MARY B Paddock
Assoc Prof for Modern Languages & Interdisciplinary Studies
Mary Paddock has been an associate professor of Modern Languages and Interdisciplinary Studies at Quinnipiac since 2019. Prior to joining the faculty full time, Dr. Paddock served as an assistant, associate, and senior associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Before arriving at Quinnipiac in 2008, Dr. Paddock held positions at Yale University, Smith College, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Virginia Tech). She has spent time studying and conducting research abroad under the aegis of Fulbright and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Dr. Paddock has taught German language, German culture (film, business), medieval European lyric in translation, linguistics, research methods, and senior capstone courses in the Modern Languages, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Environmental Studies programs.
Dr. Paddock's scholarship has focused on lyric performance, visuality, and persona construction in the German High Middle Ages and in fin-de-siecle German cabaret and drama. Her current research projects focus on persona construction as it relates to notions of "genius" in literary transmission, as well as on poetics and genre in medieval lyric and the "Heimat" film in post WWII German culture.
In 2016, Dr. Paddock launched the Collaborative for Interdisciplinary/Integrative Studies with generous support from the Davis Educational Foundation. The Collaborative supports the development of interdisciplinary curricula and initiatives, promotes collaboration among faculty in teaching and research and oversees the administration of interdisciplinary programs. As Founding Executive Director of the Collaborative, Dr. Paddock developed and administered majors in Interdisciplinary Studies (BA), Sustainability & Environmental Policy (BA), Environmental Science (BS), Environmental Studies (BA) co-major, the Independent Major (BA/BS), as well as the Independent Minor and provided support for CAS's eight interdisciplinary minors.
Before arriving at Quinnipiac in 2008, Dr. Paddock held positions at Yale University, Smith College, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Virginia Tech). She has spent time studying and conducting research abroad under the aegis of Fulbright and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Dr. Paddock has taught German language, German culture (film, business), medieval European lyric in translation, linguistics, research methods, and senior capstone courses in the Modern Languages, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Environmental Studies programs.
Dr. Paddock's scholarship has focused on lyric performance, visuality, and persona construction in the German High Middle Ages and in fin-de-siecle German cabaret and drama. Her current research projects focus on persona construction as it relates to notions of "genius" in literary transmission, as well as on poetics and genre in medieval lyric and the "Heimat" film in post WWII German culture.
In 2016, Dr. Paddock launched the Collaborative for Interdisciplinary/Integrative Studies with generous support from the Davis Educational Foundation. The Collaborative supports the development of interdisciplinary curricula and initiatives, promotes collaboration among faculty in teaching and research and oversees the administration of interdisciplinary programs. As Founding Executive Director of the Collaborative, Dr. Paddock developed and administered majors in Interdisciplinary Studies (BA), Sustainability & Environmental Policy (BA), Environmental Science (BS), Environmental Studies (BA) co-major, the Independent Major (BA/BS), as well as the Independent Minor and provided support for CAS's eight interdisciplinary minors.
- BS, Georgetown University
- MA, Yale University
- PHD, Yale University
- Interdisciplinary Studies
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- College of Arts & Sciences 3 309
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- CL-AC3