Quinnipiac University
Welcomes Media Inquiries
Kate Pfeiffer is a clinical associate professor and directs the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner program at the School of Nursing at Quinnipiac University. A nationally recognized leader in psychiatric nursing education, she provides expertise in online learning design and implementation, competency-based teaching and learning, and developing a trauma-informed classroom. Her scholarship and service reflect her commitment to psychiatric nursing and education. She serves as the co-chair of the Graduate Education Council at the American Psychiatric Nurses Association to advocate for the advancement of competency-based education. Her clinical practice focuses on adults across many types of outpatient psychiatric and integrated health settings. She holds dual board certifications as a psychiatric advanced practice nurse.

She has received numerous awards for teaching excellence including from Emory University (Emory Williams Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award) and the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (National Award for Excellence in Education). She was a member of the 2024 cohort of the National League for Nursing Leadership LEAD Training Program.

Prior to her arrival at Quinnipiac, Pfeiffer served as an assistant professor and assistant psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner program director at Emory University's Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing in Atlanta, Ga. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, where her research focused on fostering posttraumatic growth in nurses. She also earned her Masters of Science in Nursing at Georgia State University.


Quinnipiac University School of Nursing

Associate Professor, Clinical Track, Director, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program

Hamden, CT, USA

2024 - Present

Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University

Assistant Professor, Clinical Track, Assistant Director, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program

Atlanta, GA, USA

2022 - 2024

Clarkston Community Health Center

Psychiatric Mental Health Advanced Practice Nurse

Clarkston, GA, USA

2022 - 2024

Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University

Clinical Instructor

Atlanta, GA, USA

2013 - 2022

The Southeast Permanente Medical Group

Psychiatric Mental Health Advanced Practice Nurse

Atlanta, GA, USA

2009 - 2019

Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Looking Back to Advance Equity in Psychiatric Nursing: Strategies for the Classroom and for Practice

Pfeiffer, K., Starks, S., Kumar, A., Wofsy, A., Johnson, K. B., & Smith, K.


Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Developing a Pilot Curriculum to Enhance Undergraduate Student Well-Being.

Owen, M. I., Pfeiffer, K., Jordan, D., & Dittmann, A.


Conference Presentation

Measuring the Abstract in Competency-Based Curriculum. Podium Presentation.

Pfeiffer, K., Kumar, A., Jordan, D.

American Psychiatric Nurses Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY (2024)

Peer Reviewed Poster

Is Anybody Out There? Creating Connection and Presence in Online Learning Environments

Pfeiffer, K., Hutson, E.

American Psychiatric Nurses Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY (2024)

Conference Presentation

A Model for Measuring the Abstract in Nursing Education.

Pfeiffer, K., Kumar, A., Jordan, D., Nicholson, C

National League for Nursing Education Summit, San Antonio, TX (2024)

Professional Designation
