Quinnipiac University
Hillary Jeanne Haldane

Professor of Anthropology

Welcomes Media Inquiries
Professor Hillary J. Haldane, PhD earned her BA in anthropology from San Diego State University, her postgraduate diploma of arts in anthropology from the University of Otago, and her MA and PhD in anthropology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Since 1997 Dr. Haldane has conducted international fieldwork in multiple geographical contexts, with Oceania as her primary fieldsite . Dr. Haldane's ethnographic research focuses on the way settler colonialism produces and shapes gender-based and structural violence/s.Her secondary areas of interest include the political-economy of higher education, and more recently women's football, with a particular focus on Fédération internationale de football association (FIFA).

Dr. Haldane is currently developing a project that weaves together the various threads of her nearly 30 years of research in Oceania, this time with a focus on Kanaky New Caledonia. She is keen to work with any students who have an interest in the region, or who want to learn more about human trafficking, frontline anti-violence work, and decolonization efforts.

Dr. Haldane's pedagogical interests are also cross-cultural and internationally-focused. Since 2010 Dr. Haldane has developed faculty-led travel courses for students in Morocco, Australia and Guatemala, and is in the planning stages for a faculty-led course for students to travel to the 2027 Women's World Cup in Brazil, and to Brisbane/Meeanjin, Australia for the 2032 Summer Olympics.


  • BA, San Diego State University
  • MA, University of California Santa Barbara
  • PHD, University of California Santa Barbara

Areas of Expertise

  • Ethnographic methods and international research
  • Political economy of higher education
  • Gender-based violence and Indigeneity
  • FIFA and women's football
  • Oceania


  • Anthropology

Office Location

  • College of Arts & Sciences 1 314

Mail Drop

  • CL-AC1


Society for Applied Anthropology

Nominations and Elections


2022 - Present

State of Connecticut

Member, Council on Sexual Misconduct Climate Assessments


2021 - 2026

Sexual Violence Research Institute

Global Expert Group

South Africa

2020 - Present

UN Women

Expert Roster, Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW)


2020 - Present

Central Queensland University

Fulbright Senior Scholar

Mackay, Queensland, Australia

2017 - 2017

New Haven/Leon Sister City Project

Board Member

New Haven, CT USA and Leon, Nicaragua

2011 - 2014

YWCA of San Diego County

Administrator, Youth and Community Services

San Diego, CA USA

1997 - 1999

Selected Publications

Non-Peer Reviewed Journal

Amid growing legalization, cannabis in culture and politics is the focus of this anthropology class

Haldane, Hillary J.

The Conversation February (2024)

Peer Reviewed Presentations

Old Sport, New Game: The 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup as Global Disruption

Haldane, Hillary J.

Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, New Mexico (2024)


The 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup: Politics, Representation, and Management

Erueti, B., Grainger, A., and Haldane, H.

The Marketing and Branding of Indigeneity at the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023: The Marketing of Maori London (Routledge 2023)

Non-Peer Reviewed Journal

Request not Require: Campus COVID Policies and Structural Violence

Haldane, H.J.

SfAA News November (2022)


Applying Anthropology to General Education

Wies, J.R., Haldane, H.J.

1st ed. London (Routledge 2022)


FIFA's Feminist Foot Soliders

Haldane, H.J.

(Palgrave 2021)