Parents and Families Update: November 2022
So much to be thankful for!
November 16, 2022
November 16, 2022
By Tom Ellett
Chief Experience Officer
As we enter the final stretch for the fall semester, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the wonderful communities I have had the pleasure of interacting with in the past month.
The student theater group produced a terrific rendition of Noah Coward’s play, "Fallen Angels."
Fifty students joined faculty and staff at On the Rock’s Pub and Grill for our monthly catered dinner Talks on the Rocks, (this month’s topic was what should Quinnipiac as the University of the Future look like in 10-plus years), men's and women’s soccer and ice hockey games, women’s rugby triumphed over Sacred Heart, the Diwali celebration, the flag-raising on Veteran’s Day, and we ended October with a Halloween costume contest during a Cookies in the Commons Night. There really is so much to do on campus each day.
The Parent’s Advisory Board had meetings in October (focusing on parent communications) and the meetings in November will focus on the student meal plan (a conversation with Chartwell’s management and staff who oversee the meal plan for Quinnipiac). Should you ever have any questions or need updates on what we are doing on campus, please feel free to contact me directly or send a message to QUParents@qu.edu.
Finally, we are very close to opening the vast majority of the new Rec and Wellness Center when the students return from Thanksgiving break. There will be weekly programmatic offerings plus the workout spaces will be ready for utilization. The spin room, the new smoothie bar, and demonstration kitchen will be ready for the spring semester. It is a beautiful space and will be home to the eco-system of wellness. Thank you for supporting your student in every way. We are grateful to be in partnership with you.
This month's update highlights some of the best things at Quinnipiac, including:
Parents are invited to become admissions ambassadors
Join our Giving Tuesday / Parent Residence Hall Challenge
The Office of Student Engagement introduces its new vendor program
Get in touch with our Student Engagement administrators
Supporting international students over Thanksgiving break
Holiday shuttle information to New Haven train station
Thanksgiving break closing information
What should a student whose roommate is studying abroad expect?
It's not too late to join a fraternity or sorority
Upcoming Health, Wellness and Recreation events and resources
Key religious life events for the next month
Advice on staying on track with meal points — from too many to too few
Invoices available and tuition due dates announced
Exam schedules, upcoming semester schedules announced
Changing students' car registration in the Spring
University community set to ring in the holiday season
What a student wishing to start a community service project should do
Graduating student information
If students are looking to connect with their peers and find a community through student engagement, please get in touch with studentorgs@qu.edu to set up a time with our professional staff to discuss all options or check out our Do You QU online platform and find organizations of interest. Each active organization has its own profile and contact information. The platform also highlights events put on by all organizations!
Fall Fest, October 9: This year's SPB/WQAQ Fall Fest featured singer, Marc E. Bassy and the band, Doublecamp. Festivities included three food trucks, a rock-climbing wall, a mechanical pumpkin, a corn maze, an inflatable slide and fall donuts sponsored by QU Dining. This event occurred on Sunday, October 9th from 2-6 p.m. on the Quad and was free for all QU students.
The Office of Student Engagement hosted therapy dogs on campus during midterms week & will have them back during finals!
Recognition of new organizations on campus (you can find more information on Do You QU!)
QU Association of Minority Engineers
Survivor Advocacy Alliance
Commuter Student Union
QU Suc-sess Academy
QU Women’s Health Organization
Pumpkin Carving Contest: Students v. Hartford Health Care Orthopedic Surgeons
Student organizations hosted over 250 events during the month of October!
We invite local vendors to come to campus weekly! Follow @qu_ose on Instagram for the full schedule.
11/15/22: Olivers Olive Oil & DesignsByActive
11/30/22: Gypsy Jewelry
12/6/22: Sparkle Jewelry
12/7/22: LIV For FASHION
12/8/22: Olivers Olive Oil
12/14/22: Sparkle Jewelry
If your student owns their own small business, contact campuslife@qu.edu for more information!
