Undergraduate Financial Course Withdrawal Policy
The following chart describes the effects on the grade and financial adjustment when a full-time undergraduate student drops or withdraws from a course:
Course Drop/Withdrawal Date | Grade(s) Recorded on Transcript | Financial Adjustment |
Prior to the end of the add/drop registration period | No record | Tuition and fee charges adjusted according to the Undergraduate Costs and Budgets posted on our website |
After the end of the add/drop registration period and before the last day to withdraw posted on the Academic Calendar | W | No financial adjustment |
After the last day to withdraw posted on the Academic Calendar | Grade received | No financial adjustment |
Policy on Financial Adjustments for Withdrawn Full-Time Undergraduates
The policies described below are categorized into two groups:
Quinnipiac University Full-Time Undergraduate Financial Withdrawal Policy
Undergraduate Policy on Withdrawing and Implications on Financial Aid
1. Full-Time Undergraduate Financial Withdrawal Policy
The policy below is applicable to all full-time undergraduate students who request a university withdrawal. Part-time undergraduate, graduate, law and medical students’ policy is included elsewhere on this webpage.
The withdrawal process is initiated by a student who completes the university withdrawal form or the leave of absence form. These forms must be completed in their entirety. The financial adjustments described in this policy apply to withdrawals, leaves of absence, and medical leaves of absence. The term "withdrawal" used throughout this policy refers to all three types. Dismissals and suspensions for academic deficiencies or disciplinary reasons are covered below.
Students are required to provide the last date of class attendance on the withdrawal form. This date will be verified and used for financial adjustment calculations. In the case of medical leaves of absence, the date that the associate dean of health and wellness approves the leave will be used. The refund schedule listed is applied regardless of the reason for withdrawal, including medical reasons.
After adjustment of charges and financial aid, if there is a credit balance on the account, it will be refunded to the student. or in the case of Parent Plus Loans to the parent.
Financial adjustments are based on Quinnipiac University Policy and the Return of Federal (Title IV) Financial Aid Funds Policy required by the U.S. Department of Education.
Financial Adjustments Prior to the Start of the Term
Fall or Spring Semesters (15-week classes): Student Financial Responsibility for Withdrawal from Courses Prior to the Start of Classes
(For 7-week classes, please see below.)
New incoming student in good standing withdrawing by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the first class meets:
Tuition | Meal Plan | Housing* | Course Fees | Late Fees | Fees | Security Deposit^* | Housing Deposit* | Matriculation Fee** | Administrative Fee |
0% | 0% | 0%H | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 100% | 100% | $0 |
Returning student in good standing withdrawing by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the first class meets:
Tuition | Meal Plan | Housing* | Course Fees | Late Fees | Fees | Security Deposit^* | Housing Deposit* | Matriculation Fee** | Administrative Fee |
0% | 0% | 0%H | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 100% | n/a | $0 |
Returning student dismissed or suspended for academic deficiencies withdrawing by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the first class meets:
Tuition | Meal Plan | Housing* | Course Fees | Late Fees | Fees | Security Deposit^* | Housing Deposit* | Matriculation Fee** | Administrative Fee |
0% | 0% | 0%H | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | n/a | $0 |
Returning student dismissed or suspended for disciplinary reasons withdrawing by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the first class meets:
Tuition | Meal Plan | Housing* | Course Fees | Late Fees | Fees | Security Deposit^* | Housing Deposit* | Matriculation Fee** | Administrative Fee |
0% | 0% | 0%H | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 100% | n/a | $0 |
Summer Term: Student Financial Responsibility for Withdrawal from Courses Prior to the Start of Classes
Any student withdrawing by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the first class meets:
Tuition | Meal Plan | Housing* | Course Fees | Late Fees | Fees | Security Deposit^* | Housing Deposit* | Matriculation Fee** | Administrative Fee |
0% | 0% | 0%H | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | $0 |
January Term: Student Financial Responsibility for Withdrawal from Courses Prior to the Start of Classes
Any student withdrawing by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the first class meets:
Tuition | Meal Plan | Housing* | Course Fees | Late Fees | Fees | Security Deposit^* | Housing Deposit* | Matriculation Fee** | Administrative Fee |
0% | 0% | 0%H | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | $0 |
Financial Adjustments After the Start of the Term
Students who effect a complete withdrawal or leave of absence from the university, regardless of the reason (including medical), will be granted a pro-rata adjustment of tuition and fees, less an administrative fee of $100. The pro-rata financial adjustment is computed based on the following policy details.
Fall or Spring Semesters (15-week classes): Student Financial Responsibility for Withdrawal from Courses After the Start of Classes
(For a student withdrawing before 11:59 p.m. on the day before the first class meets, please see above.)
Withdrawal DateD | Tuition | Meal PlanM | Housing* | Course Fees | Late Fees | All Other Fees | Security Deposit^* | Housing Deposit* | Administrative Fee |
Any student withdrawing during the first and second week of classes | 20% | 50% | 50% | 100% | 100% | 20% | 0% | 100% | $100 |
Any student withdrawing during the third week of classes | 40% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 40% | 0% | 100% | $100 |
Any student withdrawing during the fourth week of classes | 60% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 60% | 0% | 100% | $100 |
Any student withdrawing during during the fifth week of classes | 80% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 80% | 0% | 100% | $100 |
Any student withdrawing after fifth week of classes | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 0% | 100% | $100 |
Fall or Spring Semesters (7-week classes): Student Financial Responsibility for Withdrawal from Courses
Withdrawal Date | Tuition | Fees |
Prior to end of the add/drop registration period on the Academic Calendar (11:59PM on the second day of the 7-week session) | 0% | 100% |
After the end of the add/drop registration period on the Academic Calendar (12 a.m. of the third day of the 7-week session) | 100% | 100% |
For full-time student courses taken in the 7-week session aggregate towards their full-time tuition charges that cover 12-16 credits. Students who drop to part-time or drop to 16 or less credits due to a drop or withdrawal from a 7-week session class will receive a credit only if the drop/withdrawal occurs prior to the 7-week session add/drop date.
