Quinnipiac University

Pre-College Summer Programs

Register for Summer Camps, Courses and Experiences

View of the Arnold Bernhard Library clocktower through a student center window

Pre-College Summer Programs

Register for Summer Camps, Courses and Experiences

Students are now welcome to register for pre-college programing during Summer 2025! Follow the instructions below to register for individual programs — and be sure to take advantage of our alumni, employee and early-bird discounts.

Contact us with questions at summerprograms@qu.edu

Register for Summer Programs

We've recently launched a new application and registration system for summer programs, camps and courses. Each new student must create an account in order to access this system. If you already have an account and are a returning student, please sign in using your credentials from the main page. If you plan to attend multiple programs, please use the same account, although courses will need to be purchased individually.

This course will delve into the key elements of the Young Adult novel, including character development, world-building and conflict, with a particular focus on plot structures. We will analyze common plot frameworks in Young Adult fiction, discussing their mechanics and effectiveness. By examining excerpts from recent YA bestsellers, such as Angie Thomas's The Hate U Give, Karen McManus's One of Us Is Lying and Adam Silvera's They Both Die at the End, we will identify the elements that resonate with readers and learn how to incorporate them into our own writing. 

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Register and Pay: Residential

Register and Pay: Commuter

Deposit Only: Residential

Deposit Only: Commuter

students on computers in a computer lab
students on computers in a computer lab

The Data Sciences Lab summer program is perfect for high school students who love problem-solving, looking for patterns, creative thinking and the idea of using technology to tackle real-world challenges. Students will learn to leverage math, statistics and computer programming to analyze data, detect patterns, solve problems and influence the decisions we make.

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Register and Pay: Residential

Register and Pay: Commuter

Deposit Only: Residential

Deposit Only: Commuter

Student works on a loaner laptop at the technology center in the Arnold Bernhard Library on Quinnipiac’s Mount Carmel Campus
Student works on a loaner laptop at the technology center in the Arnold Bernhard Library on Quinnipiac’s Mount Carmel Campus

Want to start your own business or help an existing business grow? We've designed a summer workshop for high school students interested in innovating and launching new business ideas. Over the course of the week, students will learn about problem solving and ideation, critical thinking, team dynamics, leadership, research and validation of ideas.

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Register and Pay: Residential

Register and Pay: Commuter

Deposit Only: Residential

Deposit Only: Commuter

A Quinnipiac alumnus works with two local high school students on a team project in the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
A Quinnipiac alumnus works with two local high school students on a team project in the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Have you ever wondered how crime scene investigations actually work, or thought about the science behind your favorite true crime series? If the answer is yes, this 1-week forensic science summer program is a perfect fit. Participants will enjoy hands-on instruction investigating a mock crime scene following the same methods professionals utilize in the field.

This program is currently full and no longer accepting students to the waitlist. We encourage interested students to consider an alternative program.

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A professor teaches at the front of a classroom of high school students.
A professor teaches at the front of a classroom of high school students.

This summer, Quinnipiac is offering the perfect one-week program that gets your ready for a career in sports. Want to sit behind the anchor desk of SportsCenter? Create social media for the NFL or WNBA? Come up with advertising campaigns for your favorite team or athlete? Make the next great sports documentary? The opportunities to work in sports are limitless! This camp covers all of it and shines a light on the opportunities to put yourself on the sidelines or in the press box.

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Session 1: July 14-18, 2025

Register and Pay: Residential

Register and Pay: Commuter

Deposit Only: Residential

Deposit Only: Commuter

Session 2: July 21-25, 2025

Register and Pay: Residential

Register and Pay: Commuter

Deposit Only: Residential

Deposit Only: Commuter

woman outside using a video camera on a tripod
woman outside using a video camera on a tripod

This 2-week summer program introduces high school students to academic game design and eSports as potential career paths. Participants will spend the mornings learning the process of brainstorming, designing, developing and testing games before shifting their attention in the afternoons and focusing on how to participate in and manage eSports teams and competitions.

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Register and Pay: Residential

Register and Pay: Commuter

Deposit Only: Residential

Deposit Only: Commuter

students on computers in a computer lab
students on computers in a computer lab

Hacker High School is a chance for high school students to learn how to protect themselves and their information from cybercriminals and get ahead within the fast-growing, high-potential industry of cybersecurity. This 2-week program is a great fit for students interested in pursuing a career in computer science, cybersecurity or IT as well as students interested in learning the tools and techniques to keep information secure in today’s digital world. This knowledge isn’t just essential to your own personal safety but incredibly valuable to employers in almost every field all over the world.

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Register and Pay: Residential

Register and Pay: Commuter

Deposit Only: Residential

Deposit Only: Commuter

Student Cynthia Clemont sitting at a desk in front of a laptop in the Graduate Student Affairs Office.
Student Cynthia Clemont sitting at a desk in front of a laptop in the Graduate Student Affairs Office.

The Healthcare Career Exploration Academy introduces high school students to ten different healthcare disciplines to make it easier to decide which degree program matches their skills and interests. Students will learn about career opportunities within allied health professions, gain certification in health-related skills and earn two credits that will transfer to Quinnipiac University.

This program is currently full. Interested students can join our waitlist or consider an alternate program.

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Join the Waitlist: Residential

Join the Waitlist: Commuter

High School student learns how to listen to lung sounds at Quinnipiac’s School of Nursing, during an interactive day on Quinnipiac’s North Haven Campus.
High School student learns how to listen to lung sounds at Quinnipiac’s School of Nursing, during an interactive day on Quinnipiac’s North Haven Campus.