QTHON is a year-long fundraising enterprise led by Quinnipiac students, which culminates in a 10-hour dance marathon to raise funds and awareness in support of Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. Over the past 8 years, the Bobcat community has raised more than $1 million to support patients and their families.
Connect with QTHON on Instagram
Quinnipiac’s Big Event was founded in 2010. The annual day of service encourages thousands of students and alumni to complete thousands of hours of work to benefit their communities each year. The event began nearly 4 decades ago at Texas A&M University.
Registration will open in spring 2023.
Connect with Big Event on Instagram
LGBTQIA+ Student Leadership Retreat: Our second annual retreat on October 8 provided a space for a group of students to connect, build community, set goals, and explore media representation and LGBTQ+ healthcare.
LGBTQIA+ History Month Teach-In: On October 13, the Department of Cultural and Global Engagement hosted the second annual teach-in to celebrate and amplify the voices of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex and Asexual community. Topics explored representation, activism, intersectionality, LGBTQ athletes and LGBTQ folks in war and conflict. The teach-in provided an opportunity for Quinnipiac faculty, staff and students to learn about the rich histories and personal stories of the LGBTQIA+ community at QU and beyond.
DCGE Inclusive Conversations: Cultural Appropriation: On October 20, the Department of Cultural and Global Engagement hosted an event to fully understand the consequences of cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation takes place when members of a majority group adopt cultural elements of a minority group in an exploitative, disrespectful or stereotypical way. This conversation sought to explore the history of appropriation as well as healthy appreciation, education and diversity amongst the QU community and beyond.
DCGE Inclusive Conversations: LGBTQIA+ and QU: On October 26, the Department of Cultural and Global Engagement hosted an event intended to foster an inclusive conversation. This inclusive conversation sought to explore the importance and benefits of community for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex and Asexual community at Quinnipiac and beyond. As we celebrate and honor LGBTQIA+ History Month, participants will have an opportunity to break down and understand the LGBTQIA+ acronym, reflect on assumptions of heteronormativity and explore how we can be more inclusive in our everyday language and behavior.
This month DCGE is celebrating International Education Week from November 14-18. Throughout the week there will be a variety of events each day, consisting of panel discussions, guest speakers and information sessions. International Education Week events aim to expand perspectives, foster communication between different cultures and build recognition and support of international education.
One event that we are especially excited about is, “Working in the U.S.: An International Student and Alumni Panel” featuring eight international alumni and current students from a variety of disciplines who have used their QU education to find exciting work and internship opportunities in the USA. Attendees will get to hear their stories and learn how they have managed the sometimes-intimidating waters of immigration regulations while living, interning and working in the USA.
DCGE brought a group of international and domestic students to volunteer at the NYC Marathon on November 6. This event was an exciting opportunity to travel to New York City and participate in a large-scale athletic event with runners from around the world. Students filled and handed out water cups to the 50,000+ runners. Students also connected with the hundreds of other volunteers stationed at Mile 22.
Two international student-athletes from the Netherlands created a podcast produced at Quinnipiac called “Not from Here,” where they discuss their journeys to Quinnipiac and their experiences of cultural differences with rotating guests.
DCGE will be planning a variety of programs and events over Thanksgiving break including shopping trips to grocery stores, a game night at On the Rocks, an excursion to New Haven and to the movies. Students remaining on campus over Thanksgiving break are also invited to enjoy a Thanksgiving holiday meal with President Judy Olian on Tuesday, November 22. DCGE is also coordinating the Thanksgiving Host Program in which students remaining in the area can experience a Thanksgiving meal and celebration with a Quinnipiac faculty or staff member in their home.
If a student’s roommate is studying abroad for the spring semester, they should expect that they will get a new roommate. The new roommate might be a person returning from study abroad, returning from a leave of absence, or simply wanting to change rooms for the new semester. Yes, a student can request a roommate by contacting our office at residentiallife@quinnipiac.edu with the name of the person they would like to live with. We will make every effort to accommodate requests based on the spaces that we have available. Room assignments will be finalized in January and we encourage students to reach out to us as early as possible if they have a roommate request.
