at all participating locations on and off campus. The QCard is the property of Quinnipiac university and is non-transferable. The QCard may be deactivated and retained by a Quinnipiac university official when presented by any cardholder making inappropriate or illegal use of it. Misuse, alteration, or destruction of the QCard may result in disciplinary action. Restitution is required for overdrafts on any account resulting from off-line transactions. No interest or other earnings will be paid to the cardholder or credited by Quinnipiac University.

2. Photos

Under FERPA regulations, photo images on the QCard may be used by school officials with legitimate educational interests and by others as indicated.

3. QCash

Enables you to use your QCard at all participating debit locations on and off campus. Dollars on this account are deposited at your discretion. Once the account is opened, any balance on the account will carry over from semester to semester as long as you are actively affiliated with Quinnipiac University. When you graduate, withdraw, or terminate employment, the balance on your account will be refunded to you less an administrative fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). No refunds will be made prior to graduation, withdrawal, and/or employment termination. Quinnipiac University reserves the right to close any account that is inactive for more than twelve (12) months. No funds may be transferred from QCash to the required meal plan or vice versa. No funds may be transferred from one cardholder's QCash account to another cardholder's QCash account. To request a refund, please submit a Technology Help Request.

4. Dining Service Options

Resident students and commuter students (undergrad, grad, law and medical) students who spend a significant time on campus are required to be on a meal plan. A predetermined amount of food dollars is automatically put on this account each semester and can only be used at on-campus dining locations: Au Bon Pain Café and Bakery, Bobcat Den, Café Q (Mount Carmel), North Haven Café, North Haven Outtakes, Starbucks, Sushi Do and York Hill Café. Unused food dollars in the student's declining balance account at the end of the fall semester are non-refundable and will be carried over for use in the spring semester. There is no carry-over between academic years, nor may the unused balance from the fall semester be used to reduce the room and board portion of the spring semester's invoice. If there is a remaining balance at the end of the spring semester it will be cleared from students' accounts. No funds may be transferred from the required dining service or from the supplemental dining service to QCash or vice versa.

5. Transfer of Meal Points

The university will not enter into the negotiation between students regarding the sale of any portion of the required meal plan (QCash is non-transferable); we only record the results of the exchange. Students in the following categories will not be able to sell their points: a) Student athletes being funded by the Athletic Department: N.C.A.A. regulations preclude the same. b) Students who have used their financial aid to pay for their residence fees, including required meal plan. c) Resident Assistants. Students who have been granted a meal plan waiver by the Office of Student Accessibility may not receive a transfer of meal points from another student. No transfers may be made during the first 30 days of any semester. Each student is limited to a total of five requests to send points per term. A student may only request to send points they have on their account at the time of the transfer request. Students who request to transfer more points than they have in their account will have the excess charged to their student account.

A patron-to-patron transfer is complete only after final verification and action by the Technology Center. Transfer of required meal points may only occur to and from students who are currently enrolled in the required meal plan. Students may request meal point transfers by visiting the QCard page on MyQ. Faculty/Staff and students not enrolled in the required meal plan may not purchase required meal points from students. Please note that any balance left on the required meal plan at the end of the spring semester is not refundable and will be cleared from the account at the end of the spring semester. Please plan your deposits and usage accordingly.

6. Receipts and Statements

Most point-of-sale terminals are equipped to provide a receipt for each transaction. It is your responsibility to ensure that the receipt is correct. An account statement listing recent transactions will be generated upon your personal request at the Technology Center or on the QCard page on MyQ.

7. Lost, Stolen or Damaged Cards

Since Public Safety acts as the lost and found on campus, please contact them first to ensure that your card has not been turned in.

Cardholder is responsible for immediately deactivating their card from within the Card Services section of eAccounts.

Cardholder is responsible for any loss due to lost or stolen cards. Once a new QCard has been purchased, the old QCard will be invalid and, if found, cannot be reactivated. You must come to the Technology Center during business hours to obtain a new QCard. We will charge the current fee for replacing lost, stolen or damaged cards.

QCash Refund

Funds on the QCash debit account are not available for cash withdrawal. QCash debit account balances may only be refunded upon graduation or withdrawal from the university. Additionally, any outstanding balances due to the university must be paid in full prior to the refund being issued, in accordance with the Terms of Agreement. If you have any outstanding charges with the university your refund will be applied to those charges first. Please allow 4 - 6 weeks for all refunds. The QCard refunds will follow the same policy as all other refunds where they are first returned via direct deposit and if no direct deposit is on file, they will be returned via check to the permanent address on file. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Copy Machine and Vending Machine Refund

If you lose money in a copy or vending machine on campus you can request a refund by submitting a Technology Help Request. For accounting purposes these refunds will be credited to your QCard ONLY, no exceptions. The credit will appear on your account by the end of the business day that the refund is requested and can be used at any copy machine on campus, or any other location where QCash is accepted.

Terms and conditions are subject to change.

Contact the QCard Office



Mailing address

Quinnipiac University
275 Mount Carmel Avenue
Hamden, CT 06518

Mount Carmel Campus


Arnold Bernhard Library, Room 138
(Across from the reference desk)

Semester Hours
  • Monday to Thursday - 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

  • Friday - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Saturday - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

  • Sunday - Noon to 7 p.m.

QCard Printing Hours
  • Monday to Friday - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Summer and Academic Breaks
  • Monday to Friday - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Saturday and Sunday - Closed

  • Closed on all university holidays

North Haven Campus


Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences, MNH-338
(Near Edward and Barbara Netter Library)

Semester Hours
  • Monday to Thursday - 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

  • Friday - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Saturday - 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  • Sunday - Closed

QCard Printing Hours
  • Monday to Friday - 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Summer and Academic Breaks
  • Monday to Friday - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Saturday and Sunday - Closed

  • Closed on all university holidays

Please see the Academic Calendar for more information about holidays and breaks.