Summer Term: Student Financial Responsibility for Withdrawal from Courses After the Start of Classes
(For a student withdrawing before 11:59 p.m. on the day before the first class meets, please see above.)
Withdrawal DateD | Tuition | Meal PlanM | Housing* | Course Fees | Late Fees | All Other Fees | Security Deposit^* | Housing Deposit* | Administrative Fee |
Any student withdrawing during first week of classes | 20% | 50% | 50% | 100% | 100% | 20% | 0% | 100% | $0 |
Any student withdrawing during second week of classes | 50% | 50% | 50% | 100% | 100% | 50% | 0% | 100% | $0 |
Any student withdrawing during third week of classes | 70% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 70% | 0% | 100% | $0 |
Any student withdrawing after third week of classes | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 0% | 100% | $0 |
January Term: Student Financial Responsibility for Withdrawal from Courses After the Start of Classes
(For a student withdrawing before 11:59 p.m. on the day before the first class meets, please see above.)
Withdrawal DateD | Tuition | Meal PlanM | Housing* | Course Fees | Late Fees | All Other Fees | Security Deposit^* | Housing Deposit* | Administrative Fee |
Any student withdrawing during first week of classes | 20% | 50% | 50% | 100% | 100% | 20% | 0% | 100% | $0 |
Any student withdrawing during second week of classes | 50% | 50% | 50% | 100% | 100% | 50% | 0% | 100% | $0 |
Any student withdrawing after second week of classes | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 0% | 100% | $0 |
Accelerated Nursing Program (all terms): Student Financial Responsibility for Withdrawal from Courses
Students participating in the accelerated nursing program will follow the financial adjustment policy listed below.
Accelerated nursing program students withdrawing by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the first class meets:
Tuition | Meal Plan | Housing* | Course Fees | Late Fees | Fees | Security Deposit^* | Housing Deposit* | Matriculation Fee** | Administrative Fee |
0% | 0% | 0%H | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 100% | 100% | $0 |
Accelerated nursing program students withdrawing after the start of classes:
Withdrawal DateD | Tuition | Meal PlanM | Housing* | Course Fees and Late Fees | All Other Fees | Security Deposit^* | Housing Deposit* | Matriculation Fee* | Administrative Fee |
Any student withdrawing during the first and second week of classes | 20% | 50% | 50% | 100% | 20% | 0% | 100% | 100% | $100 |
Any student withdrawing during the third week of classes | 40% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 40% | 0% | 100% | 100% | $100 |
Any student withdrawing during the fourth week of classes | 60% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 60% | 0% | 100% | 100% | $100 |
Any student withdrawing during during the fifth week of classes | 80% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 80% | 0% | 100% | 100% | $100 |
Any student withdrawing after fifth week of classes | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 0% | 100% | 100% | $100 |
^ any damage to residence will be added to the invoice as it occurs. Failure to pay the damage charge will result in it deducted from amount paid via the deposit at the conclusion of the student’s time in residence halls.
* residential students only
** new incoming students only
H students who move-in prior to the term will be responsible for 50% of the Housing charges
M if student meal points spent exceeds the amount charged student will be charged for points exceeded
D The week begins at 12:00 a.m. on the day classes start. The second week begins one week after the first week begins.
Dismissals and Suspensions
A student who is either dismissed or suspended by the university for any reason during any academic semester will receive a refund based on the applicable refund percentage in effect at the time of the student's dismissal or suspension. In addition, a student who is dismissed or suspended will be charged all administrative fees, housing and meals fees as prescribed.
Payment Plan
Students using the university's payment plan who withdraw during the financial adjustment period (first five weeks) should note that their forfeiture will be computed on the full amount charged regarding tuition and fees, and not on the amount remitted via the payment plan. In addition, the $75 service charge for using the payment plan will also be included in the list of charges. Students who withdraw and have an owing balance must pay in full or continue with their payment plan installments. Students who withdraw and have a zero or credit balance will have their payment plan cancelled. It is suggested that students who have a zero or credit balance email onestop@qu.edu to request that their payment plan be cancelled.
Accelerated Dual Degree Students
Students enrolled in an accelerated dual-degree program (3+) program will be subject to the same financial adjustment policies in effect for undergraduate and graduate students. However, students who cease enrollment in a 3+ program, voluntarily or involuntarily, shall immediately forfeit the benefits of the program's pricing structure. As such, any current or pending charges will be adjusted to reflect the undergraduate and graduate pricing in effect at the time of the change in status. In addition, any courses taken in a future term after the change in status will be subject to the pricing in effect at that time.
2. Policy on Withdrawing and Implications on Financial Aid
If a student officially withdraws from the university, drops out, stops attending classes, is dismissed or takes a leave of absence (medical or personal), the student will be subject to the following calculation(s):
The university’s refund policy for billing and institutional funds (described above)
The return of title IV funds policy for federal funds
Per federal law, the university is obliged to calculate and then return that portion of the federal aid that is considered unearned. Please note the Return of Federal (Title IV) Funds policy is separate from the university’s refund policy and therefore may not cover all institutional charges.