Information sessions for Summer 2023 affiliate, some Summer 2023 faculty-led courses and the Fall 2023 semester abroad will be held in early February with a March 15 application deadline.
The Office of Health and Wellness has been busy supporting students in a variety of ways across the university. With the school year in full swing, students are increasingly utilizing our services, including participating in Wellness Wednesday tabling events, seeking help from the counseling center and engaging in a variety of fitness and recreation activities and events.
Student Health Services, available on both the Mount Carmel and York Hill campuses, is available year-round for the students. Student Health Services offers management for sick visits, allergy injections, placement physicals, immunizations, sexual-health related visits and nutrition services. Students can make an appointment online or by calling 203-407-4050, Students must bring a state-issued ID, a copy of their insurance card and a form of payment to all visits (co-pays may be collected depending on the student’s insurance). Most insurance plans are accepted but we ask all students to contact their insurance company to ensure that Hartford Healthcare Medical Group, Specialty is in-network (Tax ID: 37-1911194).
Learn more and schedule a health services appointment
Student Counseling Services are available for students on all three campuses and can help with anxiety, depression, adjustment to college life, time management and organizational skills and overall well-being. Students can make an appointment online or by calling 203-407-4020, and selecting option #1. Counseling services are provided at no additional cost to students. Psychiatry services are also available through the Counseling Center.
Students should follow these Instagram accounts for up-to-date hours, programs and incentives:
Free fitness classes run throughout the semester. Classes are offered year-round on all three campuses, including Spinning, body sculpting, Zumba, Bootcamp, Core Conditioning, yoga and Pilates. Sign-ups for each class open 24 hours prior to the class start time. Find info on our website: recwell.qu.edu or in our app.
Sign up for classes on the RecWell website
Monday - Thursday: 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Friday: 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
For the most up-to-date hours, changes in schedule or announcements, be sure to visit recwell.qu.edu
Monday - Thursday: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
QU Campus Recreation has created a Facebook so students/families/alumni who do not have access to Instagram, link below.
Connect with RecWell on Facebook
If your student is under the age of 18 and will not be 18 by the time they move onto campus please reach out to Campus Recreation at recreation@qu.edu for a copy of the Fitness Center waiver.
The Fitness Facilities will have special hours for the Thanksgiving Break.
Saturday, November 23-Sunday, November 24: All fitness facilities closed
Monday, November 25-Wednesday, November 27:
Mount Carmel Fitness Center: Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
York Hill Fitness Center: Closed
Thursday, November 28-Saturday, November 30: All fitness facilities closed
Look for an email from Student Affairs with the topic of the week, programs, tips resources. Tabling in RecWell lobby from 1-3 p.m. weekly
December 7 is the last one. We will have tea time, coloring and Ryder the therapy dog.
Stop by to learn how to make a healthy snack right in your dorm room!
December 2, 11 a.m. – noon: Holiday trail mix (just pop in; no sign ups)
CPR is for your physical health, QPR is for mental health. Learn how to best help yourself and your friends in time of crisis.
National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) is a club on campus and an amazing resource for parents. If you suspect that your child may be struggling mentally or emotionally, remember the five Ts: Tell, Test, Teach, Talk, Take Action.
Tell your child they can come to you with any problem
Test their academic health by checking their end of semester grades
Teach them how to recognize depression and anxiety
Talk with them more often or visit if they are in distress
Take action if your student is experiencing high-risk mental health concerns
To learn more and for additional resources, explore the NAMI's Parent's Guide to Mental Health for College Students
What is CARE? The Community, Assessment, Response and Evaluation (CARE) Team is committed to the safety and wellbeing of our community through proactive, coordinated, and deliberate approaches by identifying, assessing, managing and reducing any student interpersonal or behavioral concerns.
The CARE Team is a partnership of various university offices that is supported by the Office of the Dean of Students. Team members include all residential life professional staff, select staff from counseling, student health services, graduate student affairs, religious life, fraternity and sorority life, veteran and military affairs, Title IX, department of cultural and global engagement and student affairs.
