Quinnipiac University

Pre-College Summer Programs

Nursing: Explore Your Career

Nursing student works in the Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences building

Pre-College Summer Programs

Nursing: Explore Your Career

This summer program introduces high school students to the nursing profession. Students will spend the week in our state-of-the-art facilities, learning how to perform various skills such as IV therapy, wound care, airway suctioning and injection of medications as they participate in high-fidelity simulations.

This program is currently full and no longer accepting students to the waitlist. We encourage interested students to consider an alternative program.


The Exploring Your Future in Nursing summer program brings students to the doorstep of world of nursing. Students will spend the week in our best-in-class faciltiies, including the simulation center, nursing lab and simulation operating and recovery room areas.

Daily activities will highlight Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) training and relevant medical terminology while providing an overview of the  career opportunities within nursing. Students will also participate in two high-fidelity simulations: the first involves a birthing simulation and related care of the newborn and mother; and the second covers an adolescent with appendicitis and care across the healthcare continuum.  

At the end of this program, you’ll walk away with:
  • An appreciation for the many different opportunities within the nursing field

  • An understanding of key medical terminology

  • Hands-on skills and training for nursing care

  • A strong grasp of care across the continuum, including outpatient, emergency department, operating room (OR) and post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) areas

  • Familiarity with the administration of treatments including IV therapy, wound care, airway suctioning, medication, injections and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)

  • Networking opportunities and professional feedback from working professionals

This program is currently full and no longer accepting students to the waitlist. We encourage interested students to consider an alternative program.

A nursing student wearing scrubs checks a patient's blood pressure

Why Quinnipiac?

Students share five reasons why they chose Quinnipiac’s School of Nursing.

Program Dates and Sample Schedule

July 21, 2025 - July 25, 2025 (no longer accepting registrations)
July 28, 2025 - August 1, 2025 (no longer accepting registrations)

Sample Daily Schedule: This is only a sample schedule and is subject to change due to a variety of factors.

Day Topic


Arrive; Medical Terminology Course


Hands-on Nursing Skills and Training (Part 1)


Hands-on Nursing Skills and Training (Part 2)


High-Fidelity Birthing Simulation
Nursing Skills - IV Therapy, Wound Care, Airways, Medication


High-Fidelity Adolescent Simulation

Each evening, time is set aside for overnight students to have fun, experience our on-campus amenities, and bond with each other and staff through organized group enrichment activities.

Participation Requirements

Participants must be current high school students. Typically, participants are between the ages of 15 to 18 years of age at the start of the program. 

Equipment and Materials

Quinnipiac University will provide all required materials, including laptops, for students within this program. Students are welcome to bring their own laptops or other devices for use outside of instruction periods or with the approval of their instructor.

Program Costs

Option 1: 1-week overnight program from Sunday to Saturday. Includes full room and board as well as evening and weekend activities: $1,680

Option 2: 1-week on-campus commuter program from Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Includes lunch daily: $1,400

All options include:

  • One week of faculty-designed and delivered programming, administered online or on campus with educational support staff and program materials

  • Technology and software support

  • A Quinnipiac T-shirt

  • A digital badge for use on social media, resumes or portfolios

  • Access to special Quinnipiac Admissions events

How to Register for Summer Programs

We've recently launched a new application and registration system for summer programs, camps and courses. Each new student must create an account in order to access this system. If you already have an account and are a returning student, please sign in using your credentials from the main page. If you plan to attend multiple programs, please use the same account, although courses will need to be purchased individually.


Take the Next Step

Students must declare if they plan to attend for either the residential (overnight) experience or the commuter experience at the time of registration. 

July 21, 2025 - July 25, 2025

July 28, 2025 - August 1, 2025

This program is currently full and no longer accepting students to the waitlist. We encourage interested students to consider an alternative program.


Minimum Required Deposits

If you are not paying in full at the time of registration, you must submit a non-refundable $250 deposit to reserve your spot for 30 days. Any student who places the non-refundable deposit must pay the full remaining cost of the program within 30 days from the date of deposit to be enrolled in the program. 

July 21, 2025 - July 25, 2025

July 28, 2025 - August 1, 2025

This program is currently full and no longer accepting students to the waitlist. We encourage interested students to consider an alternative program.

Payment Methods and Refund/Cancellation Policy


Discounts and Financial Aid

Partial financial support may be available for those who indicate the need for financial assistance in their online application. Financial support awards are based on a combination of financial need and academic merit.

We are pleased to offer a 15% discount on all summer camps and experiences to current Quinnipiac employees, Quinnipiac alumni and employees of our corporate partners. Please contact summerprograms@qu.edu to request your discount code.


Registration Guide

Having trouble registering? Not sure how to take the next step? Follow this step-by-step guide to finish the process or email us at summerprograms@qu.edu.

Our Program Instructors

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions among prospective students and families regarding our summer programs. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us and we'd be happy to chat.

Review all FAQ's


Quinnipiac University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act as an institution of higher education. Students who have a current IEP or 504 plan are encouraged to share any accommodations or modifications they may require in order to access the fundamentals of a QU summer program or camp they plan to attend.

Students requesting disability-based accommodations should indicate this within the application as well as email summerprograms@qu.edu about any and all specific accommodation needs.


Rules & Regulations

Read Quinnipiac University’s Summer Camp and Pre-College Program Policies