Assistant Teaching Professor of English
Aside from her work in the writing classroom, Dr. McKinley produces scholarship within the intersections of medical rhetorics and feminist rhetorics. Her current research focuses on
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and underscores challenges tied to the oppression of women and minorities. Dr. McKinley's scholarship has been presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Feminisms and Rhetoric, and Rhetoric Society of America. Dr. McKinley's first book on PCOS was published by Roman & Littlefield/Lexington Books in September 2023.
- PHD, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise
- Rhetoric of Health and Medicine
- Feminist Theory and Pedagogy
- Writing Across the Curriculum/Writing in the Disciplines
- Writing Program Administration
- English
Office Location
- College of Arts & Sciences 1 328
Mail Drop
- CL-AC1
Quinnipiac University
Assistant Teaching Professor of English
Hamden, CT, United States of America
2019 - Present
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Assistant Director of Liberal Studies English
Indiana, PA, United States of America
2016 - 2018
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Graduate Instructor of First-Year Writing
Indiana, PA, United States of America
2016 - 2018
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Graduate Assistant for the Composition and TESOL PhD Program
Indiana, PA, United States of America
2014 - 2016
Northern Kentucky University
Adjunct Instructor of First-Year Writing and General Studies
Highland Heights, KY, United States of America
2011 - 2014
Northern Kentucky University
Graduate Teaching Associate of First-Year Writing
Highland Heights, KY, United States of America
2010 - 2011
Chatfield College
Adjunct Instructor of First-Year Writing and General Studies
Cincinnati, OH, United States of America
2009 - 2012
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Journal
From review to practice: Implementing ePortfolio research in professional identity formation
Torres, J., McKinley, M. C.
13(1) International Journal of ePortfolio 1-9 (2023)
PCOS discourses, symbolic impacts, and feminist rhetorical disruptions of institutional hegemonies
McKinley, M. C.
(Rowman & Littlefield/Lexington Books 2023)
Conference Presentation
No "or" exists: There is only "and": Online research mentorship in a figurative threshold
McKinley, M. C., Torres, J., & Joseph, O.
Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL (2023)
Preparing for the metaverse with ePortfolios
Torres, J., McKinley, M. C.
Inside Higher Education (2022)
Pedagogical Material
Turning finals week into a celebration of student work
McKinley, M. C.
Center for Teaching and Learning Newsletter (2022)
Conference Presentation
PCOS health communication during a pandemic: What audiences can learn by studying digital health communities
McKinley, M. C.
Rhetoric Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland (2022)
Conference Presentation
No "or" exists. There is only "and."
McKinley, M. C.
Inclusive Excellence Summer Assembly, Hamden, CT, Quinnipiac University (2022)
A celebration of academic writing and research
McKinley, M. C.
Quinnipiac University (2022)
A "contact of minds": Investigations of a Rhetoric of Health and Medicine.
McKinley, M. C.
Quinnipiac University (2022)
Conference Presentation
Rhetorical assemblage as process and praxis: A transdisciplinary approach to writing assessment within the neoliberal university
McKinley, M. C., Torres, J., & Harnish, A.
Conference on College Composition and Communication, Zoom (2021)
Equitable assessment practices for teaching and learning
McKinley, M. C.
Quinnipiac University (2021)
Book review
A review of Rhetorical work in emergency medical services in the unpredictable workplace
McKinley, M. C.
3(1) Rhetoric of Health & Medicine (2020)
Conference Presentation
"Has anyone else?": Rhetorical hospitalities in an online Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome health community
McKinley, M. C.
Rhetoric Society of America (2020)
Conference Presentation
Managing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome online: myPCOSteam as a feminist, digital commonplace for chronic disease management and health empowerment
McKinley, M. C.
Conference on College Composition and Communication (2020)
Closing the gap between WID and WIP: ePortfolio as evidence of professional identity
McKinley, M. C., Torres, J., & Perez, A.
Quinnipiac University (2020)
Closing the gap between WID and WIP: ePortfolio as evidence of professional identity
McKinley, M. C., & Torres, J.
Conference on College Composition and Communication (2020)