Carrie A. Bulger is a Professor of Psychology, with an affiliate appointment in the Department of Medical Studies. She joined Quinnipiac University in Fall 2000 after completing her doctorate and master's degrees in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Bulger teaches many courses in psychology, including I-O Psychology, Occupational Health Psychology, Advanced Organizational Psychology, Adult Developmental Introduction to Psychology, and the history-based Capstone course for majors. Dr. Bulger's research focuses broadly on employee stress, health, and well-being, especially as these are impacted by the intersection between work and non-work demands. Most recently, she has focused on how smartphone and mobile technologies impact the management of boundaries around and between work and home, including mobile technology-based boundary management tactics. Dr. Bulger is an advocate for science communication frequently speaks to groups, journalists, and individuals about psychological science. She is first author on the introductory I-O psychology textbook, Psychology and Work Today (11e.). Dr. Bulger is an active member the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology, the Society for Occupational Health Psychology, the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, the Association for Psychological Science, and the Academy of Management. She is currently the Editor-in-chief for the Journal of Managerial Psychology.
- BA, University of Minnesota-Morris
- MA, University of Connecticut
- PHD, University of Connecticut
- Psychology
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