This summer program introduces high school students to the nursing profession. Students will spend the week in our state-of-the-art facilities, learning how to perform various skills such as IV therapy, wound care, airway suctioning and injection of medications as they participate in high-fidelity simulations.

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This program is currently full and no longer accepting students to the waitlist. We encourage interested students to consider an alternative program.

Nursing student works in the Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences building
Nursing student works in the Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences building

Get a jump start on a professional portfolio and explore diverse careers in the world of media! As part of Media Masterclass, passionate high school students will explore industries such as film, television, social media, advertising, streaming, music and more. 

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Register and Pay: Residential

Register and Pay: Commuter

Deposit Only: Residential

Deposit Only: Commuter

Students walking through the newly renovated School of Communications.
Students walking through the newly renovated School of Communications.

This fast-paced program is open to high school students who dream of telling their stories across all types of media platforms. Participants will work with award-winning media professionals and use our industry-standard cameras and editing suites to translate their creative ideas into engaging short films and video pieces.

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Register and Pay: Residential

Register and Pay: Commuter

Deposit Only: Residential

Deposit Only: Commuter

Connecticut high school students learn about different career paths during summer camp.
Connecticut high school students learn about different career paths during summer camp.

How to Use the Registration Platform

The instructions below provide an overview for new and returning learners who need to register for summer experiences at Quinnipiac. All registrations are managed on an external platform, so prospective learners are encouraged to start the process by clicking the "Register Now" button on their program(s) of interest. 

Learners are able to register and pay in full for Commuter (day) or Residential (overnight) experiences, or place a deposit to reserve a spot. If you choose to submit a deposit only, you will need to return to the registration portal to pay the remaining full program balance within 30 days.

Did You Know? 3 Unique Features at Quinnipiac That May Surprise You video

How to Register for Summer Programs

Watch our walkthrough video to learn how to register for Summer Programs on Elevate.

  1. Click on the "Register Now" link on your summer program of interest. This link will take you to the registration options for that specific program, including pay-in-full or deposit-only choices for Residential (overnight) or Commuter (day) experiences.

  2. Once you determine your selected registration option, click the link to access Elevate, our registration platform (this link will open in a new window). 

  3. Confirm that the program you've selected is appearing in the top right corner of the screen. Think of this as your shopping cart.

  4. If you have never registered for a summer experience before, or if you have not taken a QU Academy course since August 2024, click "New Account".

    1. If you have registered for a summer experience at any point after August 2024, sign in using your credentials and skip to step 12.

  5. On the "Create Account" page, enter the first name, last name and email address of the attendee. Parents and guardians will have an opportunity to add their own information later on.

  6. Continue following prompts from the registration wizard. Any questions/fields marked with an asterisk* are required.

  7. On the "Your Details" page, enter your date of birth and legal sex.

  8. On the "Choose Username & Password" page, create a username and password and select your security reminder question.

  9. On the "Address" page, enter your Home Address and verify that the address is correct and recognized by the system.

  10. On the "Personal Data" page, enter your demographic information. 

  11. On the "Emergency Contacts" page, enter contact information for at least one parent/guardian. You may need to selection Parent 1 or Parent 2 under the "Relationship" field.

  12. Use the document upload to attach required forms. If possible, please do this at the time of registration. If you are unable to submit all required forms, you will need to provide those documents to us by email at a later date in order to attend. Blank copies of the forms we will need can be found lower on this page.

  13. Complete the additional details screen, with special attention to any food and dietary restrictions, allergies, or medications that the student will need at the program.

  14. Use the secondary parent or emergency contact screen to indicate the name and contact information for a relative or trusted person who will be authorized to check your student out of programs.

  15. Use the yes/no boxes to complete the program waiver form.

  16. View the "Payment Summary" screen and enter any codes or discounts you quality to use.

  17. Complete payment via the TouchNet secure payment portal.

  18. Following payment, you will receive an additional confirmation email with contact information for any follow-up questions.

  19. You have successfully registered for a summer experience!

Required Forms for Registration

All participants in summer programs, camps and experiences must download and submit the forms below through the registration system prior to arriving on campus. Once your information has been filled out, please save these files as a PDF and upload through the registration platform. Email summerprograms@qu.edu with any questions or concerns.

Enjoy Discounts for Early Registration, Alumni, Employees and Partners

Quinnipiac University is pleased to offer a number of discounts for summer programs, camps and experiences.

  • Early-Bird Discount: All attendees who register and pay in full by February 2, 2025 enjoy $100 off the cost of attendance.

  • Quinnipiac Alumni: Children and dependents of Quinnipiac alumni may be eligible for up to 15% off pre-college summer programming.

  • Quinnipiac Employees: Children and dependents of current Quinnipiac employees may be eligible for up to 15% off pre-college summer programming.

  • Employees of Corporate Partners: Children and dependents of employees of our corporate partners may be eligible for up to 15% off pre-college summer programming.

Please email summerprograms@qu.edu to request your discount code. No code is necessary for Early-Bird Registration.

Contact Us


Quinnipiac University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act as an institution of higher education. Students who have a current IEP or 504 plan are encouraged to share any accommodations or modifications they may require in order to access the fundamentals of a QU summer program or camp they plan to attend.

Students requesting disability-based accommodations should indicate this within the application as well as email summerprograms@qu.edu about any and all specific accommodation needs.


Rules & Regulations

Read Quinnipiac University’s Summer Camp and Pre-College Program Policies

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions among prospective students and families regarding our summer programs. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us and we'd be happy to chat.

Review all FAQ's