Living-learning communities offer students a unique first-year experience

May 04, 2022

Three students, Kailee Heffler, and Anna Buonomo '20 '21 (3+1) School of Comm, and Diana LaRock '21 Nursing, smiling in their Westview Residence Hall room

Developing your own community at college can take time, effort and experimentation.

At Quinnipiac, finding a community in your residence hall can be as easy as clicking a button based on your interests. Here, they’re called LLCs – living-learning communities.

Living-learning communities are exactly what they sound like – the opportunity to live with a community of other first-year students who are grouped together based on interest, passion or educational relevance. The LLCs allow students to participate in community-wide programming, social outings and create connections to last a lifetime.

Quinnipiac currently has more than a dozen living-learning communities, including:

  • Business 3+1
  • Communications 3+1
  • Engineering and Computer Science
  • eSports Arena
  • Honors
  • Get in the Game
  • Interprofessional Healthcare
  • Law and Legal Systems
  • Live Well
  • Multicultural
  • Natural Sciences
  • Nursing
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Social Justice and Advocacy
  • Unity

There is even an LLC for second-year students, who are in the honors program.

Chief Experience Officer Tom Ellett stressed the importance of students choosing to live in an LLC.

“Students in LLCs have a better and stronger connection with their peers and can use their time in their respective living-learning community as academic support mechanisms. They sometimes share classes, and they tend to break the ice more easily because they are coming to a floor knowing that there is a commonality right from the beginning; there is an immediate bonding that happens. The research here at Quinnipiac — and nationally — is that students living in LLCs have a higher retention rate and higher GPA as well,” Ellett said.

Learn more about Quinnipiac’s growing number of living-learning communities

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