Students launch new magazine celebrating multiculturalism
June 07, 2021
June 07, 2021
“The main objective of this publication was to highlight the unspoken heroes of our Bobcat community,” said Greene, a political science major with a minor in sociology. “We wanted to create something that would be engaging, informative and hopefully stand the test of time.”
Ja’sean Johnson-Henry ’21, a marketing major and advertising minor, sees an invitation to discovery on every page.
“This magazine will give a lot of students the opportunity to not only be more involved, but to establish connections and a strong network they can use in the future,” Johnson-Henry said.
Greene, who like so many of those on the magazine’s staff, is eager to see “For the QUlture” become even more creative and intentional in the future.
“I also hope it sparks conversation and creates a path for our larger student body to engage with students who come from different walks of life,” Greene said.
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