As 2023 comes to a close at QU, we look back at many milestones and proud moments

We are excited to celebrate another successful year of Quinnipiac. Join us as we show some of the highlights captured in 2023.

’Twas the night before break, when all through QU,

Our memories and milestones were more than a few,

The Recreation and Wellness Center greeted us all,

With treadmills and smoothies and a rock-climbing wall.

Nursing marked the 50th anniversary of its very first class,

And our Netter students matched, from California to Mass.

Commencement saw us confer more than 3,000 degrees,

While the South Quad rose toward the sky and the trees.

We gave back to our communities with compassion and care,

From The Big Event and QTHON to the Boo Bash — beware!

After three years away, GAME Forum was back in New York City,

Because Bobcats never stay down, we’re tough and we’re gritty,

We studied across Europe and at the World Cup in Sydney,

While one of our professors saved an alumna, with the gift of a kidney.

Record crowds came home this October, to laugh and rejoice,

As an ambitious Quinnipiac family, we all share one voice, 

“Let’s Go, Bobcats!” belongs to us, it’s our exclusive refrain,

When we lift each other up, we have everything to gain, 

We cheered for men’s ice hockey as they won the Frozen Four,

They reached the peak of success and what we strive for,

At Quinnipiac, we soar and inspire, we don’t need a reason,

Enjoy these 2023 memories and be well this holiday season.

From President Judy Olian to the Bobcat family:

"As 2023 comes to a close, I am thrilled with the momentum we’ve built and the many milestones our Quinnipiac family has achieved this past year. I wish you restful and joyous holidays with your loved ones, and look forward to the promise of even more memorable achievements that we’ll accomplish, together, in 2024."

Attend a Fall Open House

Saturday, September 21
Sunday, October 20
Saturday, November 16

Want to learn what Quinnipiac is all about? We invite you to join us at an Open House, where our students, faculty and staff will introduce you to life as a Bobcat through a variety of sessions and tours.

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