Quinnipiac cybersecurity expert offers tips to keep information safe on Cyber Monday
November 26, 2018
November 26, 2018
“My motto for online shopping is ‘only the paranoid survive,’” Scholl said. “That is an especially good rule of thumb on Cyber Monday, a day when everyone is in a hurry to get in on the best deals. People who are under stress can make mistakes. I almost spent $1,000 on a flashlight but caught the error just before I clicked. There are also many subtle ways people can be attacked beyond their computers because systems are not perfect and neither are we."
“The key to surviving Cyber Monday is to take responsibility for your own information,” Scholl said. “Privacy data is especially important in this day and age when everyone is tracking everyone and the bad guys are trying to get access to your email address.”
Here are some of Scholl’s tips:
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