Quinnipiac University

Resources and Policies

Required Forms for Registration

All participants in summer programs, camps and experiences must download and submit the forms below through the registration system prior to arriving on campus. Once your information has been filled out, please save these files as a PDF and upload through the registration platform. Email summerprograms@qu.edu with any questions or concerns.

How to Use the Registration Platform

The instructions below provide an overview for new and returning learners who need to register for summer experiences at Quinnipiac. All registrations are managed on an external platform, so prospective learners are encouraged to start the process by clicking the "Register Now" button on their program(s) of interest. 

Learners are able to register and pay in full for Commuter (day) or Residential (overnight) experiences, or place a deposit to reserve a spot. If you choose to submit a deposit only, you will need to return to the registration portal to pay the remaining full program balance within 30 days.

Did You Know? 3 Unique Features at Quinnipiac That May Surprise You video

How to Register for Summer Programs

Watch our walkthrough video to learn how to register for Summer Programs on Elevate.

  1. Click on the "Register Now" link on your summer program of interest. This link will take you to the registration options for that specific program, including pay-in-full or deposit-only choices for Residential (overnight) or Commuter (day) experiences.

  2. Once you determine your selected registration option, click the link to access Elevate, our registration platform (this link will open in a new window). 

  3. Confirm that the program you've selected is appearing in the top right corner of the screen. Think of this as your shopping cart.

  4. If you have never registered for a summer experience before, or if you have not taken a QU Academy course since August 2024, click "New Account".

    1. If you have registered for a summer experience at any point after August 2024, sign in using your credentials and skip to step 12.

  5. On the "Create Account" page, enter the first name, last name and email address of the attendee. Parents and guardians will have an opportunity to add their own information later on.

  6. Continue following prompts from the registration wizard. Any questions/fields marked with an asterisk* are required.

  7. On the "Your Details" page, enter your date of birth and legal sex.

  8. On the "Choose Username & Password" page, create a username and password and select your security reminder question.

  9. On the "Address" page, enter your Home Address and verify that the address is correct and recognized by the system.

  10. On the "Personal Data" page, enter your demographic information. 

  11. On the "Emergency Contacts" page, enter contact information for at least one parent/guardian. You may need to selection Parent 1 or Parent 2 under the "Relationship" field.

  12. Use the document upload to attach required forms. If possible, please do this at the time of registration. If you are unable to submit all required forms, you will need to provide those documents to us by email at a later date in order to attend. Blank copies of the forms we will need can be found lower on this page.

  13. Complete the additional details screen, with special attention to any food and dietary restrictions, allergies, or medications that the student will need at the program.

  14. Use the secondary parent or emergency contact screen to indicate the name and contact information for a relative or trusted person who will be authorized to check your student out of programs.

  15. Use the yes/no boxes to complete the program waiver form.

  16. View the "Payment Summary" screen and enter any codes or discounts you quality to use.

  17. Complete payment via the TouchNet secure payment portal.

  18. Following payment, you will receive an additional confirmation email with contact information for any follow-up questions.

  19. You have successfully registered for a summer experience!

Quinnipiac University Summer Camp and Pre-College Program Policies

The following rules and regulations apply to all Quinnipiac University summer programs including camps and/or pre-college program participants, regardless of age or program format (i.e. on-campus, off-campus, and online). Failure to comply with any of the following may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the program. Participants who are dismissed from a Quinnipiac summer program are not entitled to refunds for the program. This applies to anyone such as parents, guardians, sponsors or supporters who pay for the program.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Illegal/Prohibited Behavior
Participants must abide by all applicable federal, state and local laws; Quinnipiac undergraduate policies, codes and procedures; and all program rules and regulations. Any participant who endangers his or her own health or safety or the health or safety of another participant, staff member or faculty member will be subject to disciplinary action and/or being dismissed from the program. Participants shall not use or possess alcohol, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, firearms, knives, other weapons or fireworks during the program. Consumption, possession or being in the presence of alcohol or illegal drugs is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program. Possession, use or being in the presence of drug paraphernalia, firearms, knives, other weapons or fireworks is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program.

Arrival Policies
For on-campus programs, all participants must be checked in on arrival day by a parent/guardian unless they are 18 years of age or older or the parent/guardian has signed the form authorizing the participant to arrive on their own and check themselves into the program on arrival day. If accompanied by a parent/guardian or authorized individual, a photo ID will be needed to complete check-in. Please review and follow the information below for each mode of transportation.

