Provost Update: Spring 2025
To faculty and staff
January 15, 2025
January 15, 2025
This semester, we’re focusing on making things better – together. Be sure to explore the new Provost’s website. Our goal is to create a one-stop hub for all the essential information, resources, and policies you need. This includes information about the many faculty development resources that are now just a click away. Our goal is to provide you with a seamless experience, enabling you to focus on what you do best – inspiring and educating our students. We wish everyone a vibrant semester ahead, filled with connection, collaboration, innovation and growth.
Below you will find updates from various areas of the provost’s office on a variety of topics, including:
Academic Support, Student Accessibility, & Academic Integrity
Student Career Development, Wellness, Global Engagement, & Campus Facilities
Be sure to check out our Spring Events for opportunities to connect:
January 17 – Cayuse Office Hours – register here
February 4 – One Book, One University Chapter 1 discussion – register here
February 21 – Writing Retreat - register here
February 24-March 9 – NCFDD 14-Day Writing Challenge – register here
February 26 – Health Professions Career Fair, North Haven Campus
March 3 – One Book, One University Chapter 2 discussion – register here
March 5 - University-wide Career Fair, Mt Carmel Campus
March 6 - Celebration of Faculty Scholarship, Arnold Bernhard Library
March 10 – Writing Retreat – register here
April 1 – Spring Lifelong Learning Thank You Reception - RSVP here
April 9 – One Book, One University Chapter 3 discussion – register here
May 1 – One Book, One University Chapter 4 discussion – register here
Thank you for your dedication to our students and the Quinnipiac community. Best wishes for a productive and inspiring semester!
Student Success: the 2024 Student Trends Report underscores the benefits students are receiving from a Quinnipiac education. This annual report aims to transform data into actionable insights to support informed decision-making by programs, schools, and student support offices. Take a look at this important resource!
Learning Commons & Academic Support:
QU 105 – Learning Strategies Seminar: This one-credit course empowers students with evidence-based strategies to boost academic performance. Please recommend it to students who could benefit.
Academic Recovery Recognition: Our process for supporting students on academic probation and academic warning earned national acclaim from the College Student Retention Data Consortium (CSRD). Personalized success plans and active engagement are helping students improve their term-to-term GPAs.
Streamlined Referrals: Faculty can now easily refer students to the Learning Commons via the Quinnipiac Experience Portal. This fall, 3,500 Thrive alerts were submitted. Please continue to refer at-risk students because early intervention is key for student success.
Interactive Student Workshops: Tailored presentations on time management, retrieval practice, and exam prep were delivered across campuses in the fall semester. Faculty can request in-class workshops or on-demand modules here.
Peer Support Success:
Over 2,000 peer tutoring sessions were held this fall (top courses: CHE 110, MA 170, MA 140, BIO 211, MA 141).
More than 5,000 student attendances at peer fellow sessions (top courses: CHE 110, BIO 211, CHE 210, BIO 103, BIO 101)
Peer catalysts support FYS, SB 101, OT 101 and other sections.
Office of Student Accessibility (OSA) is offering expanded testing support with increased testing hours:
Mount Carmel: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
North Haven: Monday-Friday 8 am. - 8 p.m.
Academic Integrity:
Expanded OAI Board: Membership now includes 32 faculty/staff and 52 students. This is significantly reducing adjudication times for academic integrity cases.
Spring Initiatives:
OAI education session for classes, departments, or organizations.
January information sessions for faculty/staff on Quinnipiac's Academic Integrity process.
Teaching Evaluation Working Group: Our Teaching Evaluation Working Group is focused on enhancing how we assess and support effective teaching. This dedicated team includes a diverse mix of faculty and administrators: Associate Dean of School of Business Poonam Arora, Assistant Provost for Learning Assessment and Research Michael Ben Avie, Part-Time Faculty Anne Harrigan, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs & Development Stephanie Jacobson, Associate Professor of Nursing Linda Merritt, Assistant Professor of Education Christina Pavlak, Director of Faculty Advancement & Teaching Excellence Sara Rzeszutek, and Associate Professor of Psychology Angela Walker. Stay tuned for updates on their progress and recommendations!
Sabbaticals: Congratulations to the faculty members awarded sabbaticals for the 2025-26 academic year: Ashley Brandon (SoC), Lisa Burns (SoC), Wendy Ceccucci (SoB), Scott Davies (CAS), Louis Deaett (CAS), Mohammad Elahee (SoB), Donna Latella (SHS) Courtney McGinnis (CAS), Patricia Norberg (SoB), Summit Osur (SoC), Mary Paddock (CAS), & Jaime Ullinger (CAS). We look forward to the exciting projects and scholarship this time will enable.
