Fellow learns the importance of local government through planning and zoning work

June 25, 2024

Michael Scott stands in front of building

After returning from a semester in Washington D.C., Michael Scott ‘25 knew he wanted to explore more forms of government this summer.

As a Quinnipiac Presidential Public Service Fellow, Scott serves in Hamden's planning and zoning department.

During his time in the town's planning and zoning department, Scott has expanded his role since serving as a legal intern in Washington D.C.

Wanting to explore more forms of government and continue to expand on his career goals of being an attorney, Scott said he feels excited in the new position and all the knowledge he will take away from the experience.

“Making an impact on the local community is what excites me the most about being a fellow,” said Scott.

While with the planning and zoning department, Scott wants to learn the way a local government operates. Taking on a new role since his time in Washington D.C., Scott wants to see how the functions of a local government can benefit and achieve goals for their respective town.

The Hamden planning and zoning department is responsible for the usage of land and overall town development.

When the summer is over, Scott will be able to combine his skills and time as a legal intern and planning and department fellow and use it to further his future career. From his time in both positions, Scott has felt that they will help better his education and prepare him to achieve his goal of becoming an attorney.

One of the biggest takeaways from his time as a fellow is the importance of local government and its functions. It is something he did not fully understand before his time as a fellow, he said, but now has left an indelible impact on him and is something he wants everyone to understand and learn from.

“Supporting your local government is important because it affects your day-to-day life more than you would expect,” said Scott.

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