Quinnipiac University
Julia M Fullick-Jagiela

Professor of Management

Chair of Management

Welcomes Media Inquiries
Dr. Julia Fullick-Jagiela's work is centered on redefining leadership development practice to include diverse leader voices and experience. Through her lens as an IO Psychologist, she centers employee well-being in everything she does, particularly in her roles as Professor and Chair of Management, as a Faculty Senate Rep, Chair of the Senate Policies Committee, and member of the Senate Executive Committee. In her work with the Lifelong Learning team at Quinnipiac University, she helps frontline leaders develop their teams and advance change. She is a passionate advocate for advancing women in the workforce and engaging real systemic change that will allow them to bring their authentic intersectional identities to the table.

In collaboration with her amazing colleagues, she has developed and facilitated leadership development programs in healthcare and academia, worked extensively on writing faculty policies and navigating shared governance, built new programs and redesigned existing ones, and has developed formal mentoring programs and consulted with non-profits and professional organizations. She is an active member of SIOP, NACADA, and EAM. She is an Editorial Board Member for the NACADA Journal and have published in HRDR, JOP, JoSOTL, IOP, NACADA, IJME, ISEDJ, JARHE, and TIP. In 2017, she was a QU Excellence in Teaching Award semi-finalist, and in 2015 was awarded the Quinnipiac University Pi Beta Phi Certificate of Excellence in Teaching Award. She is the founding faculty advisor for SHRM@QU, a Superior Merit Award winning student chapter. In 2011, she was awarded the William R. Jones Most Valuable Mentor Award from the Florida Education Fund. She was part of the SIOP E&T Committee that revised the I-O Masters and PhD Curriculum Guidelines in 2016. As part of her commitment to being a lifelong learner in her roles, she completed the HERS Institute Higher Education Leadership Development Program in 2019. She earned her Ph.D. and M.S. in Industrial Organizational Psychology and B.S., Honors in the Major in Psychology from the University of Central Florida.


  • BS, University of Central Florida
  • MS, University of Central Florida
  • PHD, University of Central Florida

Areas of Expertise

  • Gender & Diversity
  • Human Resource Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Management
  • Management Education and Development


  • Management

Office Location

  • Faculty Office Building 131

Mail Drop

  • SB-DNF

Selected Publications

NACADA Editorial Board Member

Fullick-Jagiela, J. M.


Peer Reviewed Presentations

Human-Centered Leadership Development in an AI (Artificial Intelligence) World

Fullick-Jagiela, J., & Kelly, P.

Eastern Academy of Management, Providence, RI, USA (2024)

Peer Reviewed Presentations

Instilling Professionalism Competencies Across the Business Curriculum

Tomczyk, D., Fullick-Jagiela, J., Kelly, P., Giglione, D., Bouton, D., Trusch, K., & Mercer, I.

Eastern Academy of Management, Providence, RI, USA (2024)

NACADA Editorial Board Member

Fullick-Jagiela, J. M.


Peer Reviewed Presentations

Authentic behavior: Women of color in the workplace

Jones, K., & Fullick-Jagiela, J. M.

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States (2023)

Salary Negotiations

Jones, K., & Fullick-Jagiela, J.


Peer Reviewed Journal

Enhancing learning in business education utilizing project management practice and skills.

Fullick-Jagiela, J., Kelly, P. S., Paros, A. K. B., Awudu, I., & Riello, S.

21(2) Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 4-13 (2023)

Peer Reviewed Presentations

Enhancing learning in business education

Kelly, P. S., Paros, A. K. B., Fullick-Jagiela, J., Awudu, I., & Riello, S.

EDSIG, Clearwater, FL (2022)

NACADA Editorial Board Member

Fullick-Jagiela, J. M.


Peer Reviewed Presentations

Engagement Fellows: Partnerships to improve learning and support in quantitative courses

Fullick-Jagiela, J., Patidar, N., & Jin, Y.

NEDSI 2022, Newark, NJ (2022)

Peer Reviewed Presentations

Managerial capital in the supply chain: An antecedent to a superior firm performance

Jin, Y., & Fullick-Jagiela, J.

NEDSI 2022, Newark, NJ (2022)

NACADA Editorial Board Member

Fullick-Jagiela, J. M.


Peer Reviewed Journal

Shared identity, trustworthiness, and social distance in online training.

McKee, D. N., Lewis, A. C., Fullick-Jagiela, J. M., & Long, R.

21(3) Journal of Organizational Psychology 47-66 (2021)

Peer Reviewed Journal

The importance of faculty/staff support during times of crisis

Jones, K., Saulnier, B., Fullick-Jagiela, J., & Leonard, L. N. K.

19(3) Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 38-46 June (2021)