To officially withdraw a student must formally withdraw with the Registrar’s Office. Students seeking a medical leave of absence leave should also contact the Associate Dean of Health & Wellness. Complete the online withdrawal form
Return of Federal Financial Aid (Title IV) Funds Policy
The law defines that Quinnipiac must follow a prescribed formula to determine the amount of Federal Title IV funds a student has “earned” if they withdraw from the school. The Title IV programs that are covered by this requirement include: Federal Pell, Iraq and Afghanistan Service grants, Federal Direct Student loans, Federal Direct PLUS loans, and Federal SEOG grants.
The withdrawal date is determined based on either when a student:
Officially notifies the university of their intent to withdraw; or
Begins the university’s withdrawal process.
If a student does not officially withdraw, Quinnipiac may use either the student’s last date of attendance at an academic related activity or the midpoint of the period as the student’s withdrawal date.
If a student withdraws from one or more module courses, that partial withdrawal may result in them being considered withdrawn for the semester. Students are not considered withdrawn if:
They “successfully complete” one module and at least 49% of the countable days;
Are enrolled and completing coursework as a half-time student; or
Have provided written confirmation they will be registering for an additional course later in the same semester.
The following formula is used to determine the percent of unearned aid to be returned to the federal government.
Number of calendar days completed up to the withdrawal date divided by (÷) the total calendar days in the payment period/semester (minus any scheduled breaks that are a least 5 days long)
The results are then used to determine next steps:
If the student completed more than 60 percent of the payment period/semester/enrollment period, they earn all funds they were scheduled to receive (or not subject to the federal calculation).
If the full amount of the earned awards based on the calculation were not received, the student or parent may be able to receive those additional funds.
If they received more funds than they earned, the excess funds must be returned by Quinnipiac and/or the student.
If a student did not receive all the funds they earned, they may be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, Quinnipiac must receive permission from the borrower before it can be disbursed. The offer will be made in writing and the student will then have 14 days to notify the University if they wish to accept the additional loan funds. Quinnipiac will automatically use the funds for tuition, fees, housing and meal plan charges as contracted by the school.
If Quinnipiac is not required to return the excess funds, the student must return the remaining amount. Any loan funds that a student received (or the parent for a PLUS loan) must be repaid in accordance with the terms of the promissory note.
If a student has an overpayment from a Federal grant, Quinnipiac is required to report the overpayment to National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). The student is required to repay 50% of the amount of unearned grant funds or set up payment arrangements within 45 days from the date of withdrawal. The student must resolve the overpayment within two years with the OneStop Office or the U.S. Department of Education. If the student does not repay the overpayment in full or enter a satisfactory arrangement, on the 46th day they will lose Title IV eligibility. If a student fails to follow the payment arrangement, they will also lose Title IV eligibility.
Order to Return Title IV Funds When Withdraw
The following Federal financial aid funds are returned in the order listed per federal guidelines:
Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Direct Subsidized Loan*
Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
Direct Parent PLUS Loan*
Federal Pell Grant*
Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Federal TEACH Grant
Other Title IV Assistance
*Funds awarded to undergraduate students only
After the unearned funds have been returned for the above Title IV funds, the non-title IV grant funds may be subject to proration, i.e. state grants.
Timeframe for the Return of Title IV Funds
Federal regulations indicate a school must return unearned funds for which it is responsible as soon as possible but no later than 45 days from the determination of a student’s withdrawal.
The university will:
Initiate an electronic transaction informing the Department of Education to adjust the borrower’s loan account for the amount returned, initiate an electronic funds transfer to an account belonging to the student, or issue a check
The student will receive written notification from the Financial Aid Office regarding the results of the refund calculation requirements and the return of Federal Title IV Aid amounts.
For more information, please contact One Stop at onestop@qu.edu
Graduate and Part-Time Refund Policy
The withdrawal process is initiated at the Registrar's Office through the filing of a withdrawal form, which must be finished in its entirety to complete the withdrawal process. For purposes of clarification, "withdrawal" includes medical leaves of absence and mandatory medical leaves of absence, and this Refund Policy shall apply in all such cases. Please note, "withdrawal" does not include dismissals and suspensions which are covered in "Dismissals and Suspensions" below.
Refunds are based on Quinnipiac University Policy and the Return of Federal Financial Aid (Title IV) Funds Policy as required by the U.S. Department of Education.
The policies described below have been categorized into two groups:
Quinnipiac University Graduate and Part-Time Refund Policy
Graduate and Part-Time Policy on Withdrawing and Implications on Financial Aid
1. Quinnipiac University Graduate and Part-Time Refund Policy
The policy described below is divided into two scenarios: refunds prior to the start of classes; and refunds after the start of classes.
Refund Policies – Prior to the Start of Classes
Tuition, Related Fees and Deposits
A student who registers for a class(es) (credit or audit) and then withdraws by the SUNDAY of the week in which their first class meets will receive a refund of 100% of any balance on their account, less financial aid.
Summer Classes
A student who registers for a class(es) (credit or audit) and then withdraws by the Sunday of the week in which the first class meets will receive a refund of 100 percent of any balance on their account, less financial aid.
January Term
A student who registers for a class(es) (credit or audit) and then withdraws by the Sunday of the week in which the first class meets will receive a refund of 100 percent of any balance on their account, less financial aid.
Refund Policies – After the Start of Classes
Tuition and Related Fees
Please note that course fees may not be refunded or prorated under certain circumstances such as after the start of the semester.
