Parents and Families Update: August 2023
Welcome and Welcome Back!
August 22, 2023
August 22, 2023
By Tom Ellett
Chief Experience Officer
Dear parents and families,
For those of you whose student is arriving here at Quinnipiac as a new student, WELCOME! Please be sure to head over to the Bobcat Bound newsletter to ensure all remaining enrollment steps are complete for your student
For those of you with a returning student, we are so glad to have your student return to Quinnipiac for another year, and for some, their last year. The university is in the midst of many new physical upgrades and programmatic enhancements.
When you arrive at the campus, you will see the South Quad taking visible steps to become a home to 417 resident students next August, and two academic buildings, the School of Business and the Academic Center, opening the following year. There are numerous other campus structures and enhancements to see as well. We look forward to your next visit to witness these changes.
Another campus update is the new shuttle service provider, Valet Park of America, as well as a new shuttle stop for the Mount Carmel Campus on New Road. Updates to this service include brand new shuttle buses with new branding, Passio GO! app (to track the location of the shuttles in real time), increased student shopping shuttles and expanded hours on weekends. We have also redesigned shuttle loops to reduce travel and wait times and added shuttles between the hours of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Shuttle service began on August 21. For more information (for schedule/hours), visit our shuttles page
Throughout the coming year, we are here to assist your student and ask them to get involved in clubs and organizations, attend all athletic events, and provide service to our community of Hamden and North Haven.
Students who succeed in college will find their belonging in one of the hundreds of clubs and organizations on our campus. We also have hundreds of student employment opportunities on campus working for the university or our food partner, Chartwell’s, where we employed over 120 students last year. Additionally, our healthcare partner, Hartford HealthCare, provides part-time positions at any of their hospitals, clinics or other operations. Our career services office is here to assist in that process. Log into MyQ to learn more about student employment.
We continue to embrace the “co-creation” model at the institution. Last year, we added Shake Smart, embedded in the new RecWell facility, as a “run by students – for students” model.
We continue to look for further ways to offer experiential learning for students. This year, we have added three students in the “menu maker” position. These students will select the daily dinner menu options for each dinner at the Mount Carmel Dining Hall and track the sales and satisfaction for entrée options. They will be working in the dining hall and ensuring that variety and satisfaction increase over time.
We will continue to offer our Parent Academy sessions this fall. They are zoom sessions focused on a particular area of the student experience. Watch for an invite later this month.
Finally, communication is a key aspect in building a trusting relationship with parents and family members. Should you want to reach out, please feel free to drop an email to the QUParents@qu.edu. Your feedback to us is important. Thank you for being such great partners in the process of having your student be a successful student at Quinnipiac.
We look forward to having your student here in the next week.
Our faculty and staff are dedicated to your students' success and well-being. There are numerous ways for your students to access support — many of which can be found on this portal. From seeing faculty in office hours to meeting with a peer tutor in the Learning Commons or an adviser in career services, we have the resources to support every student. Learn more by exploring our parents and families portal today.
To view this portal, you must have proxy access granted by your student. Learn more about proxy access
Please note:
The Office of Student Engagement is excited to welcome our students to our three campuses this fall semester. Please encourage your student to attend our annual Engagement Fair on Wednesday, August 30 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the Quad. There, your student can meet our more than 140 student-run organizations, offices and departments who provide co-curricular activities outside the classroom.
The Student Programming Board will host the Welcome Week from August 28 through September 3. Events include trivia, bingo, a trip to Mystic Aquarium.
Students can utilize our Do You QU platform now to search our different clubs and organizations. All you need is your username and password.
Log into Do You QU
If your student is a commuter, we have commuter lockers available to rent for free. There is a limited number of lockers, so please advise your student email studentengagement@qu.edu if they are interested.
New international student move-in took place on Monday, August 21. Families can contact international.student@qu.edu if they have any questions about move-in.
International student orientation will be held on Tuesday, August 22 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Communications and Computing & Engineering building on the Mount Carmel Campus. The International student orientation is required for all international students on an F-1 or J-1 visa. The comprehensive program will cover visa regulations, cultural adjustment, practical matters and student life.