Arrival by Car
Participants who are arriving by car are expected to arrive within the designated arrival window found on the program’s website and preliminary emails. Participants who drive their car to the program must receive authorization from their parent/guardian to do so and obtain a parking pass. Participants will not be permitted to use their car during the program except for arrival and departure.

Arrival by Airplane, Bus, or Train
If a participant will arrive by airplane, bus or train without the company of a parent/guardian, they must receive signed authorization from their parent/guardian to do so. The participant and their family are responsible for making all arrangements related to transportation to campus.

Attendance and Participation
Participants are expected to attend the program(s) for which they are enrolled, including any scheduled mandatory workshops as well as social and recreational activities. Participants are expected to be punctual and to participate in a respectful manner. If for any reason the participant is unable to attend or arrive on time for a course, workshop or activity, the participant must contact a staff member (in most cases, their assigned counselor or program coordinator). Recurring tardiness or absenteeism will lead to notification of the parent/guardian and may lead to dismissal from the program.

Cancellation/Refund Policy
Quinnipiac will provide refunds for valid cancellations. The total amount refunded is dependent upon the proximity to the start of the program.

  • If you cancel your registration within 48 hours of registration payment, Quinnipiac will provide a full refund provided that the cancellation occurs more than 21 days before the first day of the program.

  • If you cancel more than 60 days before the start of the program we will provide a full refund less the non-refundable deposit.

  • If you cancel within 60 days but more than 30 days of the start of the program you will receive a 50% refund unless we can fill your spot, in which case you will receive a full refund less the non-refundable deposit.

  • If you cancel within 29 days or less before the start of the program you will receive a 25% refund less the non-refundable deposit.

There will be no full or prorated refunds for cancellation after the start of the program. This includes late arrivals and early departures to and from the program. This no-refund policy is also applicable if a student is sent home for not adhering to camp policies. If a student is dismissed the family will be liable for all costs associated with the dismissal.

We understand that occasionally a student experiences circumstances such as a severe unexpected medical condition, death of a family member or unexpected hardship. Under these circumstances the family may provide information concerning the circumstances and the program director will consider a prorated refund.

Quinnipiac has the right to cancel any program at any time for any reason within its sole discretion. Quinnipiac will provide a full refund in the event that a program is canceled by Quinnipiac, at its sole discretion.

All cancellation and refund requests must be received via email or US mail to the Program Director. Quinnipiac University is not responsible for any expenses incurred for a canceled trip such as airline, transportation or lodging costs. Families may wish to consider travel insurance policies. Refunds will be processed within two weeks of approval and may take up to 30 days to be received.

Quinnipiac University offers special discounts on summer programs for eligible applicants and their families. Currently, we offer the following discounts and conditions:

  • Pre-Registration Discount: All students who completed the pre-registration form for a pre-college summer program, camp or experience — and pay the full tuition before the specified deadline — will receive $100 off summer tuition. Students will receive a discount code to enter when prompted on the payment portal. 

  • Corporate Partner Employee Discount: Quinnipiac offers a 10% discount on summer programs to the dependents of colleagues employed with our official corporate partners. Employees are encouraged to connect with their respective departments of human resources for more information about discounts and to identify any additional eligibility requirements.

  • Quinnipiac University Employee Discount: Current Quinnipiac employees are eligible to receive a 10% discount for their dependents to attend pre-college summer camps and programs.

  • Quinnipiac University Alumni Discount: Quinnipiac alumni are eligible to receive a 10% discount for their dependents to attend pre-college summer camps and programs.

Note: The Partner Employee, University Employee, and Alumni discounts cannot be combined or stacked. These discounts cannot be applied to for-credit summer courses or any other programs operating on the Quinnipiac University campus that are not associated with the Department of Lifelong Learning.

Disciplinary Sanctions
Failure to abide by the program and residence hall rules and regulations (on-campus or off-campus), laws, policies, codes and procedures or failure to respect the authority of program staff members in their enforcement may result in sanctions including but not limited to:

  • Parental/guardian contact

  • Limitations on program events/activities

  • Verbal and/or written warnings

  • Restitution for property damage

  • Dismissal from the program

  • If dismissal is deemed necessary, the participant will be sent home at the expense of their parent(s) or legal guardian(s). No refunds will be issued.