The date of withdrawal for purposes of calculating the refund is the date on which the student makes formal application for withdrawal to the registrar's office, or, in the case of medical leaves of absence, the date that the Dean of Graduate Student Affairs approves the leave of absence. The refund schedule listed below is applied regardless of the reason for withdrawal, including medical reasons.
Fall, Spring and Summer Terms
Classes four weeks or longer: Refund Policy Tuition and Related Fees
A student who registers for class(es) (credit or audit) that are four or more weeks in length and then withdraws after the SUNDAY of the week in which their FIRST class meets will receive a pro-rata refund of tuition and fees based on the schedule below:
Withdrawal before the first week of class: 100%
Withdrawal during first week of class: 80%
Withdrawal during second week of class: 50%
Withdrawal during third week of class: 30%
Withdrawal after third week of class: 0%
Classes fewer than four weeks in length: Refund Policy Tuition and Related Fees
A student who registers for class(es) (credit or audit) that are fewer than four weeks in length and then withdraws by the SUNDAY of the week in which their FIRST class meets will receive a full refund. Students who withdraw by the MONDAY of the week in which their FIRST class meets will receive a pro-rata refund of tuition and fees based on the schedule below:
Withdraws by the SUNDAY of the week in which their FIRST class meets: 100%
Withdraw by the MONDAY of the week in which their FIRST class meets: 80%
Withdraw after the MONDAY of their first week 0%
Please note that course fees may not be refunded or prorated under certain circumstances such as when the semester has already started.
January Term
A student who registers for a class(es) (credit or audit) and then withdraws after the Sunday of the week in which the first class meets will receive a pro-rata refund of tuition and fees based on the schedule below.
Withdrawal before the first week of class 100%
Withdrawal during first week of class 80%
Withdrawal during second week of class 50%
Withdrawal during third week of class 0%
Please note that course fees may not be refunded or prorated under certain circumstances such as after the start of the semester.
The date of withdrawal for purposes of calculating the refund is the date on which the student makes a formal application for withdrawal to the Registrar's Office, or, in case of medical leaves of absence, the date that the Associate Dean of Health and Wellness for undergraduate programs and Dean of Graduate Student Affairs for graduate programs approves the leave of absence. The refund schedule listed above is applied regardless of the reason for withdrawal, including medical reasons.
Termination of Residency in University Housing
Resident students who withdraw from the university in total within the first two weeks of the semester or move-in, whichever is sooner, will forfeit 50 percent of the room and board, the room reservation deposit and an administrative fee of $100. Beginning with the third week resident students who withdraw from the university in total, or simply terminate their residency in university housing, will forfeit 100 percent of the room and board charge, with the room reservation deposit applied to any outstanding balance.
Non-Resident Dining Plans
Non-resident students who withdraw from the university within the first two weeks of the semester will forfeit 50 percent of the dining plan cost, plus any additional dining dollars used. Beginning with the third academic week, non-resident students who withdraw from the university will be responsible for 100 percent of the dining plan cost.
Dismissals and Suspensions
A student who is either dismissed or suspended by the university for any reason during either academic semester will receive a refund based on the applicable refund percentage in effect at the time of the student's dismissal or suspension. In addition, a student who is dismissed or suspended will be charged all administrative fees and board fees as prescribed.
Payment Plan
Students using the university's payment plan who withdraw during the refund period should note that their forfeiture will be computed on the full amount charged regarding tuition and fees, and not on the amount remitted via the payment plan. In addition, the $75 service charge for using the payment plan will also be included in the list of charges. After the applicable refund period, the balance due under the payment plan will be due and payable on the date of withdrawal.
3+1 Students
Students enrolled in a 3+1 Program will be subject to the same refund policies in effect for undergraduate and graduate students. However, students who cease enrollment in a 3+1 Program, voluntarily or involuntarily, shall immediately forfeit the benefits of the programs Flat Fee pricing structure. As such, any current or pending charges will be adjusted to reflect the undergraduate and graduate pricing in effect at the time of the change in status. In addition, any courses taken in a future term after the change in status will be subject to the pricing in effect at that time.
For more information, please contact One Stop at onestop@qu.edu
2. Policy on Withdrawing and Implications on Financial Aid
If a student officially withdraws from the university, drops out, stops attending classes, is dismissed or takes a leave of absence (medical or personal), the student will be subject to the following calculation(s):
The university’s refund policy for billing and institutional funds (described above)
The return of title IV funds policy for federal funds
Per federal law, the university is obliged to calculate and then return that portion of the federal aid that is considered unearned. Please note the Return of Federal (Title IV) Funds policy is separate from the university’s refund policy and therefore may not cover all institutional charges.
To officially withdraw a student must formally withdraw with the Registrar’s Office. Students seeking a medical leave of absence leave should also contact the Associate Dean of Health & Wellness. Complete the online withdrawal form
Return of Federal Financial Aid (Title IV) Funds Policy
The law defines that Quinnipiac must follow a prescribed formula to determine the amount of Federal Title IV funds a student has “earned” if they withdraw from the school. The Title IV programs that are covered by this requirement include: Federal Pell, Iraq and Afghanistan Service grants, Federal Direct Student loans, Federal Direct PLUS loans, and Federal SEOG grants.
The withdrawal date is determined based on either when a student:
Officially notifies the university of their intent to withdraw; or
Begins the university’s withdrawal process.
If a student does not officially withdraw, Quinnipiac may use either the student’s last date of attendance at an academic related activity or the midpoint of the period as the student’s withdrawal date.