International students interested in setting up a U.S. bank account will have several opportunities to do so during move-in week. M&T Bank representatives will be on campus in the Student Center on Monday, August 21 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Friday, August 25 from 9 to 11 a.m., and Saturday, August 26 from 9 a.m. to noon. International students interested in setting up a bank account should bring their passport, I-20/DS-2019, Q-Card, and a personal check that they will write for $25 U.S. dollars. We will also offer a group walk to the M&T Bank Hamden branch on August 31 at 3 p.m.
International Student Services is excited to launch the new ISS Portal this fall. The ISS portal is an online platform that will enhance the experience of Quinnipiac's international students by enabling them to view their immigration records, request updates and SEVIS authorizations and communicate directly with International Student Services (ISS) regarding their visas.
International Student Services has planned a fun and engaging series of social programs and activities for new and returning international students in the first several weeks of the semester. Students can view and sign up for events on the international student page on MyQ and in the weekly International Student Newsletter distributed via email every Friday.
Spring/Summer we are offering 28 different faculty-led courses to more than 25 different counties.
Application deadline for winter/spring/summer programs is October 15 and students can apply through educationabroad.qu.edu.
Information sessions for faculty-led courses abroad for spring and summer 2024 will be held on September 25, 26 and 27 at 7 p.m. Join us on Zoom for those information sessions:
Meeting ID: 992 798 1065
Passcode: 305521
We will be holding January intersession 24 and spring semester 24 study abroad sessions on August 30, September 5 and September 7 at 9 p.m. Learn more about study abroad experiences
It’s recruitment season here in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (OFSL). We are so excited to welcome new and returning students back to campus so soon.
All students are encouraged to attend Meet the Greeks, hosted on Echlin/Tator Lawn, on August 27 from 5 to 7 p.m. This event offers opportunities to meet the fraternities and sororities at Quinnipiac, enjoy free ice cream and connect with FSL leaders/staff members. Our traditionally social and culturally based social organizations will be tabling throughout the duration of this event and can answer any questions about their respective recruitment/intake processes.
On August 31, our OFSL staff team will be on the Quad with Popsicles, recruitment information. If your Bobcat has questions, please feel free to come chat with us any time between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Panhellenic Sorority Primary Recruitment registration is open. This mutual selection process takes place over Labor Day Weekend. Please encourage your Bobcat to visit the Panhellenic recruitment website if they are interested in registering. All questions can be directed to panhellenic.council@qu.edu or asked via Instagram at quinnipiacpanhellenic.
Fraternity recruitment registration is also open. Interested students can register using the online recruitment form. Direct all questions to ifc@qu.edu or via Instagram at @quifc. Those interested in learning more about the fraternity community should plan to attend the IFC Recruitment Kickoff BBQ on September 2 from 1 to 4 p.m. (rain date is September 3). Come meet the presidents and recruitment chairs from each organization as well as leaders in the fraternity community and enjoy burgers, hot dogs and lawn games.
If your Bobcat wants to find their home away from home, establish a community of peers with similar values, participate in service/philanthropy events, and have fun, feel free to direct them our way for information about joining. There’s so much coming up in the fraternity and sorority community; if your Bobcat is interested in joining us, please don’t hesitate to reach out. All questions can be directed to fslife@qu.edu or asked via Instagram @qufsl.
Quinnipiac’s Student Health Services partnered with Hartford HealthCare to help you feel your best. We are located on campus and ready to help with your medical needs.
Learn more and schedule a health services appointment
The Office of Counseling Services provides a range of clinical services and mental health support at no cost to undergraduate and graduate students — including evaluations, individual counseling and group therapy.
Learn more about counseling services
Students should follow these Instagram accounts for up-to-date hours, programs and incentives:
Classes are offered year-round on all three campuses, including Spinning, body sculpting, Zumba, Bootcamp, Core Conditioning, yoga and Pilates.
Sign up for classes on the RecWell website
The State of Connecticut requires certain immunizations before students can move in on campus, so please remember to fill out and submit those forms by the deadline.
Students should use the portal using their Quinnipiac login credentials to upload their immunization records, or to print records that are already uploaded to the portal.
