Memo: Thank you for keeping our community safe

To students, faculty and staff

By President Judy Olian September 04, 2024

The library clocktower reflects on the student center windows as a student walks across the quad

President Judy Olian emailed the following message to the university community on September 4.

Earlier today a bomb threat was posted on social media. Fortunately, police with the aid of bomb detection dogs were able to confirm quickly that there was no bomb in the Student Center on the Mount Carmel Campus. We temporarily evacuated two buildings and I am grateful to all those affected for responding calmly and responsibly to directives from law enforcement. A suspect has been apprehended. Our emergency planning, along with terrific collaboration between Public Safety and Hamden Police, resulted in a quick resolution.

The vigilance of our community played a key role today. One of our students saw a threatening post on social media and reported that threat to Public Safety. For that, we are all grateful. If you see something, say something. We each share responsibility for keeping each other safe.

Special thanks to Chief Tony Reyes, our Public Safety officers and Hamden Police for their excellent and speedy work. And thank you to our students, staff and faculty for managing a challenging situation.

And now, to a wonderful and safe Fall semester!

Judy Olian
Quinnipiac University

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