If a student withdraws from one or more module courses, that partial withdrawal may result in them being considered withdrawn for the semester. Students are not considered withdrawn if:
They “successfully complete” one module and at least 49% of the countable days;
Are enrolled and completing coursework as a half-time student; or
Have provided written confirmation they will be registering for an additional course later in the same semester.
The following formula is used to determine the percent of unearned aid to be returned to the federal government.
Number of calendar days completed up to the withdrawal date divided by (÷) the total calendar days in the payment period/semester (minus any scheduled breaks that are a least 5 days long)
The results are then used to determine next steps:
If the student completed more than 60 percent of the payment period/semester/enrollment period, they earn all funds they were scheduled to receive (or not subject to the federal calculation).
If the full amount of the earned awards based on the calculation were not received, the student or parent may be able to receive those additional funds.
If they received more funds than they earned, the excess funds must be returned by Quinnipiac and/or the student.
If a student did not receive all the funds they earned, they may be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, Quinnipiac must receive permission from the borrower before it can be disbursed. The offer will be made in writing and the student will then have 14 days to notify the University if they wish to accept the additional loan funds. Quinnipiac will automatically use the funds for tuition, fees, housing and meal plan charges as contracted by the school.
If Quinnipiac is not required to return the excess funds, the student must return the remaining amount. Any loan funds that a student received (or the parent for a PLUS loan) must be repaid in accordance with the terms of the promissory note.
If a student has an overpayment from a Federal grant, Quinnipiac is required to report the overpayment to National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). The student is required to repay 50% of the amount of unearned grant funds or set up payment arrangements within 45 days from the date of withdrawal. The student must resolve the overpayment within two years with the OneStop Office or the U.S. Department of Education. If the student does not repay the overpayment in full or enter a satisfactory arrangement, on the 46th day they will lose Title IV eligibility. If a student fails to follow the payment arrangement, they will also lose Title IV eligibility.
Order to Return Title IV Funds When Withdraw
The following Federal financial aid funds are returned in the order listed per federal guidelines:
Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Direct Subsidized Loan*
Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
Direct Parent PLUS Loan*
Federal Pell Grant*
Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Federal TEACH Grant
Other Title IV Assistance
*Funds awarded to undergraduate students only
After the unearned funds have been returned for the above Title IV funds, the non-title IV grant funds may be subject to proration, i.e. state grants.
Timeframe for the Return of Title IV Funds
Federal regulations indicate a school must return unearned funds for which it is responsible as soon as possible but no later than 45 days from the determination of a student’s withdrawal.
The university will:
Initiate an electronic transaction informing the Department of Education to adjust the borrower’s loan account for the amount returned, initiate an electronic funds transfer to an account belonging to the student, or issue a check
The student will receive written notification from the Financial Aid Office regarding the results of the refund calculation requirements and the return of Federal Title IV Aid amounts.
If you have questions regarding the Federal Refund policy, please contact the Graduate Financial Aid office.
If you have questions regarding the Quinnipiac withdrawal policy and billing, please contact the One Stop office.
Return of Institutional Funds and Private Educational Loans
When a student withdraws, Institutional need-based funds such as University grants and certain student programs will be adjusted based on the student’s withdrawal date. These funds are applied based on the university’s institutional refund policy.
In instances where a private educational loan was borrowed, we will work with the student or family to reduce the loan amount accordingly based on the amount charged by the university.
Reviewed 9/2022
School of Law Refund Policy
A student may withdraw from one or more courses during the add/drop period by doing so on Self-Service. After the add/drop period, a student must obtain and file a drop form at the Associate Dean and Registrar's office. A student who wishes to withdraw completely from the School of Law must submit a statement to that effect to the Associate Dean.
Refunds are based on Quinnipiac University Policy and the Return of Federal Financial Aid (Title IV) Funds Policy as required by the U.S. Department of Education.
For purposes of clarification and for reference, the policies described below have been categorized into two groups:
Quinnipiac University School of Law Refund Policy
Policy on Withdrawing and Implications on Financial Aid
1. Quinnipiac University School of Law Refund Policy
The policy described below is divided into two scenarios: refunds prior to the start of classes; and refunds after the start of classes.
Refund Policies – Prior to the Start of Classes
A new incoming student who has rendered their tuition deposit, and then withdraws prior to the start of classes, will forfeit their deposit.
Returning students, withdrawing prior to the start of classes, will receive a full refund.
Refund Policies – After the Start of Classes
Tuition, Related Fees and Deposits
Law students who withdraw from any of their classes after the published "Last Day for Late Registration/Schedule Changes" will not be entitled to any adjustment of their charges for tuition and fees.
Students who affect a complete withdrawal or leave of absence from the university, regardless of the reason, including medical, will be granted a pro-rata refund of tuition and fees, less an administrative fee of $100. Late fees are non-refundable either in total or pro-ration. The pro-rata refund will be computed on the following basis:
Fall and Spring Terms
Withdrawal first week 80%
Withdrawal second week 60%
Withdrawal third week 40%
Withdrawal fourth week 20%
Withdrawal after fourth week 0%
Summer Term
Withdrawal first week 80%
Withdrawal second week 50%
Withdrawal third week 30%
Withdrawal fourth week 0%
Please note that course fees may not be refunded or prorated under certain circumstances such as after the start of the semester.
The date of withdrawal for purposes of calculating the refund is the date on which the student makes formal application for withdrawal to the registrar's office. The refund schedule listed above is applied regardless of the reason for withdrawal, including medical reasons.
