Quinnipiac University

Parents & Families

Get Involved

A Quinnipiac student smiles and poses with her parents holding painted pumpkins during a family event

Parents & Families

Get Involved

Impact the life of your student and the rest of the Quinnipiac community by volunteering at campus events or by making a gift to the Quinnipiac Parents Fund and joining the Parents Council.

Quinnipiac Family Fund

Gifts to the Quinnipiac Family Fund support high-impact experiential learning opportunities providing current students the opportunity to attend enriching programs, conferences, and to travel and present research. Parents Fund gifts also support Provost and CXO initiatives that enhance and contribute to the student experience.


What is the Quinnipiac Family Fund?

The Quinnipiac Family Fund includes unrestricted and restricted gifts that provide the University with funding to support students and faculty.

Why is the Quinnipiac Family Fund vital to the university?

Support from parents makes an immediate impact on students and helps Quinnipiac to provide programs, such as:

  • First-year seminars and experiences
  • Common intellectual experiences
  • Learning communities
  • Writing-intensive courses
  • Collaborative assignments and projects
  • Undergraduate research
  • Diversity education and global learning
  • Service learning and community-based learning
  • Student Life programs and services
  • New and innovative opportunities to engage students outside the classroom
  • Physical improvements such as firepits and an e-sports facility
  • Student-led innovative community activities

Will my gift make a difference?

Participation is the cornerstone of the Quinnipiac Family Fund. Gifts, in any amount, generate additional resources for the University and signal support and enthusiasm for the education Quinnipiac provides. In turn, foundations, corporations and other funding organizations are motivated to support universities whose own communities invest heavily in the success and future of the institution.

For more information on how your gift will make an impact at Quinnipiac, please contact:

Aimee Marcella
Director of Development for Parents and Families

Giving Levels

Quinnipiac has long valued parents as partners in our students' education and success. We value your contribution to our joint mission of providing our students with a meaningful education in an innovative learning environment. When we make an impact on campus, we set our students up to make an impact on the world in their careers.

When you make a leadership gift, you join other like-minded parents and receive multiple opportunities to meet and network with university leaders, deans, faculty, staff and fellow parents.

Parents and Family Leadership Council - $5,000

The Parents and Family Leadership Council was created to provide a direct avenue for meaningful communication between Quinnipiac administration and involved parents. Council members share their time and energy by attending meetings on campus each semester, where they hear about the latest developments at Quinnipiac from faculty, deans and top administrators. Parents and Family Leadership Council members recognize the vital importance of the Quinnipiac Parents Fund, and make leadership gifts of $2,500 or more annually in support of the university’s priorities. Parents and Family Leadership Council members are invited to two meetings per academic year with university leadership and fellow council members, receive exclusive parent email updates and have the opportunity to attend many invitation-only receptions, including parent networking and social events.

Join now

“Your child’s four years go by very quickly so we encourage you to jump right in! With an annual leadership gift, you join the Quinnipiac Parents and Family Leadership Council; a way to support any area of the university that is meaningful to your family while your child is immersed in the Quinnipiac experience. Joining the Parents and Family Leadership Council provides the opportunity to engage with university leadership, learn about programs available to students, network with other Quinnipiac families, and help create excellence for all students.” - Ed Farris, Parent of Paul ’22, Jenna ’25 and Christa ’25, and Catherine Godbille-Koechlin, Parent of Remy ’22, Parents and Family Leadership Council Co-Chairs

Parents and Family Fellows - $10,000

Quinnipiac Parents and Family Fellows invest further in their child’s educational experience, support the academic success of all our students, and gain relationships and insights into our campus, faculty, staff and other parents. Parents and Family Fellows support areas that are special to their students by directing gifts of $10,000 or more each year to a particular program, school or department. Members join their philanthropic peers in exclusive gatherings with Quinnipiac’s top leadership, Board of Trustees, and distinguished alumni. Members receive all privileges of membership in the Parents Council as well as commencement benefits.


“Philanthropy is not a spectator sport. Parents and Family Fellows are parents and grandparents who understand the lifelong power of a Division I, private college education and immerse themselves in their own unique Quinnipiac experience. They invest in current and future Quinnipiac students in meaningful and powerful ways.” - Robert and Shelley Massey '88, Parents of Morgan '14, MHS'18, Taylor '14, Brandon '20

Contact Us

Aimee Marcella
Director of Development for Parents and Families