Director of the Center for Interprofessional Healthcare Edu
Clinical Associate Professor of Physical Therapy
- Physical Therapy
Office Location
- Medicine, Nursing, Health Sci 367H
Mail Drop
Quinnipiac University
Assistant Director of the Center for interprofessional Healthcare Education
2023 - Present
Quinnipiac University
Associate Director of Clinical Education
2019 - 2022
Quinnipiac University
Clinical Associate Professor
Hamden, CT
2016 - Present
Quinnipiac University
Assistant Director of Clinical Education
Hamden, CT
2014 - 2019
Quinnipiac University
Clinical Assistant Professor
Hamden, CT
2014 - 2016
Quinnipiac University
Administrator of Clinical Integration for Physical Therapy
Hamden, CT
2010 - 2014
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Per Diem Pediatric Physical Therapist
Hartford, CT
2008 - 2019
Jane Bisantz and Associates birth to three program
Contract Physical Therapist
East Hampton, CT
2006 - 2008
Glastonbury School District
School Physical Therapist
Glastonbury, CT
2004 - Present
West Hartford School District
Interim Physical Therapist
West Hartford, CT
2003 - 2005
University of Michigan Health System
Outpatient Pediatric Physical Therapist
Ann Arbor, MI
1999 - 2003
University of Michigan Health System
Pediatric Physical Therapy-Clinical Specialist
Ann Arbor, MI
1997 - 1999
University of Michigan Health System
Pediatric Rehabilitation Coordinator
Ann Arbor, MI
1996 - 1997
University of Michigan Health System
Adult Neurology/Neurosurgery Physical Therapy Clinical Specialist
Ann Arbor, MI
1995 - 1996
University of Michigan Health System
Adult Rehabilitation Physical Therapist
Ann Arbor, MI
1994 - 1996
University of Michigan Health System
Rotating Physical Therapist
Ann Arbor, MI
1993 - 1994
University of Michigan Health System
Adult Outpatient Physical Therapist
Ann Arbor, MI
1992 - 1993
Xerox Financial Services
Territorial Marketing Representative
Southfield, MI
1987 - 1989
Xerox Financial Services
Package Underwriter
Oakbrook, IL
1986 - 1987
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Poster
Needs assessment, feasibility, and initiation of inclusive fitness programming at Quinnipiac University
Booth J., Lampron E., Blum A., Crosby R., Criscenzo K., Marzano E
Move United Education Conference, Louisville, KY, Move United (2023)
Peer Reviewed Poster
The Use of Fair- Trade Learning and Community-Based Global Learning Frameworks for Ethical Engagement.
Booth J., Futterman M., Vincent C., Cummings L., Della Torre T
Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference, Washington, DC, Consortium of Universities for Global Health (2023)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Feasibility of a Modified Otago Exercise Program for Older Adults with Cognitive Vulnerability
Mangione K., Darreff H., Welsh M., Ni W., Wolff E., Booth J., Glenney S., Fortinski R
Vol. 42(7) Journal of Applied Gerontology 1445-1455 March (2023)
Peer Reviewed Poster
Steps along the path towards World Physiotherapy Accreditation of an Existing Physiotherapy Program in Haiti
Chatto C., Booth J
American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Annual Conference-Catalyst Global Health SIG Reception, San Diego, CA, American Physical Therapy Association (2023)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Use of Co-Curricular Activities to Support Pediatric Education
Booth J, Broggi M
American Physical Association Annual Pediatric Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, American Physical Therapy Association (2023)
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Transitions for Children and Youth Using an Interprofessional Conference-Style Collaboration to Explore Complex Healthcare Needs at Pivotal Points of Service
Booth J, Strange V
Thomas Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education Conference-Presentation, Philadelphia, PA, Thomas Jefferson University (2023)
Peer Reviewed Poster
Feasibility of the Otago Exercise Program for older adults with dementia and depression.
Mangione K, Darreff H, McKenna W, Weihong N, Booth J, Glenney S, Fortinsky R
American Physical Therapy Association Annual Combined Sections Conference, San Antonio, TX, (2022)
Peer Reviewed Poster
Participation in community-based virtual group exercise: effects on aerobic fitness and quality of life in individuals with spinal cord injury
Lampron E., Booth J., De La Rosa V., Potter M., Solomon J., Volpe G., Wu M
Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, American Physical Therapy Association (2022)
Peer Reviewed Poster
Using videoconferencing to promote greater access to and diversity of professions in a recurring interprofessional event involving three universities
Archambault M, Strange V, Cook B, Booth J, Doyle M, Majeski K.
IPEC virtual poster fair showcase, Virtual (2021)
Invited Speaker
Building a community of practice: Lessons learned through interprofessional engagement in Guatemala
Booth J, Strange V, Sabato E, Twomey T
NEXXUS Summit 2020, NEXXUS (2020)
Peer Reviewed Poster
Online Synchronous Interprofessional Education Experience focusing on the Ethics of COVID-19.
Lukaszewicz M, Hartmann K, Mills M, Grevelding K, Glynn B, Booth J, Grgurich T.
NEXXUS Summit 2020, Virtual, NEXXUS (2020)