Tuition and Student Fee Rate Structure
Quinnipiac University’s accelerated dual-degree (3+) programs offer students the unique opportunity to earn a bachelor’s and graduate-level degree in a shortened time span (four, five or six years, depending on the program).
Fall and spring courses and number of credits outlined in the program (up to 19 credits per term, or up to 20 credits per term for up to two semesters as described below for students engaging in a study abroad program)
January term courses (up to 3 credits)
Summer terms courses (up to 7 credits total for the summer)
Other Fees
Other fees, such as the technology fees and health insurance, are not part of the tuition and student fee structure and will be invoiced separately.
Overload Tuition
Fall and Spring Terms: Credits in excess of 19 will be invoiced at the per credit rate in effect during the applicable academic year. With the permission of the dean, students who choose to study abroad for a semester may take up to 20 credits for up to two semesters to complete the science lab and 1-credit business core requirements.
January Term: Credits in excess of 3 will be invoiced at the standard per credit rate in effect during the applicable academic year.
Summer Terms: Credits in excess of 7 will be invoiced at the standard per credit rate in effect during the applicable academic year.
If you withdraw from the accelerated program any time prior to completing your +1 graduate degree year, you will be billed for the cost of any previously taken undergraduate, no-charge overload credits.
Quinnipiac Merit Scholarships
Quinnipiac merit scholarships will continue to be awarded throughout the master’s degree program. This only applies to one graduate program associated with the student’s chosen dual-degree.
Housing and Food
Students are required to maintain on-campus residency for the first three years of their program. Housing and food is not included as part of the tuition and student fee rate; therefore, students will be invoiced for room and board at the rate in effect during the applicable academic year.
Study Abroad and Other Special Programs
The accelerated dual-degree (3+) programs’ tuition and student fee structure apply only to traditional on-campus and online courses. Students wishing to take part in special programs will be invoiced at the current rate at the time of their registration. Accelerated dual-degree (3+) students need to be aware that the cost of the special programs typically includes tuition and room only; there is no board (meal) plan. Special programs offered by Quinnipiac include International Study Abroad programs and Domestic Study Away programs (e.g. QU in LA, Washington DC programs, etc.).
Travel Expenses
Travel expenses to/from internships are not included in the accelerated dual-degree tuition and student fee structure.