Faculty Affairs Fellows: Our inaugural seven Faculty Affairs Fellows completed their projects in Fall 2024. They’ve led initiatives to advance faculty, staff, and student success and engagement. Thank you to Lynn Byers (SoCE), Grant Crawford (SoCE), Mohammad Elahee (SoB), Hilary Fussell Sisco (SoC), Penny Leisring (CAS), Katie Place (SoC), and Tracy Van Oss (SHS) for their efforts!
Applications Open for 2025/2026 Cohort: Full-time faculty at the rank of Associate or Full interested in applying should submit their applications to provost@quinnipiac.edu by January 31 at 4 p.m.
Faculty Development: We’ve curated programs and resources to inspire and support your work this semester:
Spring 2025 Semester Spark: Faulty and staff jumpstarted the semester with workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. Topics included innovative teaching strategies, supporting student mental health, leveraging technology in the classroom, and a keynote address by Catherine Denial to kick off the One Book One University Initiative.
One Book One University Initiative: We’re launching the One Book, One University initiative – a campus-wide opportunity to spark dialogue and foster community, with the generous support of a grant from the CT Office of Higher Education. This year’s shared book is A Pedagogy of Kindness. Join us in this effort to create, a kinder, more collaborative campus. How to get involved:
Get the Book: Pick up a copy at the Arnold Bernhard Library (Mount Carmel Campus) or Netter Library (North Haven Campus). E-books are also accessible through the library website.
Join the Discussion: Dive deeper into the book’s themes through formal workshops and casual conversations throughout the semester. Sign up for sessions here. Spring Discussion Schedule:
Tuesday, February 4, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. (MNH-Pondview): Kindness to Self (Chapter 1)
Monday, March 3, 10 - 11 a.m. (CCE-250): Kindness and the Syllabus (Chapter 2)
Wednesday, April 9, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. (MNH-Pondview): Kindness and Assessment (Chapter 3)
Thursday, May 1, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. (CCE-250): Kindness in the Classroom (Chapter 4)
Faculty Writing Retreat: Need time and space to focus on your writing projects? Our retreats provide structured, distraction-free time for scholarly writing, complete with peer support and expert guidance.
Friday, February 21, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. in Rocky Top – register here
February 24-March 9 – NCFDD 14-Day Writing Challenge – register here
Monday, March 10, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. in Rocky Top– register here
NCFDD Membership: Join the 350+ Quinnipiac faculty, staff, and graduate students already benefiting from the many research, teaching, and professional development resources of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). Create your free profile today.
Professional Development Fund: We’re pleased to offer generously provided donor funds to support faculty presenting scholarly work at conferences. You can apply for reimbursement of eligible travel expenses here.
Library Resources:
Dedicated Librarian Support: Our librarians are here to assist with research, course materials, and integrating library resources into your teaching. Submit a request here.
Publishing Open Access: Publishing open access is a great way to make your research publication more easily available to a wider audience. Quinnipiac Libraries have begun to negotiate journal licensing deals which will let Quinnipiac authors publish open access free of any fees. For more information visit the library guide.
Empowering Student Research: The QUIP-RS (Quinnipiac University Interdisciplinary Program for Research and Scholarship) program funds research opportunities for undergraduates during the summer. This initiative supports collaborative faculty-student research projects. Look out for information sessions and calls for proposals this semester.
Pre-College Summer Programs: Take advantage of early bird reduced tuition by registering your eligible dependents by January 15. Employees also receive a 15% discount through June 1, email summerprograms@qu.edu for more info. Check out new programs and continuing favorites!
New Executive Education Programs: Several new executive education programs have launched, marking a first for QU! Share this exciting opportunity with your network: Explore Programs.
Spring Lifelong Learning Thank You Reception: We couldn’t do any of this without you! Join us for a reception open to all faculty and staff – April 1 at On The Rocks Pub – RSVP here.
New Webpage: Check out ORSP’s new Sharepoint site, which includes all you need to know about:
Funding Opportunities: We launched Pivot-RP Fund Finder, designed to help you discover federal, state, and private funding opportunities. Visit Find the Right Funding for Your Research for more information or email orsp@quinnipiac.edu.
Cayuse: We’ve transitioned to Cayuse grant management software, a centralized hub for all project-related information, agreements, and other grant management materials. Visit Cayuse Tutorials for more information or attend Office Hours.
Career Development & Experiential Learning:
Spring Career Fairs:
Health Professions Career Fair: February 26 (North Haven campus)
University-wide Career Fair: March 5 (Mount Carmel campus)
New 1-Credit Career Course: Introducing QU120 iDesign: Creating Your Personal Journey at Quinnipiac and Beyond. This pilot course empowers students to apply design thinking to craft purposeful academic and career paths. Students will engage in self-reflection and gain tools to design meaningful futures. Please recommend it to students who could benefit.
