Professor of Anthropology
- BA, University of Notre Dame
- MA, Arizona State University
- PHD, The Ohio State University
Areas of Expertise
- biological anthropology
- bioarchaeology
- dental anthropology
- Anthropology
Office Location
- Tator Hall 119L
Mail Drop
AN 104 Bones, Genes and Everything In Between
Summer 2 2025 -
AN 104L Bones, Genes and Everything Lab In Between Lab
January Term 2025 -
AN 250 Forensic Anthropology
Spring 2025 -
AN 272 Sh*t Happens: a Natural History of Human Waste
Spring 2025 -
ENV 272 Sh*t Happens: a Natural History of Human Waste
Spring 2025
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Journal
Estimating adult age categories in commingled skeletons using Transition Analysis 3
Bolster, A., JeanLouis, H., Gregoricka, L., Ullinger, J.
183(2) American Journal of Biological Anthropology e24890 (2024)
The Routledge Handbook of Paleopathology
Ullinger, J., Loewen, T.
Dental Disease 360-378 London and New York (Routledge 2023)
Peer Reviewed Journal
21st century bioarchaeology: taking stock and moving forward
Buikstra, J., DeWitte, Sharon N., Agarwal, S., Baker, Brenda J., Bartelink, E., Berger, E., Blevins, K.A., Bolhofner, K., Boutin, A., Brickley, M., Buzon, M., de la Cova, C., Goldstein, L., Grauer, A., Gregoricka, L.A., Halcrow, S., Hall, S., Hillson, Sl., Kakaliouris, A., Klaus, H.D., Knudson, K.J., Knuser, C., Larsen, C.S, Martin, D.J., Milner, G.A., Novak, M., Nystrom, K.C., Pacheco-Fores, S., Prowse, T., Robbins Schug, G., Roberts, C., Rothwell, J., Santos, A.L., Stojanowski, C., Stone, A.C.
Yearbook of Biological Anthropology 1-61 (2022)
Applying Anthropology to General Education: Reshaping Colleges and Universities for the 21st Century
Haldane, H.J., Ullinger, J., Giblin, J.
Teaching general education: anthropology for undergraduate students and future publics 16-26 London (Routledge 2022)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Isotopic assessment of diet and infant feeding practices among Ottoman-period Bedouin from Tell el-Hesi
Gregoricka, L., Ullinger, J.
32(2) International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 467-478 (2022)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Investigating a Possible Case of Stillborn Twins at Tell el-Hesi: a Multi-Technique Approach
Ullinger, J., Gregoricka, L., Bernardos, R., Reich, D., Langston, A., Ferreri, P., Ingram, B.
85(3) Near Eastern Archaeology 228-237 (2022)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Set apart from within: articulated women in commingled tombs from Early Bronze Age Arabia
Gregoricka, L., Ullinger, J., Schrenk, A.
32 Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 243-255 (2021)
Peer Reviewed Journal
Heads over tails? An exploration of anatomical arrangement within cremation urns from Bronze Age Hungary
Williamson, K, Danella, E., Ullinger, J., Paja, L., Giblin, J.
4(3-4) Bioarchaeology Interna?ional 153-171 (2020)