The CARE team meets weekly to review and discuss new referrals, ongoing cases and the best course of action to support students of concern.
CARE referrals are submitted by faculty, staff, students and community members.
Access up-to-date information and resources on Quinnipiac’s COVID protocols, including testing, vaccines, our mask policy and isolation protocols.
If your Bobcat is interested in joining the Fraternity & Sorority community, there are still several opportunities to do so. Interested students can email fslife@qu.edu to learn more! Next semester we will have even more opportunities for students to get involved in Fraternity & Sorority Life; save the date for our signature Meet the Greeks kickoff event on January 24 at 9 p.m. in Burt Kahn Court!
Those who want to learn more about what the community is all about are invited to attend our Greek Leadership Series event on November 30 from 4-6 p.m. in SC 207. This drop-in style event will focus on practicing gratitude; this crucial skill can be challenging for some. All Bobcats are welcome to join us; we’ll have some treats, templates for expressing gratitude and good company!
The week of November 14 is Panhellenic Pride Week. The sorority community will come together to celebrate their sisterhood through a series of events including karaoke, BINGO, a pop-up shop and Nacho Average Panhellenic Event which includes lots of nachos! All sorority women are encouraged to attend, spend time with one another and fundraise for Circle of Sisterhood, the adopted philanthropy of Quinnipiac's Panhellenic Council.
Throughout the month of November, the fraternity community is partnering with No Shave November CT/The CT Cancer Foundation to raise awareness and funds for Connecticut residents battling cancer. Funds will go towards medical expenses, living expenses, rent/mortgage, utilities, food and more. Those interested in participating in No Shave November can contact fslife@qu.edu to get involved!
So far, the community has raised over $23,000 for philanthropic/charitable organizations this semester and performed almost 2,000 hours of hands-on community service. We’ve also initiated 172 members into our 3 honor societies this semester: Rho Lambda National Honor Society, Gamma Sigma Alpha and the Order of Omega Honor Society. There’s so much happening in the Fraternity & Sorority community; if your Bobcat is interested in joining us, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
All questions can be directed to fslife@qu.edu or asked via Instagram at @qufsl.
Please encourage your students to attend the RA Mandatory Community Meetings to learn information and ask questions about the Thanksgiving and Winter Break closing. Have your student check-in with their RA for the date and location for these meetings.
We are excited to announce the start of Resident Assistant (RA) recruitment with hosting a social on “LEARN S’MORE” about becoming an RA. This is a meet and greet with our fantastic current Res Life staff and an opportunity to make your own s’more! It’s happening on Wednesday, November 30 at 9 p.m. in Complex Courtyard. RA applications will be available in January; more details coming soon!
Happening on December 3 from 8 - 9:30 p.m. at Troup Hall is our famous Late Nite Lounge with the Winter Holiday Extravaganza theme featuring a hot cocoa bar, holiday treats, stuff a teddy bear, snow globes and holiday-themed music. Please encourage your student to take a break from studying and participate in Res Life’s last large-scale program for 2022.
Residential Life staff will be entering all student rooms/apartments/university-owned houses after 5 p.m. on November 18 to conduct health and safety inspections.
The Housing Office encourages the parents and guardians of current juniors to remind their students of the Senior Housing Selection Process which is currently underway. Housing contracts were due on November 13 and Selection Day will be on Thursday, November 17. Current juniors received detailed information about the process in their QU e-mail.
Please note that sophomore housing selection (for current first-year students) and junior housing selection (for current sophomore students) will take place in the spring semester.
After completing the contract, the student will be directed to the online payment portal.
We look forward to the opportunity to host your student in QU housing for the upcoming year. If you have any questions about the process, please do not hesitate to contact us at 203-582-8666 or residentiallife@qu.edu.
All university residence areas close for Thanksgiving Break on Friday, November 18 at 6 p.m. and reopen on Sunday, November 27 at 10 a.m.