Dismissals and Suspensions
A student who is either dismissed or suspended by the university for any reason during either academic semester will receive a refund based on the applicable refund percentage in effect at the time of the student's dismissal or suspension (first four weeks). After the fourth academic week, the refund policy as stated above will be applied. In addition, a student who is dismissed or suspended will be charged all administrative fees and board fees as prescribed.
Payment Plan
Students using the university's payment plan who withdraw during the refund period (first four weeks) should note that their forfeiture will be computed on the full amount charged regarding tuition and fees, and not on the amount remitted via the payment plan. In addition, the $75 service charge for using the payment plan will also be included in the list of charges. After the fourth week, the balance due under the payment plan will be due and payable on the date of withdrawal.
Refund Policy for Termination of Residency in University Housing
Resident students who withdraw from the university in total within the first two weeks of the semester or move-in, whichever is sooner, will forfeit 50 percent of the room and board, the room reservation deposit and an administrative fee of $100. Beginning with the third academic week resident students who withdraw from the university in total, or only terminate their residency in university housing, will forfeit 100 percent of the room and board charge, with the room reservation deposit applied to any outstanding balance.
Non-Resident Dining Plans
Non-resident students who withdraw from the university within the first two weeks of the semester will forfeit 50 percent of the dining plan cost, plus any additional dining dollars used. Beginning with the third academic week, non-resident students who withdraw from the university will be responsible for 100 percent of the dining plan cost.
For more information, please contact One Stop at onestop@qu.edu
2. Policy on Withdrawing and Implications on Financial Aid
If a student officially withdraws from the university, drops out, stops attending classes, is dismissed or takes a leave of absence (medical or personal), the student will be subject to the following calculation(s):
The university’s refund policy for billing and institutional funds (described above)
The return of title IV funds policy for federal funds
Per federal law, the university is obliged to calculate and then return that portion of the federal aid that is considered unearned. Please note the Return of Federal (Title IV) Funds policy is separate from the university’s refund policy and therefore may not cover all institutional charges.
To officially withdraw, a student must formally do so with the Associate Dean of Academics.
Return of Federal Financial Aid (Title IV) Funds Policy
The law defines that Quinnipiac must follow a prescribed formula to determine the amount of Federal Title IV funds a student has “earned” if they withdraw from the school. The Title IV programs that are covered by this requirement include: Federal Pell, Iraq and Afghanistan Service grants, Federal Direct Student loans, Federal Direct PLUS loans, and Federal SEOG grants.
The withdrawal date is determined based on either when a student:
Officially notifies the university of their intent to withdraw; or
Begins the university’s withdrawal process.
If a student does not officially withdraw, Quinnipiac may use either the student’s last date of attendance at an academic related activity or the midpoint of the period as the student’s withdrawal date.
If a student withdraws from one or more module courses, that partial withdrawal may result in them being considered withdrawn for the semester. Students are not considered withdrawn if:
They “successfully complete” one module and at least 49% of the countable days;
Are enrolled and completing coursework as a half-time student; or
Have provided written confirmation they will be registering for an additional course later in the same semester.
The following formula is used to determine the percent of unearned aid to be returned to the federal government.
Number of calendar days completed up to the withdrawal date divided by (÷) the total calendar days in the payment period/semester (minus any scheduled breaks that are a least 5 days long)
The results are then used to determine next steps:
If the student completed more than 60 percent of the payment period/semester/enrollment period, they earn all funds they were scheduled to receive (or not subject to the federal calculation).
If the full amount of the earned awards based on the calculation were not received, the student or parent may be able to receive those additional funds.
If they received more funds than they earned, the excess funds must be returned by Quinnipiac and/or the student.
If a student did not receive all the funds they earned, they may be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, Quinnipiac must receive permission from the borrower before it can be disbursed. The offer will be made in writing and the student will then have 14 days to notify the University if they wish to accept the additional loan funds. Quinnipiac will automatically use the funds for tuition, fees, housing and meal plan charges as contracted by the school.
If Quinnipiac is not required to return the excess funds, the student must return the remaining amount. Any loan funds that a student received (or the parent for a PLUS loan) must be repaid in accordance with the terms of the promissory note.
If a student has an overpayment from a Federal grant, Quinnipiac is required to report the overpayment to National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). The student is required to repay 50% of the amount of unearned grant funds or set up payment arrangements within 45 days from the date of withdrawal. The student must resolve the overpayment within two years with the OneStop Office or the U.S. Department of Education. If the student does not repay the overpayment in full or enter a satisfactory arrangement, on the 46th day they will lose Title IV eligibility. If a student fails to follow the payment arrangement, they will also lose Title IV eligibility.
Order to Return Title IV Funds When Withdraw
The following Federal financial aid funds are returned in the order listed per federal guidelines:
Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Direct Subsidized Loan*
Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
Direct Parent PLUS Loan*
Federal Pell Grant*
Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Federal TEACH Grant
Other Title IV Assistance
*Funds awarded to undergraduate students only
After the unearned funds have been returned for the above Title IV funds, the non-title IV grant funds may be subject to proration, i.e. state grants.
Timeframe for the Return of Title IV Funds
Federal regulations indicate a school must return unearned funds for which it is responsible as soon as possible but no later than 45 days from the determination of a student’s withdrawal.
The university will:
Initiate an electronic transaction informing the Department of Education to adjust the borrower’s loan account for the amount returned, initiate an electronic funds transfer to an account belonging to the student, or issue a check
The student will receive written notification from the Financial Aid Office regarding the results of the refund calculation requirements and the return of Federal Title IV Aid amounts.
If you have questions regarding the Federal Refund policy, please contact the School of Law Financial Aid office.