Note: Program rules and regulations are subject to change. A complete list of program rules and regulations is included in the required program rules, regulations, and liability form. This is a required form collected upon course enrollment. Any question of interpretation regarding policies included in this document shall be referred to the Program Director for final determination. For additional information about University policies and codes, please review the student code of conduct.

Dress Code
The dress code for our summer programs is typically relaxed and casual on most days. Participants should be prepared to change into active sportswear (shorts, t-shirt and sneakers) for indoor and outdoor physical activities. Participants and staff are prohibited from wearing clothing that is inappropriate by showing undergarments, displaying offensive graphics or slogans or promoting illegal activities or paraphernalia.

Financial Assistance
Applicants who require financial assistance should answer accordingly on the application form. Once the application has been reviewed and approved, applicants will receive an email with instructions to submit an additional financial aid request form. Decisions regarding financial assistance are based on a combination of financial need and academic merit, and can take several weeks or months to determine.

Note: Financial assistance is not guaranteed for applicants who apply for it. Applicants must submit their deposit to hold their spot in the program. If financial assistance is awarded before payment, it will be applied as a discount on the remaining tuition due. If financial assistance is awarded after payments have been made, applicants will receive a refund in the amount of the award.

Harassment, Hazing, Intimidation and/or Bullying
Participants must show respect for the rights and safety of others in the community and must not engage in any form of harassment, hazing, intimidation or bullying. This includes any behavior, whether in-person, in groups or through other mediums (e.g., handwritten notes, phone calls, texting, social media platforms, etc.) intended to offend or intimidate another person, including participants, staff or faculty.

Participation in any form of harassment, hazing, bullying, or intimidation is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program. Prohibited conduct includes sexual violence, sexual harassment and/or sexual assault. Parents/guardians and participants may familiarize themselves with Quinnipiac’s policies by which program participants and staff abide.

Laundry machines will be available on certain days, however, students are encouraged to pack for the entire program. Bed linens, towels and pillows will be provided.

Medical Policies - Available Health Services and Medication
The program will have healthcare staff available on site. In the event of participant illness or injury, staff are authorized to arrange for transport of the participant to an urgent care clinic or hospital emergency facilities as they deem appropriate or at the request of a parent/guardian.

In the case of a health or safety situation, program staff or healthcare personnel may disclose information about participant medical records (including treatment, payment, healthcare operations, etc.) to appropriate healthcare providers, University personnel, parents/guardians and/or listed emergency contacts. Parents/guardians will assume financial responsibility for all expenses of such care. This authorization is given in advance of any such medical treatment and is given to provide authority and power on the part of the University in the exercise of its best judgment upon the advice of any such medical or emergency personnel.

All medications brought to Quinnipiac University by the participant must be in containers that are clearly labeled to include the name of the participant, name of medication, dosage, frequency of administration and route of administration. All medication prescribed by a physician must be labeled to include the name of the physician, prescription number, date prescribed, possible adverse reactions and the specific conditions when contact should be made with the physician.

An onsite healthcare provider will be present to administer medication to participants. All medications must be given to the onsite healthcare provider for storage.

Participants are allowed to self-administer any medications if participants provide written authorization from the participant’s parent/guardian to self-administer any medications. Participants must also provide written authorization from their prescribing healthcare provider to self-administer.

Health Insurance
All participants are required to have health insurance that is written by a U.S.-based company. On-campus programs will provide this as part of the program fee at no additional cost.

While travel insurance may assist participants with travel costs in the event of an emergency, it will not satisfy Quinnipiac summer program’s medical insurance requirement, as many policies do not cover medical bills. Participants will be required to submit proof of U.S.-based health insurance prior to their arrival to campus.

Medical Information

  • Our medical forms will be made accessible during the registration process. Participants will not be allowed to participate in our programs without complete medical forms and necessary waivers.

  • If a participant has particular dietary restrictions or preferences, our residential staff will work with that participant to help identify ways of managing their dietary needs.

  • Participants will be taken to an urgent care, and/or the emergency room upon request of the parent(s) or in an emergency situation. Two staff members will remain with the participant and keep in close communication with the on-site office and/or parent/guardian.

  • In order to complete their medical forms, international participants will be required to submit a negative TB test.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
The HIPAA privacy rule establishes national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information and applies to health plans, healthcare clearinghouse, and those healthcare providers that conduct certain healthcare transactions electronically.