Focus 2 Career Platform: Now accessible to all undergraduate students, this tool helps students explore career paths aligned with their majors to make informed decisions in their career development. This platform is a game-changer for career readiness. Please consider incorporating this tool into your classes and/or advising sessions, where applicable. The career development staff are available to support you if you choose to adopt it.
Mental Health & Wellness: We remain committed to fostering a supportive campus environment that prioritizes well-being. This semester consider participating in these impactful, ongoing training opportunities:
Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR): Learn to recognize and respond to suicide warning signs.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA): Equip yourself to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges.
How to register: Visit RecWell to sign up.
Global Engagement:
Galpin Internationalization Grants: Apply by February 15th for up to $6,000 to:
Develop a faculty-led course abroad.
Conduct research at a partner institution.
Host an international scholar for collaborative work.
Study Abroad Growth: Participation in semester abroad programs have increased 16.5%. We’re also exploring exciting new opportunities in Perth, Australia (open to all majors) and Iceland (focused on Computing and Engineering).
Faculty-Led Programs: This spring and summer, 17 faculty-led programs will take students to destinations including the Bahamas, Bonaire, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Guatemala, Italy, Japan, Poland and Portugal. Winter break programs included Costa Rica, Morocco, and more.
Campus Facilities:
Capital Construction Projects: Upgrades to our campus reflect Quinnipiac's commitment to creating spaces where faculty, staff, and students are supported to thrive.
South Quad: Major construction will wrap up this semester, with the School of Business and The SITE ready for summer move-in. These state-of-the-art facilities are designed to enhance collaboration, support student learning, and provide faculty with cutting-edge spaces for research and teaching.
Additional Summer Construction:
Buckman will be completely vacated.
The office and laboratory modular buildings in the CAS parking lot will be removed.
Construction on the new bookstore will begin this summer and will take 6-8 months to complete.
Office of Conferences and Events: The recently established team centralizes and streamlines the coordination of events, including identifying appropriate locations, reserving spaces, and managing other event logistics such as facilities requirements, IT support, and catering needs. Visit the newly launched website to explore the resources available.
Teaching and Learning Support: QILT is faculty’s one-stop resource for all teaching and learning related support. For general inquiries, you can contact the QILT team by email at QILT@qu.edu or visit their website.
Quinnipiac University Syllabus Guide: Explore this new guide to help you structure your course syllabus effectively and incorporate key items for teaching and learning success. Consider also including mental health resources for students.
Blackboard Training: If you are new to Blackboard or need a refresher, watch our Blackboard Basics: Setting Up for Success recorded training. This session covers essential tips for organizing your course, using key features, and setting up your course for a strong start.
LMS Transition: We are rolling out our new Learning Management System (LMS) – Canvas. Designed with your needs in mind, this platform offers enhanced capabilities to streamline your course delivery and foster student engagement. For the latest updates on migration timelines, resources, and frequently asked questions, visit the Canvas Migration Information page. Use the Canvas Request Form to:
Submit any Canvas-related questions, comments, or requests.
Initiate program-related discussions on the migration process.
Opt-in to teach in Canvas starting in the Summer 2025 term.
Artificial Intelligence Resources: We’ve made a number of updates to our AI resources, including:
Recommendations and guidance for AI Tools at Quinnipiac.
Teaching tips and other AI-related resources.
If you want to arrange AI related training for individuals, groups, or department email QILT@qu.edu.
Communities of Practice: We’re launching new Communities of Practice for the Spring 2025 semester. These Communities of Practice will bring colleagues together to discuss, collaborate, and share ideas about best practices on a particular topic in teaching and learning. Topics will include AI in the Classroom, Online Teaching, and Inclusive Pedagogies. If you are interested in adding other topics and would be willing to co-facilitate, email sara.rzeszutek@quinnipiac.edu.
Saulnier Family Fund: The Saulnier Family Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Faculty Fund provides monetary support for faculty who travel to present pedagogical scholarship at professional conferences. Apply by February 1, 2025.
Inclusive Excellence in Teaching Lab (IETL):
Fellowship Planning: Jennifer Dauphinais (SoE) will be taking the lead on IETL in the Spring semester to work on grant writing and planning for the future.
Inclusive Excellence Resource Library: IETL fellows have curated a library of resources available in the Office of Inclusive Excellence (CCE-190). Books include Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Instructional Moves for Powerful Teaching in Higher Education, Inclusive Learning in Higher Education, and more.
Quinnipiac University Writing and Critical Thinking (QUWACT): Thank you to Caitlin Hanlon (CAS) and Ari Perez (SoCE) for their continued leadership. They are working on developing resources for faculty to use in teaching, including AI to develop rubrics and Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs). If you would like to get involved, email sara.rzeszutek@quinnipiac.edu.
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