If you have questions regarding the Quinnipiac withdrawal policy and billing, please contact the One Stop office.
Return of Institutional Funds and Private Educational Loans
When a student withdraws, Institutional need-based funds such as University grants and certain student programs will be adjusted based on the student’s withdrawal date. These funds are applied based on the University’s institutional refund policy.
In instances where a private educational loan was borrowed, we will work with the student or family to reduce the loan amount accordingly based on the amount charged by the university.
School of Medicine Refund Policy
The withdrawal process is initiated at the Registrar's Office by filing a withdrawal form, which must be finished in its entirety to complete the withdrawal process. For purposes of clarification, "withdrawal" includes medical leaves of absence and mandatory medical leaves of absence, and this refund policy shall apply in such cases. Please note: "withdrawal" does not include dismissals and suspensions, which are covered below.
Refunds are based on Quinnipiac University Policy and the Return of Federal (Title IV) Financial Aid Funds Policy required by the U.S. Department of Education.
The policies described below have been categorized into two groups:
Quinnipiac University School of Medicine Refund Policy
Undergraduate Policy on Withdrawing and Implications on Financial Aid
1. Quinnipiac University School of Medicine Refund Policy
The policy described below applies to students withdrawing from classes as well as those students effecting a complete withdrawal from Quinnipiac University.
Matriculation Deposit
A new student who has rendered the $100 matriculation deposit and withdraws from the University prior to May 15th will be entitled to a full refund of their matriculation deposit. Withdrawals occurring after May 15th will not be entitled to a refund of the matriculation deposit.
In all instances noted above, any balance on the student's account, less financial aid, will be refunded.
Tuition and Related Fees
Medical students who withdraw from any of their classes will be entitled to an adjustment of their charges for tuition and fees, as per the Quinnipiac University Tuition Refund Policy. Please see the tables for specific dates by which a student must withdraw to receive a tuition refund. Students must withdraw before each of the dates to qualify for the corresponding tuition refund.
The “Last Day for Late Registration/Schedule Changes" date referred to in the Quinnipiac University Tuition Refund Policy, is the “0%” tuition refund date in the tables below.
Semester 1, 2024-2025
Percent of Tuition Refunded | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 |
Withdrawal before the first week of class: 100% | Monday, August 5, 2024 | Monday, August 12, 2024 | Monday, April 15, 2024 | Monday, April 22, 2024 |
Withdrawal during first and second week of class: 80% | Sunday, August 18, 2024 | Sunday, August 25, 2024 | Sunday, April 28, 2024 | Sunday, May 5, 2024 |
Withdrawal during third week of class: 60% | Sunday, August 25, 2024 | Sunday, September 1, 2024 | Sunday, May 5, 2024 | Sunday, May 12, 2024 |
Withdrawal during fourth week of class: 40% | Sunday, September 1, 2024 | Sunday, September 8, 2024 | Sunday, May 12, 2024 | Sunday, May 19, 2024 |
Withdrawal during fifth week of class: 20% | Sunday, September 8, 2024 | Sunday, September 15, 2024 | Sunday, May 19, 2024 | Sunday, May 26, 2024 |
Withdrawal after fifth week of class: 0% | Monday, September 9, 2024 | Monday, September 16, 2024 | Monday, May 20, 2024 | Tuesday, May 28, 2024 |
Semester 2, 2024-2025
Percent of Tuition Refunded | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 |
Withdrawal before the first week of class: 100% | Monday, January 6, 2025 | Monday, December 9, 2024 | Monday, November 4, 2024 | Monday, November 11, 2024 |
Withdrawal during first and second week of class: 80% | Sunday, January 19, 2025 | Sunday, December 22, 2024 | Sunday, November 17, 2024 | Sunday, November 24, 2024 |
Withdrawal during third week of class: 60% | Sunday, January 26, 2025 | Sunday, January 6, 2025 | Sunday, November 24, 2024* | Sunday, December 1, 2024 |
Withdrawal during fourth week of class: 40% | Sunday, February 2, 2025 | Sunday, January 12, 2025 | Sunday, December 8, 2024 | Sunday, December 8, 2024 |
Withdrawal during fifth week of class: 20% | Sunday, February 9, 2025 | Sunday, January 19, 2025 | Sunday, December 15, 2024 | Sunday, December 15, 2024 |
Withdrawal after fifth week of class: 0% | Monday, February 10, 2025 | Tuesday, January 21, 2025 | Monday, December 16, 2024 | Monday, December 16, 2024 |
*Holiday week November 25, 2024 for M3 students does not count as instruction.
Please note that course fees may not be refunded or prorated under certain circumstances such as after the start of the semester.
The date of withdrawal for purposes of calculating the refund is the date on which the student makes formal application for withdrawal to the Registrar's Office, or, in the case of medical leaves of absence, the date the Associate Dean of Student Affairs in the Medical School approves the leave of absence. The refund schedule listed above is applied regardless of the reason for withdrawal, including medical reasons.
Refund Policy for Termination of Residency in University Housing
Resident students who withdraw from the university in total within the first two weeks of the semester or move-in, whichever is sooner, will forfeit 50 percent of the room and board, the room reservation deposit and an administrative fee of $100. Beginning with the third academic week resident students who withdraw from the university in total, or only terminate their residency in university housing, will forfeit 100 percent of the room and board charge, with the room reservation deposit applied to any outstanding balance.
Non-Resident Dining Plans
Non-resident students who withdraw from the university within the first two weeks of the semester will forfeit 50 percent of the dining plan cost, plus any additional dining dollars used. Beginning with the third academic week, non-resident students who withdraw from the university will be responsible for 100 percent of the dining plan cost.