Students may request to stay on campus for part or all of the break if they are international students, if they are from a non-drivable distance, or if they are required to be on campus due to an academic, athletic or university commitment. Students requesting to stay past 6 p.m. on Friday, November 18 or to return to campus earlier than November 27 at 10 a.m. must submit a Thanksgiving Break Housing Request, which is available on MyHousing. The university will be closed on November 24 and 25 with no services provided except for Public Safety. Students can reach Public Safety at any time by calling 203-582-6200.
All university residence areas close again on Friday, December 16 at 6 p.m. for Winter Break. All students must depart campus by this deadline unless they have been approved by the Housing Office to remain on campus for all or part of the break. The Winter Break Housing Request will be available on MyHousing in early December. Students approved to stay on campus will be relocated to The Crescent residence hall (York Hill Campus) for the duration of the break and may be charged a fee for each night they stay on campus unless they are an international student or are participating in university business/activities/classes. The university will be closed from December 21 to January 2 with no services provided except for Public Safety. We will welcome students back to campus on Saturday, January 21 and Sunday, January 22 from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Next month we will wind down the semester with a series of smaller programs and activities that are geared to help our students deal with the stress of final exams. This will include creating quiet study hours in the Assembly Room in the Center for Religion.
The highlight of last month was our first Midnight Swimsuit Marathon for charity. Almost 130 students ran the race around the Quad on October 9th and dozens more came out to watch the event. Our Associate Dean of Students, Dr. Lynn Hendricks, crowned the winners with laurel crowns on the steps of the library. Not only did the students love the event, but we raised nearly $1,000 for Morgan’s Message, a group that works on mental health issues with collegiate athletes.
Two events stand out to mark the upcoming religious holidays. The Catholic community will mark the beginning of the Advent season on November 27 with a blessing and lighting of our Advent wreath. Also, staff from Religious Life will join the Jewish community for a special Friday sabbath service at the Peter C. Hereld House for Jewish Life!
As we head toward the holidays please encourage your student to regularly check their meal point balances on the QCard Balance page on MyQ and compare it to the Dining Meal Plan Budget Tracker which shows a suggested balance week-by-week throughout the semester.
Students who have more points than the budget recommends will be able to use these points in the spring term. Alternatively, they can transfer their points to another student.
Students who have less points than the budget recommends can negotiate a transfer of points from another student, supplement with QCash or use a credit card.
Learn more about our meal plans, how to check balances, transfer points and more on the Meal Plans page.
See all upcoming dining events
Friday, November 18 — North Haven closes at 2:30 p.m., York Hill closes at 5 p.m., Café Q closes at 5 p.m., Starbucks closes at 3 p.m.
Saturday, November 19 through Saturday, November 25 — Closed
Sunday, November 27 — Café Q open 11 a.m. – 7 p.m., Bobcat Den open 4 p.m. – 11 p.m., York Hill 2 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Monday, November 28 – All locations open regular hours of operation.
See full dining hours of operation
One Stop provides seamless and integrated student administrative services throughout the entire student life cycle. One Stop includes cross-functional student solutions for:
records and enrollment services
managing student finances
parking and transportation services
One Stop works closely with and can provide preliminary information about financial aid, Q-Cards, housing and dining. Advanced registrar functions such as degree conferrals, Dean’s List and diplomas will continue to be administered through the Registrar.
Email: onestop@qu.edu
Call: 203-582-8650
Learn more about the Registrar
Undergraduate, graduate and law students will receive their invoices in Self-Service after the Thanksgiving break and payment is due by December 15. School of Medicine students have already been invoiced and payment is due by November 15. Reference the "When is tuition due?" FAQ of our website for a complete list of due dates and payment plan installment dates.
The Self-Service site allows students and their designated proxy to do the following:
Review an invoice (financial activity including tuition, financial aid, and payments)
Make a payment via credit card or electronic check (cash is not accepted)
Set up a payment plan
Authorize a proxy (allows others like parents or spouses to pay invoices)
By the due date (12/15/22 for undergraduate, graduate and law and 11/15/22 for medicine), please remit payment in full, enroll in a payment plan (must be enrolled in a payment plan by the 14th for the first payment to occur on the 15th), and/or ensure financial aid or loans are secured to avoid being charged late fees or a hold being placed on the account.