Access the Immunization Portal
RecFest on Sunday, August 27 from 1 to 4 p.m. on the lawn in front of the RecWell. The RecFest event will include:
Monday - Thursday: 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Friday: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
The staff in the Office of Housing are eagerly anticipating the arrival of more than 4,600 residents on campus for the Fall 2023 Semester.
As a reminder, the official move-in schedule and important dates for the academic year are available on the housing webpage.
Students must plan to come on their assigned move-in days only, unless approved for an early arrival by the Office of Housing.
Most students will move in on the day that is designated for the hall where they will be living.
Students in the following groups should move in on the day associated with their group: Early Decision, August Orientation, LLC, honors, transfer students, and international students regardless of which hall they will be living in. (For example, August Orientation participants move in on August 22, no matter which hall they are in.)
Students requesting to return earlier than their assigned move-in date may log into the MyHousing website and complete the Fall Early Arrival Request Form (under the Housing Contracts and Requests heading).
All arriving students must report first to the M&T Bank Arena on the York Hill Campus to check in. Once students have received their new Q-Card or had their existing Q-Card re-programmed, they can then proceed to their residence hall on the Mount Carmel or York Hill Campuses. Again, students must check-in first at M&T Bank Arena at York Hill.
First-year students will be greeted by Move-In Crew members who will assist them with unloading and moving their belongings to their rooms. Please be sure to label all items with your student’s name and room number to assist in this process.
Finally, please consult our list of items that are prohibited in our residence halls.
Safe travels, and we will see you soon!
All full-time students are required to have a meal plan.
Learn more about dining on campus and view instructions on how to change a meal plan on the FAQ section of our meal plans webpage. All meal plan changes must be made by the last day of the add/drop registration period which is Friday, September 1 for undergraduate and graduate students.
Meal points will be on Q-Cards on Wednesday, August 23.
The dineoncampus website contains the most up-to-date information about hours. Visit the DineonCampus website
Meal plans are refreshed at the beginning of the semester and funds should last throughout the semester. Explore the resources to help you stay on track throughout the semester — including mobile and online budget trackers, and mobile ordering apps.
Learn more about meal plan budgets and staying on track
Learn more about how Dining Services accommodates students with dietary restrictions and allergies
One Stop provides seamless and integrated student administrative services throughout the entire student life cycle. One Stop includes cross-functional student solutions for:
records and enrollment services
managing student finances
parking and transportation services
One Stop works closely with and can provide preliminary information about financial aid, Q-Cards, housing and dining. Advanced registrar functions such as degree conferrals, Dean’s List and diplomas will continue to be administered through the Registrar.
Email: onestop@qu.edu
Call: 203-582-8650
The One Stop office is eagerly anticipating the return of our students this fall. We have several important reminders for all students and their proxies.
All students registered for the fall term should see their charges in Self-Service. If you have not already, all students must either enroll in a payment plan or pay their bill in full ASAP. Log into Self-Service
Please remember to submit payment, set up a payment plan and/or finalize your financial aid to ensure your balance is covered prior to move-in weekend. This will allow for a smooth transition on move-in day.
You can view your balance and financial aid via your Self-Service account. Log into Self-Service
Secure your financing before August 21 to avoid a financial hold on your account. Holds will remain on accounts until payment, payment plan or pending financial aid is sufficient to cover the balance. Students attending Quinnipiac on VA benefits (Chapter 31 and 33) may be excluded from holds.
Undergraduate students who have less than 12 credits should contact the One Stop office to discuss their status as a full-time or part-time student.
We encourage all students to check their accounts in Self-Service once a month. Log into Self-Service
If any students are due refunds, these will be processed after the add/drop registration period.
Learn more about payment options
Learn more about financial aid
Questions about your bill? Contact One Stop
If you are still working on financing, a credit-worthy co-signer may be required for students to secure an educational loan with a private lender. If you have questions regarding private educational lenders, please refer our loans webpage or contact financial aid.
Do not forget to accept and complete all paper work for your federal loans. First-time federal borrowers should complete government requirements of entrance counseling and sign a master promissory note.
Our office will be open over move-in weekend on Saturday, August 26 from 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. We welcome students and their proxies to make payments or pick up commuter parking permits.
To accommodate the high volume of correspondence we receive at this time of the year, from August 21 through September 8, we will be open:
Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Fridays: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
We will resume our normal business hours on Monday, September 11 (8 a.m. – 5 p.m).