Dismissals and Suspensions
A student who is either dismissed or suspended by the university for any reason during either academic semester will receive a refund based on the applicable refund percentage in effect at the time of the student's dismissal or suspension. In addition, a student who is dismissed or suspended will be charged all administrative fees and board fees as prescribed.
Payment Plan
Students using the university's payment plan who withdraw during the refund period should note that their forfeiture will be computed on the full amount charged regarding tuition and fees, and not on the amount remitted via the payment plan. In addition, the $75 service charge for using the payment plan will also be included in the list of charges. After the applicable refund period, the balance due under the payment plan will be due and payable on the date of withdrawal.
For more information, please contact One Stop at onestop@qu.edu
2. Policy on Withdrawing and Implications on Financial Aid
If a student officially withdraws from the university, drops out, stops attending classes, is dismissed or takes a leave of absence (medical or personal), the student will be subject to the following calculation(s):
The university’s refund policy for billing and institutional funds (described above)
The return of title IV funds policy for federal funds
Per federal law, the university is obliged to calculate and then return that portion of the federal aid that is considered unearned. Please note the Return of Federal (Title IV) Funds policy is separate from the university’s refund policy and therefore may not cover all institutional charges.
To officially withdraw a student must formally withdraw with the Registrar’s Office. Students seeking a medical leave of absence leave should also contact the Associate Dean of Health & Wellness. Complete the online withdrawal form
Return of Federal Financial Aid (Title IV) Funds Policy
The law defines that Quinnipiac must follow a prescribed formula to determine the amount of Federal Title IV funds a student has “earned” if they withdraw from the school. The Title IV programs that are covered by this requirement include: Federal Pell, Iraq and Afghanistan Service grants, Federal Direct Student loans, Federal Direct PLUS loans, and Federal SEOG grants.
The withdrawal date is determined based on either when a student:
Officially notifies the university of their intent to withdraw; or
Begins the university’s withdrawal process.
If a student does not officially withdraw, Quinnipiac may use either the student’s last date of attendance at an academic related activity or the midpoint of the period as the student’s withdrawal date.
If a student withdraws from one or more module courses, that partial withdrawal may result in them being considered withdrawn for the semester. Students are not considered withdrawn if:
They “successfully complete” one module and at least 49% of the countable days;
Are enrolled and completing coursework as a half-time student; or
Have provided written confirmation they will be registering for an additional course later in the same semester.
The following formula is used to determine the percent of unearned aid to be returned to the federal government.
Number of calendar days completed up to the withdrawal date divided by (÷) the total calendar days in the payment period/semester (minus any scheduled breaks that are a least 5 days long)
The results are then used to determine next steps:
If the student completed more than 60 percent of the payment period/semester/enrollment period, they earn all funds they were scheduled to receive (or not subject to the federal calculation).
If the full amount of the earned awards based on the calculation were not received, the student or parent may be able to receive those additional funds.
If they received more funds than they earned, the excess funds must be returned by Quinnipiac and/or the student.
If a student did not receive all the funds they earned, they may be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, Quinnipiac must receive permission from the borrower before it can be disbursed. The offer will be made in writing and the student will then have 14 days to notify the University if they wish to accept the additional loan funds. Quinnipiac will automatically use the funds for tuition, fees, housing and meal plan charges as contracted by the school.
If Quinnipiac is not required to return the excess funds, the student must return the remaining amount. Any loan funds that a student received (or the parent for a PLUS loan) must be repaid in accordance with the terms of the promissory note.
If a student has an overpayment from a Federal grant, Quinnipiac is required to report the overpayment to National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). The student is required to repay 50% of the amount of unearned grant funds or set up payment arrangements within 45 days from the date of withdrawal. The student must resolve the overpayment within two years with the OneStop Office or the U.S. Department of Education. If the student does not repay the overpayment in full or enter a satisfactory arrangement, on the 46th day they will lose Title IV eligibility. If a student fails to follow the payment arrangement, they will also lose Title IV eligibility.
Order to Return Title IV Funds When Withdraw
The following Federal financial aid funds are returned in the order listed per federal guidelines:
Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Direct Subsidized Loan*
Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
Direct Parent PLUS Loan*
Federal Pell Grant*
Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Federal TEACH Grant
Other Title IV Assistance
*Funds awarded to undergraduate students only
After the unearned funds have been returned for the above Title IV funds, the non-title IV grant funds may be subject to proration, i.e. state grants.
Timeframe for the Return of Title IV Funds
Federal regulations indicate a school must return unearned funds for which it is responsible as soon as possible but no later than 45 days from the determination of a student’s withdrawal.
The university will:
Initiate an electronic transaction informing the Department of Education to adjust the borrower’s loan account for the amount returned, initiate an electronic funds transfer to an account belonging to the student, or issue a check
The student will receive written notification from the Financial Aid Office regarding the results of the refund calculation requirements and the return of Federal Title IV Aid amounts.
If you have questions regarding the Federal Refund policy, please contact the School of Medicine Financial Aid office.
If you have questions regarding the Quinnipiac withdrawal policy and billing, please contact the One Stop office.
Return of Institutional Funds and Private Educational Loans
When a student withdraws, Institutional need-based funds such as University grants and certain student programs will be adjusted based on the student’s withdrawal date. These funds are applied based on the University’s institutional refund policy.
In instances where a private educational loan was borrowed, we will work with the student or family to reduce the loan amount accordingly based on the amount charged by the university.
Revised 9/2022