Quinnipiac University

Info for

Veterans & Military

A veteran in military regalia speaks with two people outside

Info for

Veterans & Military

At Quinnipiac, we recognize the sacrifices that current and former military service members have made on behalf of the United States. We've long been committed to helping our nation’s veterans, active and reserve military and National Guard members reach their educational goals. We partner with both the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs to provide a comprehensive set of benefits that fit with your military experience.

Whether your mission is advancing your military career, transitioning to the civilian sector or supporting your dependent as they work toward their degree, we are honored to assist you every step of the way.


Military Friendly©

Quinnipiac is recognized by Viqtory Media as being at the very top of the Best for Vets Schools in the United States.

Military Times

Military Times has ranked Quinnipiac University No. 1 in Connecticut, No. 1 in the Northeast and the Islands, No. 2 in private, not-for-profit universities and No. 10 nationally in its 2024 “Best for Vets: Colleges” rankings.

Yellow Ribbon Program Participant

We’ve invested more than $3 million into our Yellow Ribbon program, making your education more affordable.

Admissions & Financial Aid

Our mission is your success

We recognize the contributions and service you’ve provided as a member of the armed forces. If you decide to join the Quinnipiac community, we'll set you on a course that delivers a world-class education and enables you to achieve your educational goals.

Military Benefits

Financial Assistance

We accept all U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) education and disability benefits as well as tuition assistance from the Department of Defense (DOD) for eligible students. Our military enrollment admissions counselors and the director of veteran and military affairs are committed to helping you navigate the nuances of both the admissions process and your VA benefits.

As a partner with the VA, Quinnipiac offers the Yellow Ribbon Program to qualified service members, veterans and their dependents who are eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill®. This program may qualify you for benefits that could include the cost of tuition and fees, a book stipend and/or monthly housing allowance.

Learn More About Military Financial Aid

For more details on the Post 9/11 GI Bill®, call the VA’s Education Benefits Assistance Service at 1-888-442-4551 or visit the VA benefits website.

Visit the VA Benefits website

To apply for your VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE), visit the VA website.

Apply for your COE on vets.gov

Academic and Student Support

We provide resources campus-wide and offer mentorship opportunities designed to help you succeed. From your first day as a student until your graduation, our faculty and staff will assist you in acclimating to life on campus, connect you with advisers who will guide your academic experiences and help you become part of the Quinnipiac community. Our goal is to enable you to concentrate on being a student.

Quinnipiac adheres to the admission guidelines and practices of the National Association of College Admission Counseling (NACAC).
Learn more

Troops to Teachers Program

Connecticut Troops to Teachers is a program for all service members and veterans to receive assistance in transitioning their leadership, core values and acquired skills to a career in teaching.

Learn more

Cross-Town ROTC Program

Quinnipiac University encourages students interested in advancing their military career and becoming officers to participate in ROTC programs, hosted nearby at the University of New Haven and Yale University. These programs allows students from Quinnipiac and other neighboring colleges and universities to enroll in military science classes, physical fitness training and leadership labs while also providing several opportunities for scholarships.

Learn more about the Army ROTC program at the University of New Haven

Learn more about Air Force ROTC at Yale University

Military makeover poster

On the national stage

Our commitment to honor and support our active duty and veteran students, faculty and staff was featured on "Military Makeover: Operation Career," which debuted on the Lifetime network on June 24. The nationally broadcast show highlighted Alex Hartman '19, Shamar Farmer '18 and Jason Burke, director of veteran and military affairs, and showed how their military experiences have led them to success at Quinnipiac. The segment will continue to air nationally throughout the summer.

Our Mission is You

Jason Burke

Jason Burke

Executive Director of Veteran and Military Affairs

"The Military Times does a very comprehensive survey to ensure their list of best schools for veterans reflects universities that offer the best chance for success of these non-traditional students. Quinnipiac ranks very well because of the team effort that supports our veterans not only on campus but also within the Connecticut VA system. We also have a very active Student Veterans Organization that gets additional outside campus support via the Student Veterans of America."

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