How did you like our services? Leave a review
Review Quinnipiac’s refunds and withdrawal policy.
Students are offered the opportunity to purchase tuition insurance.
Self-Service Student Finance Guide provides complete instructions on using Self-Service to set up a proxy, view and pay invoices and set up a payment plan.
Learn more about tuition and financial aid.
The One Stop website provides answers to many of your questions and the frequently asked questions page is a particularly helpful resource.
Should you have additional questions that may not be addressed above, please contact One Stop at onestop@qu.edu. If your questions are about financial aid, please contact finaid@qu.edu. We look forward to assisting you and welcoming you for the fall semester!
Registration is open for all incoming and returning undergraduate and graduate students.
Review all dates in the Academic Calendar. Below is a brief listing of dates relevant to registration.
Undergraduate and graduate classes begin Monday, August 28
Add/Drop registration period ends for 15-week courses (Aug. 28-Dec. 16) on Friday, September 1
Add/Drop registration period ends for first 7-week courses (Aug. 28-Oct. 14) on Tuesday, August 29
Add/Drop registration period ends for second 7-week courses (Oct. 23-Dec. 16) on Tuesday, October 24
The last day to Withdraw from 15-week courses with a grade of W is Friday, November 3
The last day to Withdraw from first 7-week courses with a grade of W is Friday, September 22
The last day to Withdraw from second 7-week courses with a grade of W is Friday, November 17
If you cannot register for a course because of pre-requisites and/or the course is closed, you should visit the Registration FAQ section of the Registrar’s webpage.
Review a short video overview of how to use Student Planning on Self-Service
Learn more about the Registrar
For those resident and commuting students bringing a vehicle, we require you to display this current year’s parking decal (2023-24). If you haven’t yet applied, we highly encourage you take a few minutes to register your vehicle by logging into QU.edu/MyParking for this year’s decal.
Once you’ve registered for your decal, be sure to print the temporary pass and display it clearly on your vehicle dashboard before attempting to access campus. Once received, affix your new decal to your vehicle windshield.
With reduced North Lot parking this coming year, we want to provide the best service for our commuters. Therefore, Public Safety will be ensuring proper registration for all QU students starting the first day of classes. To preclude potential ticketing, it’s imperative you have your vehicle registered.
For resident undergraduate students who register by August 22, decals will be available on the York Hill Campus at your move-in check-in on Tuesday August 22, Friday August 25 and Saturday, August 26. After Augst 26, they will be available in the One Stop office in the Arnold Bernhard Library.
For commuter undergraduate students who apply by August 22, decals will be available in the One Stop Office S-106 in the Arnold Berhard Library.
Graduate commuter student decals will be mailed to the MyParking address in the MyParking system.
Any questions, please reach out to One Stop Auxiliary Services at parking@qu.edu. Learn more on the parking webpage.
We are very excited about the start of a new school year. We are pleased to announce several shuttle service improvements.
The changes include a new shuttle service provider, Valet Park of America, as well as a new shuttle stop for the Mount Carmel Campus on New Road.
Other highlights for Fall 2023 include:
New shuttle buses with new designs
Passio GO! app to track the location of the shuttles in real time
Increased student shopping shuttles
Shuttles will run on Wednesdays (new this year), Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays
Expanded hours on Saturdays and Sundays
Redesigned shuttle loops to reduce travel and wait times
Additional shuttle between Mount Carmel and York Hill Campuses during peak hours of 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
American Disability Act (ADA) compliant shuttles increased from two to six
Dedicated shuttle to run from Westwoods parking lot to Mount Carmel Campus
Dedicated ADA van for intra-campus transport on the Mount Carmel Campus and assistance of students with accessibility needs during South Quad construction (students must be registered with the Office of Student Accessibility)
Eight shuttles to connect all 3 campuses, including:
Bobcat Express: Continual loops throughout the day
York Hill/Mount Carmel Express: Continual loops throughout the day.
North Haven Campus loop: Monday-Friday from 7 a.m.-11 p.m. (York Hill, Mount Carmel, Flats on Washington Avenue, North Haven Campus and Whitney Village.