There are no payment plans for the January term.
For the Spring term we are offering two payment plans:
Auto Adjust – this plan covers the student’s full balance due and will automatically adjust if the amount owed changes. Therefore, if financial aid is applied the balance due on the payment plan will automatically adjust. This adjustment can lead to an increase or decrease in the monthly payment plan. The remaining balance due will be split among the remaining payments.
Fixed Balance – this plan allows the student to determine the amount to pay via the payment plan. To adjust the amount after the first payment is due, the student needs to contact the One Stop Office.
Students who do not see their invoice for the January or Spring terms of the 2022-2023 academic year, may have a hold on their student account. Hold and contact information to resolve the hold appears in Self-Service. If the hold is due to an outstanding balance and a payment is made via ACH, it will take at least a week to settle. Once the hold is resolved, the invoice should appear within 24 hours.
In Self-Service, the student/proxy is asked to consent to the statement of financial responsibility which includes our refunds and withdrawal policy. The student/proxy will also be offered the opportunity to purchase tuition insurance.
Self-Service Student Finance Guide provides complete instructions on using Self-Service to set up a proxy, view and pay invoices and set up a payment plan.
Costs and Budgets provides detailed information on tuition and fees.
Financial Aid and the links in the navigation will answer most financial aid questions.
Should you or your student have additional questions which are not addressed above, please contact One Stop at onestop@qu.edu. We look forward to assisting you.
Please find the One Stop hours of operation on the Contact One Stop page of our website. Please note that our office will be closed for winter break from December 21 through January 2. Families making payments during this time are highly encouraged to use Self-Service to pay via ACH or credit card. We encourage all families who use 529 plans to pay their tuition electronically, if possible. Please contact your 529 plan to see if this option is available.
Final exams are scheduled for December 13-17, 2022.
Final grades for the Fall 2022 semester are due December 19 and are posted to Self-Service by instructors. If grades are not posted by December 19, please reach out to your instructor.
Open registration begins on November 28 at 7 a.m. through January 4, 2023 for J-Term and through January 27th for Spring 2023 term.
J-Term 2023 courses run January 4 - January 20
Spring 2023 courses run January 23 – May 13
Spring recess is March 13 - 18, 2023
Please refer to the Quinnipiac Commencement website for all commencement information.
Learn more about the Registrar
Residential first-year students are not permitted to bring their cars to campus. We request that parents do not send their first-year students back to campus after the Thanksgiving holiday with a car. Cars without valid parking decals will be ticketed and towed.
How would a student register a new/changed car for the spring? Students may work with One Stop to register a new vehicle or change an existing vehicle.
Can students leave their cars on campus over break? If so, what do they need to do? Students may request to leave their vehicles on campus during the break. All requests must be made through One Stop.
Are escort services available? If so, how are they activated? Students may request an escort at any time by calling the Department of Public Safety at 203-582-6200.
Learn more about shuttles provided to Union Station during holiday breaks
Students interested in starting a community service project can connect with the Director of Community Engagement at vincent.contrucci@qu.edu to discuss their idea and funding needs. There are currently dedicated funds for students who wish to initiate a community service project that impacts and addresses the needs of minority and underrepresented populations in the greater New Haven area.
Submit a project proposal or funding request for those types of projects
The Office of Community Engagement is hosting information sessions over the next few weeks for students to learn about and sign-up to participate in the service break trips offered over Winter and Spring Breaks. Our free Winter break trip will work with the New Haven Habitat for Humanity. The Spring Break trip will work with an affiliate in North Carolina and anticipated costs for participation will range between $300 and $400.
Information sessions are scheduled for:
November 15 at 12:30 p.m., in SC116
November 17 at 1 p.m., in SC116
November 29 at 9:15 p.m., in TH113
December 1 at 9:30 p.m. on Zoom
This month the office hosted two service events working with various state parks on clean-up and maintenance projects. We also hosted information tables to encourage students to register to vote and/or check their voter registration.
