Quinnipiac University
Douglas S Goodman, Ph.D

Associate Professor of Physics

Dr. Douglas S. Goodman joined Quinnipiac in 2018 as an Assistant Professor of Physics within the Department of Chemistry and Physical Sciences. He enjoys the challenge of creating a learning environment that is inclusive, dynamic, and engaging for today's QU students. Dr. Goodman primarily teaches the algebra-based introductory-physics sequence (PHY 110 - 111) and the integrated lecture/laboratory calculus-based course on electromagnetism (PHY 122). He also enjoys collaborating with colleagues and students within his fields of research, which include experimental Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, as well as Physics Education.


Quinnipiac University

Assistant Professor of Physics

Hamden, CT

2018 - Present

University of Connecticut

Gratis Research Staff

Storrs, CT

2016 - Present

Wentworth Institute of Technology

Assistant Professor of Physics

Boston, MA

2015 - 2018