New replacement shuttle stop (placed on New Road behind Echlin across from the Peter C. Hereld House for Jewish Life)
Shuttle service began August 21. For more information (for schedule/hours), visit the shuttles page at QU.edu/shuttles
In September, the office will host its first on-campus event of the year on Tuesday, September 5 at 11 a.m. in the Rotunda of the Carl Hansen Student Center where we will build back to school backpacks for donation to the Boys and Girls Club in Wallingford.
On Thursday, September 28 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. on the Quad the office will host a service fair to highlight the engagement and service opportunities available with our various student organizations that are service-based.
Community Action Project’s (CAP) will host their annual fall service event, Helping Hands Day, to kick-off the semester on Saturday, September 30. Follow CAP on Instagram @qu_cap for additional information
Join the Office of Community Engagement at the Engagement Fair on Wednesday, August 30 from 4 to 6 p.m.
The office is recruiting students for our open community work-study positions where students work in paraprofessional roles with local non-profits and schools such as the Boys and Girls Clubs of New Haven, Special Olympics and the Keefe Community Center among others.
The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards is pleased to welcome students back for the fall 2023 semester. Our office has been hard at work preparing for a safe and successful academic year, including hosting the New England Conduct Officer Institute for the New England region of the Association for Student Conduct Administration right here at Quinnipiac on August 2.
Some key things we’d like for parents and families to be aware of:
The Quinnipiac CARE Team is here to support students navigating health and wellness, behavioral or situational concerns. One in three first year students received support from this team last academic year and there are staff all across the university community that are prepared to help students! If you are concerned about a Quinnipiac student, more information about how to submit a CARE referral can be found on the CARE webpage
We held six Commencement ceremonies the weekend of May 12-14. The weather was beautiful all weekend and graduates, families and friends were able to celebrate this important milestone.
View all Commencement coverage, including stories, photos and videos
Proofs of photos taken by Island Photography will be emailed to the graduate’s Quinnipiac email address.
All graduates will receive their diploma by mail in June. If you have questions, please contact the registrar
This summer, we welcomed our newest Bobcat families during orientation, and all over the northeast for regional family receptions and virtually as well. A big thanks to our Parents and Family Leadership Council members, who hosted these events off campus – and kudos to our student ambassadors and alumni for your support as well. We can’t wait to see you at Move - In, and of course welcome you back for Bobcat Weekend.
Quinnipiac has long valued parents and families as partners in our students' education and success. As members of the Parents and Family Leadership Council, we invite you to directly engage in and join a partnership focusing on the continued success of Quinnipiac. As a member, you will be invited to two meetings per academic year with university leadership and fellow council members, receive exclusive parent email updates, and have the opportunity to attend many invitation-only receptions, including parent and family networking and social events. Members receive multiple opportunities to meet, advise and network with university leadership and administration, deans, faculty, staff and fellow families.
While each family customizes their experience to meet their family needs, the only requirement to join is a desire to help make a difference with an annual leadership gift in support of the university’s priorities.
Benefits of joining the Quinnipiac Parents and Family Leadership Council:
To serve as ambassadors for the students, faculty, staff, alumni, and parents of Quinnipiac University through engagement, career development, and philanthropy
Presentations by administration, faculty, staff and others about how your student can maximize their QU experience
Invitations to special receptions with Bobcat families, President Olian, and university leadership
Ambassadors for new Bobcat families, and promote parent involvement & support of university initiatives
Host or attend regional or on-campus events
Special Commencement benefits
For more information on how to get involved, please contact:
Aimee Marcella
Director of development for parents and families
Learn more and get involved in Parents and Family Leadership Council
Our newsletter is designed for parents and family members of current Quinnipiac students. Sign up for our email newsletter for helpful reminders, updates and need-to-know news.
Sign UpProspective parents and families are invited with their prospective undergraduate student to explore our stunning campuses, experience our expansive and inclusive communities, get a feel for our immersive academic programs and meet engaged and invested faculty and students.
With beaches, amusement and adventure parks, hiking, boating, theater, history, museums, concerts, restaurants, shopping, resorts, and more, there's always something to do.
Explore our recommendations for what to do in the area, where to stay, places to eat and how to get here.
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