Quinnipiac University
Dr. Valerie Strange is a registered occupational therapist with over 36 years of experience in health care and ten years as an educator. The past 24 years of clinical practice has been focused on early intervention, school based, and community-based settings for children and youth. Her specific area of training and expertise lie within holistic and strength-based approaches to occupational development of children and youth, and with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, along with their transition needs from early intervention through adulthood. Her primary areas of teaching include clinical courses related to pediatrice development, evaluation and intervention, as well as interprofessional courses, capstone experiences, community based fieldwork courses.

Dr. Strange holds the position of Clinical Professor of occupational therapy, with recent appointment to the Center for Interprofessional Healthcare Education as Assistant Director at Quinnipiac University. She serves on the Advisory Board for Best Buddies CT, and on the advisory committee for ASRC @ Clifford Beers. She is a Distinguished Fellow of the National Academy of Practice Occupational Therapy Academy.


  • BS, Quinnipiac University
  • MSOT, Quinnipiac University
  • OTD, Quinnipiac University
  • OTD, Quinnipiac University

Areas of Expertise

  • Transitions
  • School-based Practice


  • Occupational Therapy

Office Location

  • Medicine, Nursing, Health Sci

Mail Drop

  • NH-HSC


Quinnipiac University

Clinical Professor of Occupational Therapy

Hamden, CT, USA

2023 - Present

Quinnipiac University

Clinical Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy

Hamden, CT, USA

2020 - 2023

Quinnipiac University

Clinical Assistant Professor

Hamden, CT, USA

2013 - 2020

Quinnipiac University

Part Time Faculty

Hamden, CT, USA

2011 - 2013

Cheshire Fitness Zone

Occupational Therapist

Cheshire, CT

2010 - 2012

Children’s Therapy Services

Occupational Therapist

Cheshire, CT

2000 - Present

Region 15

Occupational Therapist

Southbury, CT

2000 - 2005

Sundance Rehabilitation Corporation

Rehab Director Mediplex of Wethersfield

Cromwell, CT

1999 - 1999

Sundance Rehabilitation Corporation

Clinical Director of OT

Cromwell, CT

1993 - 1999

Sundance Rehabilitation Corporation

Staff Occupational Therapist

Cromwell, CT

1992 - 1992

Sundance Rehabilitation Corporation

Supervisor of OT

Cromwell, CT

1992 - 1993

Cedar Lane Rehabilitation

Supervisor of OT

Waterbury, CT

1991 - 1992

Novacare, Inc.

Senior OT

Farmington, CT

1991 - 1991

New Britain Memorial Hospital

Senior OT

New Britain, CT

1989 - 1991

Hospital of Saint Raphael

Staff Occupational Therapist

New Haven, CT

1987 - 1989

Helen Hayes Hospital

Staff Occupational Therapist

West Haverstraw, NY

1986 - 1987

Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed Poster

Perceived Impact of Short-Term International Experiences on Personal & Professional Beliefs of Health Care Practitioners: A Longitudinal Study.

Strange, V., Balch, B., Huang, C., Disman, M., & Dynice, B.

AOTA Inspire, Orlando, Florida, Quinnipiac University (2024)

Peer Reviewed Poster

Effectiveness of a vocational training program on the work readiness of adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Strange, V. & Clark, A.

AOTA Inspire, Orlando, Florida, Quinnipiac UNiv ersity (2024)

Peer Reviewed Poster

People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Seeking Social Inclusion: A Promising Role for Occupational Therapy at an Organizational Level.

Strange, V. & Sobol, V.

AOTA Inspire, Orlando, Florida, Quinnipiac University (2024)

Peer Reviewed Poster

Manualizing a Work Training Program for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Working in an Integrated Employment Setting.

Strange V., Cantwell C., Eichman L., Garcia C., & Mandara, A.

American Occupational Therapy Association National Conference in Kansas City Missouri, Hamden, CT, Quinnipiac UNiversity (2023)

Peer Reviewed Poster

Reciprocal Partnerships in Guatemala: An Interprofessional Reflection on Community Based Global Learning

Strange V., Hubbard B., Miner A., Trahan, E., & Weinrich, A.

American Occupational Therapy Association National Conference in Kansas City Missouri, Hamden, CT, Quinnipiac University (2023)

Conference Presentation

Transitions for Children and Youth Using An Interprofessional Conference-Style Collaboration to Explore Complex Health-Care Needs at Pivotal Points of Service.

Booth, J., Strange, V.

Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Thomas Jefferson University (2023)

Peer Reviewed Poster

Supported Employment of Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: An Emerging Practice Area for Occupational Therapists

Strange, V., Smith, B.

American Occupational Therapy Association, Hamden, CT, Quinnipiac University (2021)

Peer Reviewed Poster

Exploring Lived Experiences of Individuals with IDD and Adaptive Dance

Strange, V., Addon, K., Inzalaco, J., Matises, A., Peckham, L.

American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Hamden, CT, Quinnipiac University (2021)

Invited Speaker

Cardboard Carpentry: Decision-making Strategies for IMplementation in Practice

Strange, V.

Springfield, Ma., American International College (2021)

Peer Reviewed Poster

An Interprofessional Approach to Care for a Chils with Complex Medical Challenges

Strange, V., Doyle, M., Cook, B., Majeski, K., Archambault, M., Falaro, J., Smith, C.

Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century, Philadelphia, Pa., Thomas Jefferson University (2021)

Peer Reviewed Poster

Using Videoconferencing To Promote Greater Access To and Diversity of Professions In A Recurring Interprofessional Event Involving Three Universities

Archambault, M., Strange, V., Doyle, M., Cook, B., Majeski, K., Booth, J

IPEC Virtual Poster Fair, Virtual, Interprofessional Education Collaborative (2021)

Academic Awards, Fellowships and Grants

Distinguished Fellow of the National Academy of Practice in Occupational Therapy

Fellowship | 2023-2024

Class of 2024-as stated in announcement, I am recognized for leadership in both both my profession and in interprofessional care. intent is to work collaboratively as an interprofessional community to influence and promote national health policy, legislation, quality healthcare, and research.

Professional Designation