High school students gain academic, creative edge through Quinnipiac Academy

October 20, 2022

Students study in Arnold Bernhard Library

When a student becomes involved in something they are passionate about, we often hear a common refrain: “I wish I had known about this sooner.”

The Quinnipiac University Academy gives high school students the unique opportunity to explore subjects they love while earning transferrable college credits in the process.

Peyton Mackenzie, ’24 was first introduced to Quinnipiac Academy when his high school started offering a visual design course during his senior year.

His graphic design teacher saw loads of potential within the academy, and Mackenzie attributes the success he is enjoying at Quinnipiac in part to his early exposure to the program through the Quinnipiac Academy.

“Coming in with those extra credits gave me one less class to worry about and allowed me to get a jump start on the curriculum that I would be learning,” said Mackenzie.

Riley Propersi ’26 began building the foundation of her academic career earlier than many of her peers.

“Since I was able to earn college credits in high school through the Quinnipiac Academy, I had a jumpstart on earning credits in my major, which led me to pursue the 3+1 program. I will now graduate with my master’s degree in four years, giving me a competitive edge when seeking employment.”

Propersi had the opportunity to get hands-on experience in all different forms of media through her time participating in the academy.

Propersi had the opportunity to create a tribute film to be played at her high school’s annual sports banquet.

“I went from setting up interviews, calling people to introduce myself, sending emails, to traveling to a banquet to see my finished project. I felt so proud of myself that I decided to learn all of these camera skills as well as skills that help me set up interviews, and I would not have had this opportunity if I didn't join the DMCA and QU academy,” she said.

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