The office hosted an event with the Herald House to make soups to donate to a local food pantry. We also collaborated with the Big Event and QSNA to develop a spikeball tournament to raise funds to support the American Red Cross’ work in responding to Hurricane Ian.
The office hosted its Furry Friends for Refugee Children event where students made stuffed animals for donation to a local resettlement agency. Stuffed animals are placed in the apartments that families with children will be moving into upon their arrival in the U.S. so those children have a new friend to welcome them.
Connect on instagram @quserves for information and post-service photos of events
We recommend making hotel reservations as soon as possible if you have not already done so. Our Commencement site lists the ceremony schedule and will be updated with further information as we move into the spring semester. Graduates will begin receiving information on ordering a cap and gown and more. Please encourage your student to regularly check their Quinnipiac email.
Focusing on the philanthropic and strategic vision of Quinnipiac, we welcome parents and families to get involved with our QU Parents Council and Family Fellows program. Working with the Director of Development for Parents & Families, we ask members of this group to join with a financial gift to the area of their choice and lend their support in multiple ways - through their professional expertise, connections as well as the support of QU programs and University priorities.
At our most recent meeting on November 9, Council members welcomed our newest Bobcat families joining the council. Topics focused on QU priorities, corporate partnership connections and opportunities; and included presentations from Todd Sloan, vice president of development and alumni affairs, Holly Raider, the dean of the school of business, and Michael Kassa, associate vice president of corporate partnerships.
While each family customizes their experience to meet their family needs, the only requirement to join the Parents Council is a desire to help make a difference with an annual leadership gift in support of the university’s priorities.
Presentations by administration, faculty, staff and others about how your student can maximize their QU experience
Networking and learning more about career development
Impacting the school, program or department of your choice with your gift designation
Interacting with other parents, President Olian and university leadership at Parents Council meetings
Timely, relevant Parents Council email communications
Invitations to special receptions
Special Commencement benefits with a four-year Parents Council membership
Our next meeting will be on February 18 on campus, followed by a special invitation to a QU men’s hockey game. For more information on how to get involved, please contact Jenna L. McClain Morlong, Director of Development for Parents and Families at 203-582-7294 or email jenna.mcclain@qu.edu.
Learn more and get involved in Parents Council
Our students need YOU! Support student success this fall and give your Bobcats a well-earned, end-of-semester study break — with this brand-new fundraising opportunity.
Quinnipiac will be hosting a 24-hour competition amongst the parents of students in all the residence halls. Whichever residence hall has the highest parent participation percentage will win a food truck for their student’s residence hall. Does your student live off campus? They are included as well! Be sure and click on “off campus” on the gift page when it asks where your student lives for it to be counted!
It’s all about participation! Giving Tuesday is a nationally known philanthropy movement, so make QU your chosen gift that day. With a donation in any amount to any area of your choice, you can support student success and build a relationship with the university for a lifetime!
Quinnipiac University is looking for parent volunteers who would like to assist the admissions team in representing the university at local college fairs during spring and fall events. All volunteers would participate in a training session and then would be invited to work the table in collaboration with a representative from the Admissions Office. The focus would be to engage the parents of high school students who will be discussing QU with the Admissions Counselors.
Email admissions@qu.edu with questions.
Thank you for considering this impactful opportunity!
Our newsletter is designed for parents and family members of current Quinnipiac students. Sign up for our email newsletter for helpful reminders, updates and need-to-know news.
Sign UpProspective parents and families are invited with their prospective undergraduate student to explore our stunning campuses, experience our expansive and inclusive communities, get a feel for our immersive academic programs and meet engaged and invested faculty and students.
With beaches, amusement and adventure parks, hiking, boating, theater, history, museums, concerts, restaurants, shopping, resorts, and more, there's always something to do.
Explore our recommendations for what to do in the area, where to stay, places to eat and how to get here.
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