Important Disability-Related Information
Quinnipiac University has a reasonable accommodations process through which a parent/guardian can request disability accommodations on behalf of a participant.

Non-Medical Emergency
Participants may experience a non-medical emergency during their time at Quinnipiac. Non-medical emergencies may include a situation that takes place at home or the death or injury of a relative. Quinnipiac University is committed to supporting participants should a non-medical emergency take place.

Motor Vehicle Policy
All summer program participants are required to abide by University parking regulations while on campus. Use of a motor vehicle during the program is not allowed. Under no circumstance is a participant allowed to ride in any vehicle, for the duration of their stay in the program, unless approved by program staff for program-related activities or emergencies. Camp personnel at their discretion can collect keys at the start of the program and secure them in a responsible fashion until they are returned to the participant at the end of the camp session.

Property Damage and/or Vandalism
The parents/guardians of program participants are financially responsible for any damage or loss suffered by Quinnipiac and/or any program-affiliated locations/events caused by their child. See Schedule A for fees related to cleaning, repair & misc.

Sexual Activity
Participants may not engage in any sexual activity during the program. Violation of this policy may result in immediate dismissal from the program.

The program is an exploratory academic program for mature, self-motivated students looking to have an enriching summer experience. Participants are responsible to get themselves up and ready in the morning, eat meals, attend all courses and workshops and engage in activities. The ability of participants to follow program and university rules, federal, state and local laws, and to act independently in a supportive college setting is required.

Although participants will have contact information for program staff members at all times while attending the program, staff and/or faculty supervision is provided during the following scheduled activities: courses, workshops, social and recreational activities, field trips and meals. Following curfew in the residence hall, participants are under the general supervision of residential staff who address participants’ needs during their stay with the program. During free time and social and recreational activities, participants may choose to engage in independent, small or large group activities of their choosing.

Tobacco Policy
Quinnipiac is a smoke-free campus. Tobacco in any form, electronic cigarettes or vaping devices are prohibited. Participants found in possession of tobacco or vaping devices will be subject to disciplinary action.

Use of Visual/Audio/Mobile Technology Device Policy
The program is committed to providing an environment that is conducive to learning. When participating in an organized program event/activity, participants are to keep technology on silent/turned off, and be put away unless otherwise noted.

Use of cell phones, cameras and other visual or audio devices is prohibited in restrooms, showers, lockers rooms or other changing areas. Participants should be respectful of all individuals and should ask permission of others prior to taking and/or sharing photos, videos and other media.

The university is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged electronics that are brought to the camp. Each participant is responsible for his/her own possessions. If possible, the University urges participants to leave all personal electronic devices at home.

Vaccination and COVID-19
Beginning with the Fall 2023 semester, Quinnipiac will no longer require students, faculty or staff to have completed the primary vaccination series for COVID-19. However, it is strongly recommended that the entire university community, including summer program participants, stay up to date with all recommended COVID boosters.

Please visit our COVID-19 resources page for the most up-to-date information regarding vaccination requirements, mask policies, medical and non-medical exemptions and testing and record-collecting protocols.

Weight Room
Participants will not have access to the University exercise/weight room.

Summer Program for High School Students Privacy Policy
Quinnipiac University and the Office of Summer Programs are committed to protecting your privacy. By using this site and the services connected to it, you agree to comply with the terms of this policy. To better meet user concerns or changes in the law, we reserve the right to modify the terms of our Privacy Policy. Continued use of the site constitutes acceptance of the revised policy.

Through our application and registration systems we collect information from students and their parents or legal guardians. We collect the following information from users:

  • first and last name

  • nationality/citizenship

  • ethnicity

  • gender (as displayed on your birth certificate)

  • date of birth

  • mailing address

  • email address

  • phone number

  • school

  • school address and phone number; and

  • emergency contact information (first and last name, mailing address, email address, phone number).

We also may collect students’ social security numbers (U.S.A. citizens and permanent residents only) in order to create their student record with Quinnipiac University. Only staff responsible for admitting and creating the Quinnipiac University student record have access to this information.

Quinnipiac summer program follows the guidelines published by the Quinnipiac University Registrar’s Office and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), if applicable.

Information collected is used by program staff to register students in programs and courses and to market opportunities to students and parents. Quinnipiac summer program does not share collected information with third parties.

Quinnipiac University has in place commercially reasonable measures to protect the security of the information you provide on our website. However, no system is without a minimal amount of risk.