In photos: Men's ice hockey wins national championship

For the first time in program history, the Quinnipiac men's ice hockey program won the national championship! The Bobcats scored three unanswered goals to down Minnesota, 3-2, in overtime at Amalie Arena in the 2023 NCAA Division I title contest on Saturday.

Quinnipiac ice hockey team admiring NCAA trophyQuinnipiac ice hockey team pours water on the coach to celebrateNewspapers held up behind the glass with hockey team holding up trophyHockey team holding trophy and smilingCoach holding trophy with the president of Quinnipiac UniversityCoach holding up trophy with the hockey team cheeringQuinnipiac ice hockey team celebrates holding NCAA championship posterIce hockey team posing and cheering with trophyTeammate cutting goalTwo teammates cutting goalQuinnipiac ice hockey team handed NCAA trophyQuinnipiac ice hockey team crowding together to hold trophyIce hockey team piling on top of each other to celebrateIce hockey team running towards each otherHockey team scoring goal against MinnesotaQuinnipiac ice hockey teammate waiting by Minnesota goal, blocking goalie

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