Professor of Game Design and Development
Chair of Visual and Performing Arts
Director of Games Design & Development
She and her team have worked with scientists, artists and healthcare professionals on a variety of games that incentivize players to seek and achieve positive behavioral change. Dr. Bertozzi has written extensively on gender, sexuality and technological self-efficacy. Motivated by her experiences in using games to address previously intractable problems, she studies ways in which interactive technologies can guide players towards better decision making based on accurate knowledge. She specializes in leveraging current technologies to produce low-cost 2D games that can be delivered over the most accessible device for the target audience.
She is a member of the CAS College Evaluation Committee, was Co-Chair of the Executive Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences for several years, and has served on the CAS committee for Diversity and Inclusion. She is a member of the Steering Committee for the International Game Developers Organization Special Interest Group for Learning Education and Games, works closely with the IEEE organizing committee for the Games Entertainment Media Conferences, and serves as a reviewer for journals and festivals, among other service work.
- BA, Williams College
- MS, Indiana University Bloomington
- MLS, Indiana University Bloomington
- PHD, European Graduate School Leuk Stadt
Areas of Expertise
- Videogames
- Games for Health
- Games for Good
- Game Design & Development
Office Location
- College of Arts & Sciences 1 322
Mail Drop
- CL-AC1
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Journal
Hot, horny and healthy—online intervention to incentivize HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) testing among young Mexican MSM: a feasibility study
Andrade-Romo, Z., Chavira-Razo, L., Buzdugan, R., Bertozzi, E., Bautista-Arredondo, S.
6 MHealth doi:10.21037/mhealth.2020.03.01 (2020)
Book review
The infinite Playground: A Player's Guide to Imagination
De Koven, Bernard, Gramazio, Holly
Choice Magazine, American Library Association November (2020)
Book review
The smart wife: why Siri, Alexa, and other smart home devices need a feminist reboot,
Yolande Strengwrs and Jenny Kennedy
Choice Magazine, American Library Association October (2020)
Book review
We deserve better villains: a video game design survival guide.
Kristjan, Jai
Choice Magazine, American Library Association September (2020)
Book review
Minor platforms in videogame history.
Nicoll, Benjamin
Choice Magazine, American Library Association May (2020)