Quinnipiac University

About Our Programs

Micro-Course Initiative (MCI)

A woman in professional attire speaks into a microphone in a group setting.

About Our Programs

Micro-Course Initiative (MCI)

The Micro-Course Initiative (MCI) offers innovative educational experiences in unique 1-credit formats — all aimed at addressing skills, knowledge and solutions to community-based problems.

Program Overview

Tuition at Quinnipiac University covers up to 16 credits per semester, but few standalone one-credit courses exist. The Micro-Course Initiative began with the belief that students should have the opportunity to fill their credit load with a course that aids in the advancement and support of lifelong learning and inclusive education.

The flexibility of the 1-credit model means courses can be offered on-ground, online or in a hybrid fashion. 1-credit courses within the Micro-Course Initiative also transcend the traditional classroom, allowing students to participate in active experiential learning in the community.

The Micro-Course Initiative also takes advantage of the flexibility offered by 1-credit courses. Some courses take place over the full semester while others can be completed in a single weekend, ensuring that students from almost any program of study can maximize their investment in a Quinnipiac education.

Register for Courses

Course List

Register for Micro-Courses

Quinnipiac students

Current students can register for 1-credit courses using the Self-Service Platform. 

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